Broken Triad

Broken Triad - Version 1.0 - May 2008
Author: Eshaktaar (Renzo Th?nen)
Contact info:
Date of release: May 2008
Due to a bug in the first mission that refuses to disappear, Garrett's feet tend
to "slip" into the ground occasionally (it mostly happens at slopes). You can
recognize this when his footsteps don't make any sound. If this happens, Garrett
can't climb the slightest step. To get unstuck, you simply need to jump.
Note: This mission takes place a few months after the events in Ominous Bequest.
If you haven't played the prequel, I recommend playing it first.
Arkford. A six days' march northeast of the City; far enough for me to keep a
low profile. The events in and underneath Farrington Manor compelled me to leave
my usual field of activity for a while.
Arkford's citizens have high standards when it comes to their prosperity. Nobody
asks you how you amassed your riches, though, which made me fit right in. Still,
I don't plan on overstaying my welcome, and after three months I've seen about
enough of this conceited town. Tonight's job will be my farewell present before
I head back to the City.
A stone bust called "The Sleeper" is currently on display in the local museum,
the Harrogate. The bust is as ugly a piece of art as it is a coveted item among
collectors. Instead of being a useless dust gatherer, it would serve a much
better purpose if it earned me some money, so I'm going to make it mine.
What makes this task interesting are the elaborate security measures surrounding
the sculpture. The bust sits on a pressure plate that triggers the alarm at the
slightest change of weight. I assigned a sculptor to create a replica of
identical weight which I'm going to exchange for the original. For the time
being, that's the only detail I know about Harrogate's security system.
Lucky for me, a renowned security inspector happens to be in town, and he has
written a detailed report about the Harrogate's safety precautions. This report
might prove useful in my endeavor. I also managed to befriend one of the
museum's curators, Sheila Jennings, and persuaded her to borrow a few keys for
me by tonight.
It's time for me to pay the museum a late visit. The quicker I finish this job,
the sooner I get away from Arkford. This town is starting to give me headaches.
Gameplay Hints:
Your equipment will be carried over from mission 1 to mission 2. Unneeded items,
like keys, will be discarded automatically.
Later on you'll find a new kind of arrow which can be accessed with the
noisemaker arrow's hotkey (default: 9).
A lot of what you can read contains hints to puzzles in the mission. If you are
stuck, try to remember what you've read before. Especially notes that go into
your inventory most likely contain information you'll need later on.
One puzzle in the first mission requires you to identify a sequence of tones.
If you have trouble solving this puzzle on your own, you can find a picture of
the solution within your Thief 2 folder, inside a directory called BT_TonePuzzle.
The purpose of some items you pick up won't be apparent right away. Just keep
them with you, as their use will be made clear later on. You shouldn't resort
to using everything with everything in the hopes of triggering something.
In the first mission, try to get the security report as soon as possible.
Anything you discover in secret areas (message 'Secret Found') is optional and
not essential for finishing the game.
Some elements of the mission are determined randomly at the beginning and might
change on a restart.
Due to the missions' complexity, your inventory will grow quite a bit. Keep in
mind that you can drop keys if you don't need them anymore. Every key in the
first mission is clearly labelled to make it obvious when it is of no more use.
Technical Notes:
This FM uses custom scripts by Telliamed (tnhScript & Public Scripts) and
Nameless Voice (NVScript). The necessary files are already included.
The archive contains .ogg audio files. Play with the latest version of
DarkLoader or GarrettLoader to make sure they are extracted properly.
Play with fog enabled, if you can. The fog is very distant and dark, and it
should look OK on all graphics cards. Only the first mission features fog.
Don't save your game during conversations (when somebody is either talking to
you or to somebody else. This does not include the usual guard comments). Due to
a bug in Thief 2, this might screw up the mission if you reload from this
savegame, and you could get into a dead end. Wait until the entire conversation
has finished before you save.
Play Information:
Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: Broken Triad
File names: miss20.mis, miss21.mis, smith2.gam
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: Yes
Map / automap: Yes / No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
EAX support: Not yet
Multi language support: No
Briefing: No
Difficulty Level Info:
The lower difficulties feature lesser enemies, and some of the puzzles can be
circumvented. All areas are accessible in all difficulties, though, so you won't
miss anything essential when not playing on Expert.
This mission can be played in all difficulties without having to blackjack or
directly attack a single enemy.
Base: Again, my disturbed mind
Build Time: FOUR (4) years working on and off
Loading Information:
Use the most recent version of DarkLoader or GarrettLoader to run this mission.
Do not unzip this archive, unless you enjoy deleting files from your Thief 2
folder manually.
Voice Credits:
Custom Objects & Meshes Credits:
Nameless Voice -
Rob Hicks
Targa -
Vigil -
Eshaktaar -
Custom Textures Credits:
_unDuLe -
David Gurrea -
Iikka Ker?nen
Image After -
Lemog -
Rorshach -
TextureLab -
Vigil -
Yandros -
Eshaktaar -
Custom Music & Sound Credits:
Piano tune: Zil
Bar music: Dufay Collective -
Various SFX & ambients: Cosmicdreamer -
New snow footstep sounds: Rudyard
Sounds from by the following authors:
Walter Odington
Custom Scripts Credits:
Nameless Voice -
Telliamed -
Pre-Beta Tester:
Beta Testers:
Freddy Fox
Nameless Voice
Peter Smith
Special Thanks to:
Shadowspawn for his invaluable utilities to create custom objects, meshes, and
Yandros for giving us a place at his forum for beta testing.
Nameless Voice for the modified NVOnscreenText script
Telliamed for making OnScreenText work on Windows 2000
All the helpful people at TTLG's Editors' Guild (
Looking Glass Studios (RIP) for making Thief.
If you find anybody missing in the credits, please let me know. I gathered the
resources used in this mission during four years, and I might have overlooked
If you want to use any of the custom stuff from this mission in your own, please
contact me. I should be able to provide you with detailed info about who made
This fan-mission uses Public Scripts. Copyright (c) 2007 Tom N Harris.
This software is licensed under terms of the GNU General Public License.
Please see for more
information, or write to
tnhScript Copyright (c) 2003 Tom N Harris
All Rights Reserved.
This level is (c) by Renzo Th?nen, May 2008.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Broken Triad - Version 1.0 - May 2008
Author: Eshaktaar (Renzo Th?nen)
Contact info:
Date of release: May 2008
Due to a bug in the first mission that refuses to disappear, Garrett's feet tend
to "slip" into the ground occasionally (it mostly happens at slopes). You can
recognize this when his footsteps don't make any sound. If this happens, Garrett
can't climb the slightest step. To get unstuck, you simply need to jump.
Note: This mission takes place a few months after the events in Ominous Bequest.
If you haven't played the prequel, I recommend playing it first.
Arkford. A six days' march northeast of the City; far enough for me to keep a
low profile. The events in and underneath Farrington Manor compelled me to leave
my usual field of activity for a while.
Arkford's citizens have high standards when it comes to their prosperity. Nobody
asks you how you amassed your riches, though, which made me fit right in. Still,
I don't plan on overstaying my welcome, and after three months I've seen about
enough of this conceited town. Tonight's job will be my farewell present before
I head back to the City.
A stone bust called "The Sleeper" is currently on display in the local museum,
the Harrogate. The bust is as ugly a piece of art as it is a coveted item among
collectors. Instead of being a useless dust gatherer, it would serve a much
better purpose if it earned me some money, so I'm going to make it mine.
What makes this task interesting are the elaborate security measures surrounding
the sculpture. The bust sits on a pressure plate that triggers the alarm at the
slightest change of weight. I assigned a sculptor to create a replica of
identical weight which I'm going to exchange for the original. For the time
being, that's the only detail I know about Harrogate's security system.
Lucky for me, a renowned security inspector happens to be in town, and he has
written a detailed report about the Harrogate's safety precautions. This report
might prove useful in my endeavor. I also managed to befriend one of the
museum's curators, Sheila Jennings, and persuaded her to borrow a few keys for
me by tonight.
It's time for me to pay the museum a late visit. The quicker I finish this job,
the sooner I get away from Arkford. This town is starting to give me headaches.
Gameplay Hints:
Your equipment will be carried over from mission 1 to mission 2. Unneeded items,
like keys, will be discarded automatically.
Later on you'll find a new kind of arrow which can be accessed with the
noisemaker arrow's hotkey (default: 9).
A lot of what you can read contains hints to puzzles in the mission. If you are
stuck, try to remember what you've read before. Especially notes that go into
your inventory most likely contain information you'll need later on.
One puzzle in the first mission requires you to identify a sequence of tones.
If you have trouble solving this puzzle on your own, you can find a picture of
the solution within your Thief 2 folder, inside a directory called BT_TonePuzzle.
The purpose of some items you pick up won't be apparent right away. Just keep
them with you, as their use will be made clear later on. You shouldn't resort
to using everything with everything in the hopes of triggering something.
In the first mission, try to get the security report as soon as possible.
Anything you discover in secret areas (message 'Secret Found') is optional and
not essential for finishing the game.
Some elements of the mission are determined randomly at the beginning and might
change on a restart.
Due to the missions' complexity, your inventory will grow quite a bit. Keep in
mind that you can drop keys if you don't need them anymore. Every key in the
first mission is clearly labelled to make it obvious when it is of no more use.
Technical Notes:
This FM uses custom scripts by Telliamed (tnhScript & Public Scripts) and
Nameless Voice (NVScript). The necessary files are already included.
The archive contains .ogg audio files. Play with the latest version of
DarkLoader or GarrettLoader to make sure they are extracted properly.
Play with fog enabled, if you can. The fog is very distant and dark, and it
should look OK on all graphics cards. Only the first mission features fog.
Don't save your game during conversations (when somebody is either talking to
you or to somebody else. This does not include the usual guard comments). Due to
a bug in Thief 2, this might screw up the mission if you reload from this
savegame, and you could get into a dead end. Wait until the entire conversation
has finished before you save.
Play Information:
Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: Broken Triad
File names: miss20.mis, miss21.mis, smith2.gam
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: Yes
Map / automap: Yes / No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
EAX support: Not yet
Multi language support: No
Briefing: No
Difficulty Level Info:
The lower difficulties feature lesser enemies, and some of the puzzles can be
circumvented. All areas are accessible in all difficulties, though, so you won't
miss anything essential when not playing on Expert.
This mission can be played in all difficulties without having to blackjack or
directly attack a single enemy.
Base: Again, my disturbed mind
Build Time: FOUR (4) years working on and off
Loading Information:
Use the most recent version of DarkLoader or GarrettLoader to run this mission.
Do not unzip this archive, unless you enjoy deleting files from your Thief 2
folder manually.
Voice Credits:
Custom Objects & Meshes Credits:
Nameless Voice -
Rob Hicks
Targa -
Vigil -
Eshaktaar -
Custom Textures Credits:
_unDuLe -
David Gurrea -
Iikka Ker?nen
Image After -
Lemog -
Rorshach -
TextureLab -
Vigil -
Yandros -
Eshaktaar -
Custom Music & Sound Credits:
Piano tune: Zil
Bar music: Dufay Collective -
Various SFX & ambients: Cosmicdreamer -
New snow footstep sounds: Rudyard
Sounds from by the following authors:
Walter Odington
Custom Scripts Credits:
Nameless Voice -
Telliamed -
Pre-Beta Tester:
Beta Testers:
Freddy Fox
Nameless Voice
Peter Smith
Special Thanks to:
Shadowspawn for his invaluable utilities to create custom objects, meshes, and
Yandros for giving us a place at his forum for beta testing.
Nameless Voice for the modified NVOnscreenText script
Telliamed for making OnScreenText work on Windows 2000
All the helpful people at TTLG's Editors' Guild (
Looking Glass Studios (RIP) for making Thief.
If you find anybody missing in the credits, please let me know. I gathered the
resources used in this mission during four years, and I might have overlooked
If you want to use any of the custom stuff from this mission in your own, please
contact me. I should be able to provide you with detailed info about who made
This fan-mission uses Public Scripts. Copyright (c) 2007 Tom N Harris.
This software is licensed under terms of the GNU General Public License.
Please see for more
information, or write to
tnhScript Copyright (c) 2003 Tom N Harris
All Rights Reserved.
This level is (c) by Renzo Th?nen, May 2008.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
• Uploaded 30.05.2008
• Size 53.93 Mb