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READ THIS FILE BEFORE PLAYING (it may save you from getting irritated)!

Title : Thief 2: Thievery?
Author : Dark Arrow (Jari M?kinen)
Contact info : jari@virpi.net
Date of release : January 22, 2003
Description : Contest 4 FM. A multiplayer type of
FM (with bots) in Thief world.

Ladies and gentlemen

We are gathered here for the eight Thievery:
Championship. It has been a couple of years
since the last competition was held, but once
again all the thieves in the city (that aren't
spending their time in Cragsleft) are here to
take part. Most of the old clans are here and
we also some new clans.

But I have a feeling (the flying tomatoes also
gave me a hint) that you aren't interested in
hearing me talk about the obvious, so let me
tell you about the rules we have (yes we have
rules in here):

Competition organizers have randomly picked missions for each clan.
Organizers have also cased the mission area and have builded a score table
for each mission. The score table has been balanced with each competiting clan
and added to the clans note page.

The clans can have three members assigned in a mission. They all take
different roles before the mission begins. Different roles are Sniper/Assassin,
Burglar and Support/Treasure Hunter. Each clan can decide what members they
will use in a mission and what roles these members will take. Different roles
have different jobs that they must do and different starting gear. Each clan
decides what the specific jobs for each roles are, when planning on how to do
the mission. The starting gear for each role is decided by the organizers and
you should have a list of the allowed starting gear for each role in your note
page. The starting gear will limit what jobs the different roles can do. Players
AREN'T ALLOWED to give their starting gear to each other, but they can keep
everything they find while they are on the mission.

Well that should cover most of the rules. Remember you will be watched while
you are on the job and cheating won't be tolerated. You all have been given your
missions and I wish you good luck.

You and your new clan has been given a job to steal a golden skull, from one of the
noble's house in the city. The golden skull is kept on the second floor in the noble's
house safe. Although you trust in the skills of your burglar, you have decided to get
the key to the safe. The owner of the house usually spends his evenings in a nearby
pub. Support will go in the pub and get the key. At the same time Sniper will get
to the roof and Burglar will do his best to get into the sewer maintenance room and
open the gates in the sewers. Once Support has obtained the key he will proceed to the
sewers. After Support has opened the sewer hatch Sniper will put out the torches.
Support will then proceed to the streetlight control panel and turn off the street light.
Burglar will run to the front door of the noble's house and get in, while Support
will get to the second floor using the grappling hook. Burglar will do his best to
find the alarm system control panel from the first floor and disable the alarm.
Support will then open the safe, get the skull and lock the safe again. Remember
to close and lock the safe. All evidence points that the alarm system notices
when the safe is opened and unlocked and it might be possible that the alarm system
gets turned back on, after a certain amount of time has passed since it was turned
off. Once the skull has been obtained, Sniper will make sure that the torches aren't
lit and if they are lit, he will put them out. Once the coast is clear, everyone
will return to the storage room as fast as they can.


* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level name : Thief 2: Thievery?
File name : c4thievery
Difficulty Settings : No (only normal, or should I say expert)
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New graphics : No
New sounds : No
New conversations : No
New models : Yes
EAX Support : No
Multi language support : No
Briefing : Text version

Other info : You can win this mission easily, but the main job is to get as
many points as you can and beat the other clans.

Remember to pick up the loot from the 'lootpool' that is infront
of the clan names. This is the place where the loot goes that
the other thieves (bots) have gathered.

Known bugs : Most of the bugs have been fixed, but some of them still remain.
This level was made for people that do not blackjack or
kill people in thief unless they really have to. Blackjacking
certain people or killing certain people may cause wierd looking
Knocking out or killing the guard that patrols the street will
cause some of the pseudo-scripts to not work and make the game
unwinnable (unless you are playing as a burglar).
If you do not alarm the guards, everything will go well. If you do,
then you are going to have trouble.
Reread the briefing (you have it in your inventory), make sure
you have done what is needed and restart (if you see no other option
and..), if you have been waiting for over three minutes without anything
changing in the world.


* Construction *

Base : 80x40x40 solid cube
Map Size : Small (80x40x40)
Build Time : Somewhere between one to two months


* Loading Information *

Do not unzip. Use darkloader to do the unzipping.


* Thanks To *

schwaa for the grappling hook and the toilet signs.
raetsel for fixing my textures.
Rob Hicks for Dedx.
Daemonite for the Thief bowman model and skin.
ShadowSpawn and SilentSleep for their demos and tutorials.
M S Eyre for Thief Book Wizard.
Salvage for his maps and tutorials.
Targa for theblade (assassin blade) and the red potion (poison potion).
YcatX for his help.
Komag for the contest.
Olli for betatesting.
All the people at TTLG.


* Copyright *

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

The maker of this level is not working in the Thievery UT team and if you get irritated by this fm,
do not send them an email, because the Thievery UT team has nothing to do with this fm.


• Uploaded 22.01.2003
• Size 1.48 Mb
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