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Deep Trouble: City Under the Sea

Deep Trouble
December 29, 2003
Author : John D. Head (John D.)
Contact Info :
Homepage : None
Date of Release : December 2003
Description : Mechanist style mission (with advanced technology)

*Playing Information*

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Deep Trouble
File name : DeepT1A
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : kinda
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : From Dromed Deluxe, SS2 for textures and objects.
Frobber and Thorin Oakenshield for textures.
Mech lady skins from AsyluM with repair work done by
Thorin! NamePlate made functional by Frobber.
New Sounds : Yes-from SS2, Psyco Circus, Red Faction, Star Trek
Multiple Languages : Not in this version
Briefing : No

Base : From Scratch (with a few multibrushes from T2, Rickenbacker bridge from SS2)
Build Time : 4+ months
*Loading Info*

Copy into FM folder and run Darkloader
Story: Garrett has been collaborating with his old friend Brenner about robbing the castle of a local Count. Security is tight on the outside but Brenner had an idea. A contact of his at the local docks told him about a large shipment of fine wines and foodstuffs which were being shipped to his large and unguarded cellar from there later that night. The plan was for Garrett to sneak into the docks and hide in one of the larger crates in order to get a free ride into the Count's estate. Once inside, Garrett would clean the place out and make his escape-which would be made easier by the fact that the guards wouldnt be expecting a break-in from the inside. A couple of hours later, after a unusually rough ride and overhearing what sounds like Mechanist voices (perhaps wiring up some Watchers for the Count?-Garrett wonders) he makes a cautious exit from the crate...............only to find out he's not in the Count's basement! He's somewhere else, and
if he doesnt find a way out , he may be in DEEP TROUBLE!
*Special Thanks*

Alpha Testers-SlyFoxx and Frobber (the Master Forger!)

Beta Testers-Frobber and Dinksmallwood

-Rob Hicks for his work in putting together DedX!
-Belboz for teleport tutorial I based my transporter on.
-Macbeth (for spiral staircase multibrush)
-Thorin for the combo lock system I stole from Karras Diary via multibrush
-Eshaktaar for tips on how to teleport ai into a patrol pattern
-The maker of the Monastary of St. Fera whose working hammer helped me figure out the aiwatchobj link!:)
-Yandros for help with making the particle rings
-Schwaa for his info on the forum that helped me figure out the Qvar trap when one of my objectives wasnt working right.
-AsyluM for permission to use his Hidden Agenda skins! :) And Thorin Oakenshield for fixing some of the ones that had holes
in them!
-Frobber for technical assistance and suggestions.
-Jocke for steel lockers
-and many others!

To EVERYONE who has given me support and encouragement
by TTLG forum or E-mail!

To the guys at the TTLG editing forum a BIG THANK YOU!

Thanks Guys!


Beware of escape hatches...hehe

Once you make the *jump* there's no going back so make sure
you've grabbed all the loot you can

*Copyright Information*

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free
and the package kept intact. You may not include this level
to any map pack without my permission (Komag is free to
put it on his FM DVD's though) No one may edit and re-distribute
this mission without my express permission. If permission
is given, full credit must be given to the people who produced
the artwork and models used from DEDx as well as the author.

This level was not made and is not suported by Looking Glass
Studios or Edios Interactive

• Uploaded 29.12.2003 • Size 5.43 Mb
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