Underground Escape

Underground Escape
Underground Escape -- a Thief 2 fan mission, made by a (currently unnamed) Taffer...
UndergroundEscape.zip - Released in June, 2002
And he departed, and went in search of that which was troubling him.
And, as it was written, he fell into a trap, as many before him had done.
And when all was said and done, Garrett lived, and evil died, and the balance was preserved.
And the Keepers fired Keeper Andorbut, for his over-use of the word 'and'.
And all celebrated.
---The Book Of Garrett, Chapter 5, Keeper Andorbut, Keeper of the Conjunctions
Author : THEthief (Rachel Ford)
Contact Info : ramona@triver.com
Homepage : -
Date of Release : June, 2002
Story :
About a year ago, Garrett left the city; the corruption and cruelty was too much, even for a hardened Thief, such as himself. Living in the country, though, Garrett hasn't found much to rob - he decided to pay a few of his "favorite" noblemen in town a visit. Luckily, since Garrett's 'disappearance' from the crime scene, security hasn't been so necessary (is he good, or what...??). Loot was a lot easier to find, and guards were a lot harder to find. All was going well for Garrett, until he decided to check out the strange whirring noises coming from the graveyard near his little cottage.
Grabbing his map, and depositing his loot safely in his (well hidden) hiding place (what's the sense of having a hiding place, if it's not well hidden??), Garrett heads toward the old Hammer grave...he hears his footfall, against the cobble stone path. He notices how the graves have not been kept well at all, and wonders if this is because of the rumors about what resides under the graves. "Ahh well," he decides, ignoring the shivers going down his spine, as a result of the eirie atmosphere. "Such things don't scare me...As long as it's down there, and I'm up here..." At that very moment, as he steps forward, he feels nothing beneath him. As he tumbles into the darkness below, he wonders what awaits him...
Author, designer, editor, writer and mapper (have I missed anything...??): Anonymous (for the time being...who knows, depending on how this is recieved, I may remain that way;))
Beta Tester: Frobber - thanks a million!! :)
Thanks to:
KoMaG (Ben Ramsey) - I can't thank you enough for all you've done, not just for the Thief community, but for the beginning Dromeders (such as myself). Thank you very, very much!!
Frobber - And, of course, your assistance is also appreciated very, very much!! THANK YOU!! :)
RicknMel - Thank you so much for your help. :) I really, really appreciate it!
Apache - Thank you, as well, for all your help - you've been very kind, and I do appreciate it!! :)
ChristineS - Thank you for your assistance - it is very appreciated!
Planeshifter - Your assistance is also greatly appreciated!! :)
Howie and Gumdrop - As is yours...:D
Salvage, ALittleMouse, The_Thief, and everyone else who's not mentioned above, that took the time to write tutorials for us beginners, as well as the advanced Dromeders, you have my sincere thanks!! (No, I absolutely refuse to repeat the word 'appreciate' again!!...;))
Also, sincere help to those of you who helped me with my mission that aren't listed - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
****Playing Info****
Game : Thief2
Mission Title : Underground Escape
File Name : Miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No
Base Size : 40X40X40
* Construction *
Base : Totally from scratch :)
Build Time : [old, cracking voice]WAYYYY TOOO LONG, SONNY!!![/old, cracking voice]
Known bugs: Not sure if this is actually a bug, but some areas are cramped (it is, after all, only a 40X40X40 mission:)). If you find any bugs, well, wait until my name is revealed, and email 'em to me!! :)
Other comments: This level is Copyrighted, 2002, by Taffer Industries. It may be distributed freely, as long as there is NO CHANGE whatsoever. :)
Also, this is my first mission, so don't expect TOO much. :) But I hope you have fun, and enjoy playing it (at least as much as I enjoyed making it)!! :D
This level was not made by, or supported by, Looking Glass Studios, or Eidos Interactive. :)
Underground Escape -- a Thief 2 fan mission, made by a (currently unnamed) Taffer...
UndergroundEscape.zip - Released in June, 2002
And he departed, and went in search of that which was troubling him.
And, as it was written, he fell into a trap, as many before him had done.
And when all was said and done, Garrett lived, and evil died, and the balance was preserved.
And the Keepers fired Keeper Andorbut, for his over-use of the word 'and'.
And all celebrated.
---The Book Of Garrett, Chapter 5, Keeper Andorbut, Keeper of the Conjunctions
Author : THEthief (Rachel Ford)
Contact Info : ramona@triver.com
Homepage : -
Date of Release : June, 2002
Story :
About a year ago, Garrett left the city; the corruption and cruelty was too much, even for a hardened Thief, such as himself. Living in the country, though, Garrett hasn't found much to rob - he decided to pay a few of his "favorite" noblemen in town a visit. Luckily, since Garrett's 'disappearance' from the crime scene, security hasn't been so necessary (is he good, or what...??). Loot was a lot easier to find, and guards were a lot harder to find. All was going well for Garrett, until he decided to check out the strange whirring noises coming from the graveyard near his little cottage.
Grabbing his map, and depositing his loot safely in his (well hidden) hiding place (what's the sense of having a hiding place, if it's not well hidden??), Garrett heads toward the old Hammer grave...he hears his footfall, against the cobble stone path. He notices how the graves have not been kept well at all, and wonders if this is because of the rumors about what resides under the graves. "Ahh well," he decides, ignoring the shivers going down his spine, as a result of the eirie atmosphere. "Such things don't scare me...As long as it's down there, and I'm up here..." At that very moment, as he steps forward, he feels nothing beneath him. As he tumbles into the darkness below, he wonders what awaits him...
Author, designer, editor, writer and mapper (have I missed anything...??): Anonymous (for the time being...who knows, depending on how this is recieved, I may remain that way;))
Beta Tester: Frobber - thanks a million!! :)
Thanks to:
KoMaG (Ben Ramsey) - I can't thank you enough for all you've done, not just for the Thief community, but for the beginning Dromeders (such as myself). Thank you very, very much!!
Frobber - And, of course, your assistance is also appreciated very, very much!! THANK YOU!! :)
RicknMel - Thank you so much for your help. :) I really, really appreciate it!
Apache - Thank you, as well, for all your help - you've been very kind, and I do appreciate it!! :)
ChristineS - Thank you for your assistance - it is very appreciated!
Planeshifter - Your assistance is also greatly appreciated!! :)
Howie and Gumdrop - As is yours...:D
Salvage, ALittleMouse, The_Thief, and everyone else who's not mentioned above, that took the time to write tutorials for us beginners, as well as the advanced Dromeders, you have my sincere thanks!! (No, I absolutely refuse to repeat the word 'appreciate' again!!...;))
Also, sincere help to those of you who helped me with my mission that aren't listed - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
****Playing Info****
Game : Thief2
Mission Title : Underground Escape
File Name : Miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No
Base Size : 40X40X40
* Construction *
Base : Totally from scratch :)
Build Time : [old, cracking voice]WAYYYY TOOO LONG, SONNY!!![/old, cracking voice]
Known bugs: Not sure if this is actually a bug, but some areas are cramped (it is, after all, only a 40X40X40 mission:)). If you find any bugs, well, wait until my name is revealed, and email 'em to me!! :)
Other comments: This level is Copyrighted, 2002, by Taffer Industries. It may be distributed freely, as long as there is NO CHANGE whatsoever. :)
Also, this is my first mission, so don't expect TOO much. :) But I hope you have fun, and enjoy playing it (at least as much as I enjoyed making it)!! :D
This level was not made by, or supported by, Looking Glass Studios, or Eidos Interactive. :)
• Uploaded 31.05.2002
• Size 379.21 Kb