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Meeting :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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M e e t i n g

By Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hlad?k)
Contact: Yohny@seznam.cz
Home Site: http://sweb.cz/Czechthiefguilt
Competition Release 4.0
November 2004

Mission Brief:
You are a young thief, your father is missing for more then a month. You are in your tower on the square and suddenly you hear knocking. Someone is behind the door...

Further Notes
* Play Information *

Game: Thief II : The Metal Age
Mission Title: Meeting
File name: fbt-meeting3.zip / Miss39.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Yes / No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
Multi language support: Yes (books only English/Czech/German)
Briefing : LogoMovie
EAX Support : No

* Construction *
Nothing (From my mind)
Build Time : Less then month (around 100 hours).

* Credits *
Mission Design: Yohny C. Liar
Story: Yohny C. Liar
English corrector: Nightwalker
German translation: Boris
Voice of Poidi: Giraffe - mixed by Yohny C. Liar
Testers: Max Damage, Martin Disastrous-Flash

* Other Info *
This is the intro mission from campaigne FOR BETTER TOMMOROW. I think, that it will have 9 or 10 missions. Known bug: after reading a keeper journal in pub in room 2 (objective), game jump into main menu and you need play again. There is one way, how to eliminate this problem. Find a journal before the objective is shown you and read it. Beta tests says, that it is good way. I don't know, whats do this, so... For more info watch my homesite www.sweb.cz/Czechthiefguilt - I solved this problem on my walktrough page. Thanks
-this bug is fixed, I think, I also fixed missing escape objective
-another bugs: guard Emueldi is like a ghost, arrows fly trough him, sleeping servant script doesn't work exactly
-add blackjack and 2 mossarrows
-corrected english texts
-add german translation

I am sorry to everybody, who download version 1.0. There were many bugs because of I ziped a wrong miss file. Sorry again. And sorry about my english, I translate all of text from my own language any by it's rules. If you want to join my group like a translator (language corrector), please, contact me on email above.

* Thanks *
Thanks to everybody, who make FM and everybody, who helped me at TTLG forum, Steven Hindley (belboz - for the best FMs I ever played), Vrony Puck (my girlfriend for her patience) - this mission was hard for her, Giraffe (for his voice) and everybody from Looking Glass (for making the best game) and mostly Nightwalker (for many helps).

* Loading information *
Use Darkloader
Do not Extract, only put into the mission directory

* Copyright *
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may include this level to a map pack only If include me in credits. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

* End of Text *

• Uploaded 22.11.2004
• Size 3.88 Mb
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