The Auldale Chess Tournament

Title: The Auldale Chess Tournament
Contact Info: ANONYMOUS
Homepage: NONE
Date of Release: March ~8, 2006
Version: 1
Description: A Thief 2 Fan Mission for a contest held by Yandros.
Authors used 500,000 cubic DromEd units or less.
Authors used the original Thief 2 tool set and resources with the
possible exception of fan made scripts that were already in use
prior to the beginning of the contest...2/6/06
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : The Auldale Chess Tournament
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : NO
Equipment Store : NO
Map/Automap : NO/NO
EAX Support : NO
Briefing : NO
New Graphics : NO
New Objects : NO
New Sounds/MP3: NO
New Scripts : NO
Multi-Language Support: NO
Briefing: These events occur after the events in Thief: Deadly Shadows.
Things have been going pretty well this last year. It's been a little dull to tell the truth...but that's just fine by me.
I still ply my trade to stay sharp and keep food on the table but not having to battle pagan gods, megalomaniacs
or glyph wielding hags has been a nice change of pace.
A few nights back I was having a few pints at The Crippled Burrick when I was approached by a well dressed
fellow holding a scroll. He sat down and introduced himself as Brimwick, an agent of Lord Reinhold of Auldale.
He said his Lord had a job which required my unique talents. Before I could ask just what the job entailed
Brimwick placed the scroll on the table and slid it towards me indicating that I should read it.
"All you need to know is there," he said in a hushed tone.
The scroll read:
"Mr. Garrett: I have need of your services. Three days hence The Auldale Chess Tournament will commence
at The Billings Library. A certain Lord Casper is in town and has rented the grand suite at The Auldale Hotel.
His prowess at the game is legendary and since I am to participate in the tournament as well I am looking for
any and all advantage. How does this involve you? I shall endeavor to explain.
Lord Casper is in possession of one of the finest and rarest chess sets known to exist. It is very dear to him
and if he were to be without it for the tournament his game would most assuredly suffer. I am most certain
that he has the set in his possession at the hotel.
I care not for the set myself. I only wish for you to relieve him of it thus causing him great dismay of which I
plan to take full advantage. I'm sure you have the means to dispose of the set and profit well.
Also, any information about his current line of study could be of some use to me.
Brimwick has been authorized to compensate you handsomely for such information."
When I was finished reading, Brimwick stood to leave. "Meet me back here tomorrow night after the job
is done," he said quietly. "I'll compensate you for any information that you might find." I nodded and went
back to my ale. Silly rich folk...but then without them...where would I be!
Now I'd be kidding myself if I said this job was going to be without risk. The hotel is right across from
The City Watch Office. If I get spotted the place is sure to fill up fast with angry guards carrying sharp
pointy things. On the plus side however, I've been inside before and I remember the layout pretty well.
The place isn't too big and best of all they don't have any kind of alarm system.
I'll make my way through the sewers near the museum and enter the hotel via the lower level.
Once I've got what I came for I'll leave the same way. The only other exit is via the front door.
And with the Watch Office right across the street...well let's just say I like to avoid The Bulldogs whenever I can.
I haven't been in Auldale for quite some time. It'll be a nice change of pace.
Base: From scratch
Build Time: About a month.
* Loading Information *
Darkloader ready.
Do not unzip -- Place in your Fan Mission folder and install using Darkloader.
This level was not made or supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
This .zip file was made by a fan of the game. Me! If you have any, trouble ask a
question at Don't call Eidos because they will have no idea what the hell
you are talking about and you will just look silly.
Contact Info: ANONYMOUS
Homepage: NONE
Date of Release: March ~8, 2006
Version: 1
Description: A Thief 2 Fan Mission for a contest held by Yandros.
Authors used 500,000 cubic DromEd units or less.
Authors used the original Thief 2 tool set and resources with the
possible exception of fan made scripts that were already in use
prior to the beginning of the contest...2/6/06
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : The Auldale Chess Tournament
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : NO
Equipment Store : NO
Map/Automap : NO/NO
EAX Support : NO
Briefing : NO
New Graphics : NO
New Objects : NO
New Sounds/MP3: NO
New Scripts : NO
Multi-Language Support: NO
Briefing: These events occur after the events in Thief: Deadly Shadows.
Things have been going pretty well this last year. It's been a little dull to tell the truth...but that's just fine by me.
I still ply my trade to stay sharp and keep food on the table but not having to battle pagan gods, megalomaniacs
or glyph wielding hags has been a nice change of pace.
A few nights back I was having a few pints at The Crippled Burrick when I was approached by a well dressed
fellow holding a scroll. He sat down and introduced himself as Brimwick, an agent of Lord Reinhold of Auldale.
He said his Lord had a job which required my unique talents. Before I could ask just what the job entailed
Brimwick placed the scroll on the table and slid it towards me indicating that I should read it.
"All you need to know is there," he said in a hushed tone.
The scroll read:
"Mr. Garrett: I have need of your services. Three days hence The Auldale Chess Tournament will commence
at The Billings Library. A certain Lord Casper is in town and has rented the grand suite at The Auldale Hotel.
His prowess at the game is legendary and since I am to participate in the tournament as well I am looking for
any and all advantage. How does this involve you? I shall endeavor to explain.
Lord Casper is in possession of one of the finest and rarest chess sets known to exist. It is very dear to him
and if he were to be without it for the tournament his game would most assuredly suffer. I am most certain
that he has the set in his possession at the hotel.
I care not for the set myself. I only wish for you to relieve him of it thus causing him great dismay of which I
plan to take full advantage. I'm sure you have the means to dispose of the set and profit well.
Also, any information about his current line of study could be of some use to me.
Brimwick has been authorized to compensate you handsomely for such information."
When I was finished reading, Brimwick stood to leave. "Meet me back here tomorrow night after the job
is done," he said quietly. "I'll compensate you for any information that you might find." I nodded and went
back to my ale. Silly rich folk...but then without them...where would I be!
Now I'd be kidding myself if I said this job was going to be without risk. The hotel is right across from
The City Watch Office. If I get spotted the place is sure to fill up fast with angry guards carrying sharp
pointy things. On the plus side however, I've been inside before and I remember the layout pretty well.
The place isn't too big and best of all they don't have any kind of alarm system.
I'll make my way through the sewers near the museum and enter the hotel via the lower level.
Once I've got what I came for I'll leave the same way. The only other exit is via the front door.
And with the Watch Office right across the street...well let's just say I like to avoid The Bulldogs whenever I can.
I haven't been in Auldale for quite some time. It'll be a nice change of pace.
Base: From scratch
Build Time: About a month.
* Loading Information *
Darkloader ready.
Do not unzip -- Place in your Fan Mission folder and install using Darkloader.
This level was not made or supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
This .zip file was made by a fan of the game. Me! If you have any, trouble ask a
question at Don't call Eidos because they will have no idea what the hell
you are talking about and you will just look silly.
• Uploaded 08.03.2006
• Size 1.81 Mb