Unfortunate Formulae

22 January 2003
Title : Unfortunate Formulae
Filename : Uf.zip
Author : Timon
Contact info : tomeksz@poczta.fm
Version : 1.0
Mission Briefing :
Lady Monroe has asked you to obtain the Elixir of Silence for her. What she wants to do with it is her business. For keeping this transaction a secret you will receive extra payment. You just need to know where to obtain this priceless mixture. Tobias the Alchemist is a not-well-known purveyor of the strange and unusual. Not well-known - that is: discreet and cheap.
This job should be a piece of cake for you. Spend a little time over a glass of fine wine, chatting with Tobias about recent rumors, and by late evening you will return wealthier by few thousand. So... go ahead, go for it!
Playing the mission:
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission File : miss25.mis
Gamesys File : uf.gam
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store : no
Map : no
Automap : no
New graphics : yes.
New sounds : no
EAX Support : no.
Briefing : no
Multi language : no
Known bugs :
Playing : Load with Darkloader and don't unzip it.
Building Info
Base : Nothing
Map Size : 100x50x25
Build Time : Too long (and it's such a small level)!
Special thanks to:
Nightwalker and her husband,
ANONYMOUS author(s) till after contest
(I will list all the tings - material or spiritual :) - they did for this mission when the contest voting is over)
This mission uses textures from "Calendra's Legacy" mission pack. Because I don't know who the authors of individual elements are, I would like to thank Purah and his design team.
This level was not made by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos, nor is it supported by them. All of
their copyrights and responsibilities go with this FM as they decree, which isn't much. I give what permission I can to allow it to be freely distributed intact as long as credit is given to them and me.
• Uploaded 22.01.2003
• Size 3.34 Mb