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The Unsung Villain :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The Unsung Villain

Title : The Unsung Villain
Filename : villain.zip
Author : Anonymous
Contact info : N/A
Date of release : 15th September, 2008
Version : 1.0

Description : Recently you were hired by a merchant to steal a valuable gem from a nobleman, Lord Sodbury. The job went well, and now it?s time to collect your money. To avoid drawing attention to himself, the merchant has arranged for a jeweller to meet you, and he will pay you for the gems, which he will then pass on to the merchant. The jeweller will be waiting for you outside the weaponsmith?s shop, but don?t leave him waiting for too long, or he?ll think something?s gone wrong.

Based on: Assassins
Reason: I liked following people through the narrow streets. I also liked Trace the Courier, but I preferred more criminal atmosphere of Assassins. Secondly, I also liked Garrett?s reason for robbing Ramirez - not just for the money, but for revenge as well.

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2
Level Names : The Unsung Villain
File names : miss17.mis, villain.gam, classic.osm (rename of gen.osm)
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes
New graphics : No
New sounds : Yes (convs and some Garrett comments)
New conversations : Yes
New models : No
EAX Support : No
Multi languages : No (volunteers can get in touch after the contest)
Briefing : No

* Construction *

Base : Base mission supplied by uncadonego
Build Time : 6 1/2 months
Beta Testers: Bikerdude
Sharthrace Sebaerie
Undead Gamer

Voice actors: SlyFoxx (Garrett)
bikerdude (the jeweller)

Special thanks to uncadonego for starting the contest, Dussander for providing a beta testing forum,
and LGS for leaving in enough T1 resources to make my idea possible in T2.

* Loading Information *

Runs from Darkloader and Garrettloader. Place in your usual Thief 2 FM folder.


* Copyright Information *

This mission may be distributed by any means as long as the following conditions are adhered to:
* The content of the zip file is not altered (but the zip filename itself can be changed)
* No profit is sought or made
* You can pull the cloth from a fully laid table without disturbing the things

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos


• Uploaded 14.09.2008
• Size 5.19 Mb
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