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Close Encounters

Feb 21 2004

Title : Close Encounters
Author : P Forth
Homepage : none
Date of Release : Feb 21 2004
Contact info :
Version : 1.0


"It's Christmas, and you are enjoying a well earned rest in another part of the country.
However, while you have been here you have heard the locals talk about an old town not far from
here that's been abandonded for many many years. It seems that something happened hear a long
time ago that frightened everybody away virtually overnight. Rumours about "strange lights"
appearing in the sky and stuff like that. Well whatever it was it must have realy scared people
because to this day, no one has ever returned to this town.
Well, I dont know about those rumours, but one thing stuck in my mind. If people fled this old
town in a hurry, they may have left behind certain valuables in their rush to get out.
I guess I will have to pay a visit to this old town, see if I can find myself a few extra
Christmas presents."


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : Close Encounters
File Name : miss20
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No
EAX: : No

Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : Normal only

* Construction *

Base : from scratch
Build Time : Far too long

This is my first attempt at building a Thief level.
This mission has not been tested by anybody but myself. I am not aware of any bugs or problems,
but no doubt some of you will find some that I have missed. If you do, please e-mail me at my
e-mail address and I will do my best to sort them out if I can.

* Thanks To *

Everyone who wrote the tutorials that I learned from, especially Komag,
without his tutorial this mission would not have been made, cheers mate.


* Loading Information *

if you know how to run Darkloader, you should have no problems. If you don't,
find out how.


* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by P Forth

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as
it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level
to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this
mission without my express permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

• Uploaded 21.02.2004 • Size 1.35 Mb
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