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Secret Weapon :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Secret Weapon

Title : Secret Weapon
Filename : Secret Weapon.zip
Author : Thorin Oakenshield (aka Mike Eyre)
Contact info : ?????????????

Date of release : Jan. 15 2003
Update :

Description :The Keepers never embrace a cause. Embracing a cause would be to lose their
balance. However, it seems they always have you to call on whenever they have
need of an unbalanced individual to do their dirty work for them. It seems that
the Mechanists little invasion of the pagan wood uncovered artifacts that now
pose a serious risk to the City of Dayport.When the Mechanists found the portal
to the pagan wood, they killed all the pagans and found a magic crystal that
can allegedly cause a terrifying metamorphosis. It supposedly transforms humans
into something else! The mechanist scientists have analyzed the compounds in the
crystals, and have developed a method of manufacturing them. Word is the work is
slow for now, but they are working on ways to mass produce the crystals and use
them in arrows to defeat the town. If the Mechanists can actually effect some strange
transformation on the population of the city, they will be able to wreak havoc on
the population without anyone to stop them. Get to the locked chamber at the top of
the tower and find these crystals. The Keepers have said that no one with any knowledge
of these crystals must relay it to anyone else. What the Keepers will never say, you
understand. You must kill the Mechanist scientists with the knowledge of this arrow.
Find the arrows. Bring back at least one to the Keepers for preservation. Find the
scientists' notebook on the magic arrows, and return it to the Keepers as well.
Keeper agents also suspect that an ancient pagan text explaining the myth of the
crystals is also in the building, possibly in the library. Return it to the Keepers.

Beta Testers :

Special thanks :

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Name : Secret Weapon
File name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment store : No
Map : Yes
Automap : No
New graphics : No
New sounds : No
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No, English only

Briefing : No

Known bugs :
Update :

Other info :

Base : from scratch
Build Time : 1 month


Loading information : Place in your FM folder and run through Darkloader. Do not unzip.

* Copyright *

This level is copyright by Thorin Oakenshield and may not be used in whole or in part in any
other mission except with express permission by the author. You may disseminate this mission
as it is freely, so long as it is not for profit. This level was not made and is not supported
by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 15.01.2003
• Size 1.31 Mb
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