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City Conflict Part 3 :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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City Conflict Part 3

Titel : City Conflict 3
Dateiname : City Conflict 3.zip
Autor : Silencium18
Kontakt : silencium_15@yahoo.de
Homepage : none
Releasedatum : 21.8.2009
Version : 1.0

Beschreibung : "Yesterday, on of my 'friends' informed me that the hammers are searching for me. Because of most of the hammerite spies being murdered, the hammers now think that I'm secretly working for the mechanists. So, after all the hard work I did for them, they now want me dead. Pfff...hammer freaks! It's not that I really care about their little conflict with the mechanists.
God news are that there's an new art collector in town. He's not one of those art fanatics who just buy anything they can get, hell no! This guy only seems interested in things which are...somekind creepy. The keepers want me to break into his mansion and steal one of his beloved stuff, a 'cursed' mask. Something tells me that this isn't going to be easy...I really hope that the hammerites are staying out of my way for this night."
* Spielinformation *

Spiel : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Levelname : City Conflict
Dateiname : miss20.mis
Versch. Schwierigekeiten : yes
Laden : no
Karte/Autokarte : yes
Neue Graphiken : No
Neue Sounds : no
Neue Konversationen : no
Neue Models : yes
EAX Unterst?tzung : yes
Mehrspr. Unterst?tzung : yes
Briefing : yes

* Konstruktion *

Vorlage : no
Kartengr??e : middle
Bauzeit : a week
Bauinfo : nothing

* Ladeinformation *

bla bla bla I hope that after over 800 Fms everyone knows how to install one
* Danke an *

Everyone at ttlg.de and ttlg.com etc...
* Copyright Information *

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos


• Uploaded 12.09.2009
• Size 1.09 Mb
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