Chat Noir

*** CHAT NOIR *** 02/mars/2008
Title :Chat Noir
Author :Jean-Frederic Pluvinage (Gambit)
Contact Info :Send a PM to 'Gambit' at TTLG forum.
Homepage :None.
Date of Release :02 mars 2008
Version :1.0
You are Chat Noir, a petty thug from the interior of France.
You decided that wonderful Paris should provide more challenge and gold for your talents.
And you were always curious to meet the city of light.
But the nights of Paris prove to be more dark and cold than you ever imagined.
Cruelty, sin, perversion, all is permitted in the shadow's of Notre Dame.
You strive to survive in such a cruel city when an acquaintance of yours deliver a message
from a mysterious man.
He's interested about your services and provided information concerning
a well protected warehouse. Something seems wrong, your benefactor has an horribly familiar name...
But it's your only chance to start conquering Paris anyway, unless she consumes you first.
Time to embrace her secrets and horrors...
Bonne chance!
This mission contains readables with erotic texts of famous writers and books.
If you are a minor or if you are offended by such content then this game is not suitable for you.
* Playing Information *
Game :Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title :Chat Noir
File Name :miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings :YES
Equipment Store :NO
Map/Automap :YES/NO
EAX Support :YES
Briefing :NO
New Graphics :NO
New Objects :NO
New Sounds/MP3 :NO
New Scripts :NO
Multi-Language Support :NO
Base :None
Map Size :Small
Build Time :15 hours.
* Loading Information *
Darkloader ready.
Do not unzip -- Place in your Fan Mission folder and install using Darkloader.
* Thanks To *
Winter Cat and Cardia1 for beta testing and advices.
Komag's tutorial. ( )
TTLG people.
All women in the world !
* Copyright Information *
This level is copyrighted by Jean Frederic Pluvinage
Distribution of this level is allowed in any way, shape, or manner you wish.
However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
*** CHAT NOIR *** 02/mars/2008
Title :Chat Noir
Author :Jean-Frederic Pluvinage (Gambit)
Contact Info :Send a PM to 'Gambit' at TTLG forum.
Homepage :None.
Date of Release :02 mars 2008
Version :1.0
You are Chat Noir, a petty thug from the interior of France.
You decided that wonderful Paris should provide more challenge and gold for your talents.
And you were always curious to meet the city of light.
But the nights of Paris prove to be more dark and cold than you ever imagined.
Cruelty, sin, perversion, all is permitted in the shadow's of Notre Dame.
You strive to survive in such a cruel city when an acquaintance of yours deliver a message
from a mysterious man.
He's interested about your services and provided information concerning
a well protected warehouse. Something seems wrong, your benefactor has an horribly familiar name...
But it's your only chance to start conquering Paris anyway, unless she consumes you first.
Time to embrace her secrets and horrors...
Bonne chance!
This mission contains readables with erotic texts of famous writers and books.
If you are a minor or if you are offended by such content then this game is not suitable for you.
* Playing Information *
Game :Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title :Chat Noir
File Name :miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings :YES
Equipment Store :NO
Map/Automap :YES/NO
EAX Support :YES
Briefing :NO
New Graphics :NO
New Objects :NO
New Sounds/MP3 :NO
New Scripts :NO
Multi-Language Support :NO
Base :None
Map Size :Small
Build Time :15 hours.
* Loading Information *
Darkloader ready.
Do not unzip -- Place in your Fan Mission folder and install using Darkloader.
* Thanks To *
Winter Cat and Cardia1 for beta testing and advices.
Komag's tutorial. ( )
TTLG people.
All women in the world !
* Copyright Information *
This level is copyrighted by Jean Frederic Pluvinage
Distribution of this level is allowed in any way, shape, or manner you wish.
However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 01.05.2008
• Size 344.29 Kb