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Fanatic's Arena :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Fanatic's Arena

January 2003
Author : John D. Head (John D.)
Contact Info : mmafreak@att.net
Homepage : None
Date of Release : Oct 12 2003
Description : A small Demo FM that's been brewing in my mind for a
long time...

*Playing Information*

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Fanatic's Arena!
File name : miss20
Difficulty Settings : No (the bloodbath's all the same! >:-D)
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes (crude)
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : From Dromed Deluxe and Undulation! (+ a model yanked from Osama bites the Dust)
New Sounds : Yes (some sounds from Postal 2 and a dose of Wagner!)
Multiple Languages : Not in this version
Briefing : No

Base : From Scratch (from my evil thoughts hehe)+Arena from OttoJ55
Build Time : 1 month
*Loading Info*

Copy into FM folder and run Darkloader
Story: 'Now I remember why I work alone' you grumble to yourself. After a recent fiasco where you nearly got yourself killed while attempting a job that your old pal Brenner asked you to do for him, you decide to take some time off. Hearing about what happened and seeing how pissed off you are at his screw ups, Brenner came by one evening to apologize and make amends. 'Look I'm sorry about what happened Garrett,' he said 'how was I supposed to know the shipment was gonna be rerouted?!' 'Look, we both risked a lot on that last venture...here let me make it up to you.'

'Just how?' You ask 'An idea for another burglary? we know how the last one went, not to mention how much trouble I had making it out alive back in Blackbrook-you remember that one dont you?'

'I know, I know Garrett-at least you got your fair share of the gold that time didnt you? Wasnt my fault those stupid Hammers were screwing around with things they shouldnt. But I've had my own run-ins with the undead as my scars will tell you, so I'm sure it was pretty terrifying.......Look I was playing cards with some crazy Noble at the Smoked Burrick a while back, he was already running out of gold, so he bet me one of his prize possessions and I won! Here take it.'

'What's this?' I asked as I took it from his hand....'What the?....whoa a GOLD PASS!'

Brenner grinned 'To the City Arena no less! Royalty level access! There's a private showing later tonight, why dont you go enjoy yourself? Since I'm going out of town to meet up with Willy at his new hideout-there's no reason why it should go to waste. You do forgive me dont you?'

'Yeah sure' I replied with a grin 'Just one thing, the next time you come up with some crazy scheme, YOU my friend are the one who is going to do the recon work first!'

'Hehe, ok ok Garrett I'll do the researching myself next time-now go have yourself some fun! I hear they've dragged out some of those psyco's the City Army captured a while back after that little attack they made in the City!'

'Little attack?' I stated with suprise 'from what I hear that bomb they planted nearly killed the Hammer High Priest, not to mention it wiped out half the City Council and maimed several Mechanists! Guess that's why all the posters I've been seeing recently have advertised the fact that both Orders are going to meet them head on in the arena....Hehe maybe they'll all kill each other so the rest of us can live quietly!'

Brenner's grin got even bigger 'I hope so too! Ha ha, have fun Garrett! and let me know what happens!'
*Special Thanks*

To EVERYONE who has given me support and encouragement
by TTLG forum or E-mail!

To the guys at the TTLG editing forum a BIG THANK YOU!

Thanks to Rob Hicks for his self-deleting Ai idea, William the Taffer
for his Osama model and OttoJ55 for his wonderful Arena! (now put to good
use....muhwaaaa!!!!) And to everyone else for their wonderful and creative ideas!

Thanks Guys!
Dedications-To ALL of our brave veterans who have fought for the U.S.!
To all those nations who have supported us in our struggles.
May we build a better world after we have dug the graves of those
who would destroy the innocent.

You're not out to rob, no one's hunting you-so just kick back and enjoy the show!
Dont fall into the pit though-you wont last long!

*Copyright Information*

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free
and the package kept intact. You may not include this level
to any map pack without my permission (Komag is free to
put it on his FM DVD's though) No one may edit and re-distribute
this mission without my express permission. If permission
is given, full credit must be given to the people who produced
the artwork and models used from DEDx as well as the author.

This level was not made and is not suported by Looking Glass
Studios or Edios Interactive

Additonal warning-although I have let this mission play for over 15 minutes on
my own system without any problems, it may put a strain on lower grade systems and possibly crash.

• Uploaded 11.10.2003
• Size 4.58 Mb
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