City Conflict Part 4

Titel : City Conflict 4
Dateiname : City Conflict
Autor : Silencium18
Kontakt :
Homepage : none
Releasedatum : 21.8.2009
Version : 1.0
Beschreibung : "Well, it turned out that there excists another mask, which also has mysterical power. The keepers say that it's important that they have both masks, because together the masks can somehow help ''us'' to solve this whole problem between the hammers and the mechanists. First, I wanted to refuse the job, but the keepers say that a rich lord stores the mask at his mansion. Maybe I'll be able to ''take'' some things for myself"
* Spielinformation *
Spiel : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Levelname : City Conflict
Dateiname : miss20.mis
Versch. Schwierigekeiten : yes
Laden : no
Karte/Autokarte : yes
Neue Graphiken : No
Neue Sounds : no
Neue Konversationen : no
Neue Models : yes
EAX Unterst?tzung : yes
Mehrspr. Unterst?tzung : yes
Briefing : yes
* Konstruktion *
Vorlage : no
Kartengr??e : middle
Bauzeit : a week
Bauinfo : nothing
* Ladeinformation *
bla bla bla I hope that after over 800 Fms everyone knows how to install one
* Danke an *
Everyone at and etc...
Also a huge thx to Krenim for translating the texts into italian
* Copyright Information *
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Titel : City Conflict 4
Dateiname : City Conflict
Autor : Silencium18
Kontakt :
Homepage : none
Releasedatum : 21.8.2009
Version : 1.0
Beschreibung : "Well, it turned out that there excists another mask, which also has mysterical power. The keepers say that it's important that they have both masks, because together the masks can somehow help ''us'' to solve this whole problem between the hammers and the mechanists. First, I wanted to refuse the job, but the keepers say that a rich lord stores the mask at his mansion. Maybe I'll be able to ''take'' some things for myself"
* Spielinformation *
Spiel : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Levelname : City Conflict
Dateiname : miss20.mis
Versch. Schwierigekeiten : yes
Laden : no
Karte/Autokarte : yes
Neue Graphiken : No
Neue Sounds : no
Neue Konversationen : no
Neue Models : yes
EAX Unterst?tzung : yes
Mehrspr. Unterst?tzung : yes
Briefing : yes
* Konstruktion *
Vorlage : no
Kartengr??e : middle
Bauzeit : a week
Bauinfo : nothing
* Ladeinformation *
bla bla bla I hope that after over 800 Fms everyone knows how to install one
* Danke an *
Everyone at and etc...
Also a huge thx to Krenim for translating the texts into italian
* Copyright Information *
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
• Uploaded 26.09.2009
• Size 1.07 Mb