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Dark Beginnings

Author : Dark Assassin
Date of Release : Feb, 2008
Title : Dark Beginnings

Description : A compilation of three classic missions
1. Burglary in Blackbrook
2. Shadows of the Past (now a Spooky Interlude)
3. Quick Cash

Changes: Burglary has mech banners fixed, Shadows left as it is (perfect!), Quick cash has same obj but a serious facelift in textures.

Burglary in Blackbrook:

You've decided to make a quick little trip to the rival City of Blackbrook
after being invited to do a special job for an old friend, Julian Brenner.
As a boy before you met the Keepers, Brenner was the closest thing to a friend you
had. He disappeared one day while the two of you were scouting for food in the
streets. Years later the two of you were reunited, ironically he too had become
a Master Thief in his own right, apparently that day so long ago Brenner had
got caught stealing food ended up being sent a Hammer reformatory.
His experiences in that place has left him with a major contempt for
their vision of law and order and ever since, he's made the Hammers
special targets in his nighttime grabs for treasure. Now settled
in Blackbrook where he works with the ShadowMasters Thieves Guild.
Brenner's been after me for a while to pay him a visit in Blackbrook,
"There's plenty of stuff up for the taking, especially from those scum
Hammers." he said "and best of all NO METAL FACES in this town!"

Hehe, a Mechanist free area, I thought that's worth the price of admission!
I knew he was going to try to talk me into doing a job for him,
but I owe the guy a few favors so I went along, after all, devoid
of Mechanist toys, whatever he's after in Blackbrook has to be easy
pickings right?


"Look Garrett, I've been trying to screw up the nerve to do it myself"
he said, "but let's face it, I just don't have the skills you do, and
if we don't take advantage of their weak security right now, they'll
plug the holes and we'll miss out!"
I listened quietly, what Brenner was proposing involved robbing the
Blackbrook chapter of the Hammerites.

"They've just reopened the prison below the temple,
apparently with all the commotion in recent times,
the town's jails cant handle everyone they're arresting,
so the King has gone hat in hand to those punks!
Thought I would never see the day...." he said

"It's worse in the City" I replied "The Hammer High
Priest has been playing around with some of Karras's
broken toys, trying to advance his own agenda I guess.."

Brenner snarled at the mention of the High Priest's Name.
"Word has it they don't have a complete alarm system installed yet, but
that could change in a matter of days, and when they do, they'll
wire up the whole facility..and even YOU wouldn't be able
to get to the goods."

I cracked a smile, "You might be surprised old friend, but
it does make sense to do the job now rather than wait and
let the Hammers improve their security, what's the best way in?"

"Right here", he pointed to a spot on a crude map.

"The front door?!" I said in disbelief.

"Over the wall in the east section you silly taff-I've got a rope ladder
you can climb down real easy-like, look the Hammers don't
dare try to patrol around the streets
here at night cause the townspeople wouldn't tolerate it
for a second, so they rely on their outer wall and steel doors
to keep everyone out. With all the buildings packed so closely
together, it'll be easy to get there from the roofs of the
nearby buildings, you can lower yourself over the wall
and you'll be inside. The place isn't too brightly lit,
so it should be easy pickings once you get inside."

"Yeah it's the easy jobs that get you killed," I pondered
"The moon will be out tonight so it wont be as dark"
"What's your idea on how I'm supposed to get out of there once I'm done?
from the looks of it, other than the main gates which
will be locked and barred, there's no other way in or out of there except
a long climb back over the wall."

"Not topside, but in the prison area there's a tunnel leading
to the sewer system, the doors to it are sure to be locked
tight, but I'm sure you can handle that. Once you get to
the sewers you're home free, plenty of places to make your
escape from there."

I couldn't help but laugh "So to get free, I'll have to sneak
into jail? Hehe only you could come up with a plan like that!
I think I'll stick to the wall climb..let's get started"

A couple of hours later...

Well I'm not going back over the wall to get out like I'd planned, on the way down
the rope ladder broke. Luckily I was close to the pavement and landed without injury,
that's what I get for relying on Brenner to get good equipment! Looks like I'm going
to have to find my way out by the sewer route after all. Time to begin...

A Spooky Interlude:

You're spending some time off in a small town when a local pub
owner who does some shady dealings on the side offers you a job
that involves plundering an old decaying complex of tombs near
his establishment. Apparently local lore says there is some kind of
artifact known as the 'Bloodstar Gem' which is said to be kept
in an underground chamber hung from the neck of a evil-looking
statue. The guy wants you to get it so he can sell the thing to
one of the City Museums in order to have the cash to renovate his
place. It seems like an easy job, but then he lets slip that
he hired a couple of guys to do the work last week.

And no one has heard from them since....

But you're not going to miss out on a chance to make some easy
money are you? :)


Quick Cash:

Garrett decides to take a little vacation just outside the City, when he hears
about a small Hammer chapel nearby. Needing a little spending money to get some equipment
for future adventures, he decides to 'earn' some quick cash by looting the place.
While searching for info on the location, he looks up an old associate in the area who
owes him a couple of favors. The visit pays off when Garrett's old pal tells him about
a dark courtyard which lies behind the place. The walls are overgrown with thick vines that
should give easy access inside....

Tips: 1. read the note at the beginning of the mission!
2. don't knock out all the Hammers! have them fight the other AI's!
(hint, shoot a noisemaker down the hall!)


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Dark Beginnings
File Name : Miss 20
Difficulty Settings : On first two
Equipment Store : No
New Graphics : Some new textures
New Sounds : Some new sounds
Briefing(s) : no


* Loading Information *

This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place in your missions folder.



Glen for multibrush from abandoned Hammer mission (High Chapel)
T1 textures used
Textures by Undule, Yandros
Clouds by Vigil
Compass by Targa
Fixed object textures and improved objects by RSoul
Rope texture by Vigil
Moon and other textures by Nameless Voice
Objects by RSoul
Organ by Eshaktaar
Cart by RSoul
Water tower by OttoJ55
Epbeta1 pack from!-Awesome work guys! :D
Coins by Timon
Improved Hammer banner texture by Yandros
(look close and you'll see its much smoother looking-its finally been brought up T2 speed)
Gecko for his wonderful Thief credit remix!
Fountain Objects by Gort.
Hammermage Skin by Purah
Water by Zylonbane!
BROKEN ROPE object-by Tellimand
Voices by Slyfoxx
Great Painting by Rohan/Valiance!
Distant art by Melan
Betatest by the Secret Team


* Copyright Information *

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. Komag is free to use in his DVD's!

This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

USE THIS LEVEL AT YOUR OWN RISK(Translation: if your computer melts DON?T SUE ME!)

• Uploaded 20.02.2008 • Size 48.98 Mb
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