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Old Tribe

O l d T r i b e

By Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hlad?k)
Contact: Yohny@seznam.cz, ICQ: 264 792 075
Homepage: http://sweb.cz/Czechthiefguilt
Release 1.1
November 2006

Mission Brief:
-Four Weapons- sequel to -Old Tribe-
Junior found teleport and used them for teleporting to... unknown area. This is the area of some tribe, tribe of monkeys. Junior has to find a magical weapon, which is hidden somewhere inside the monkey's village. This weapon is propably near the Tribe leader, or Shaman? Who knows...

Further Notes
* Play Information *

Game: Thief II : The Metal Age
Mission Title: Old Tribe
File name: fbt-oldtribe.zip / Miss25.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Yes / No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: No
Multi language support: Yes (books only English/Czech/later also German)
Briefing : Ingame Diary, (I am working on classical Thief videos)
EAX Support : Yes

* Construction *
Nothing (From my mind)
Build Time : 6 months (over 200 hours).

* Credits *
Mission Design: Yohny C. Liar
Story: Yohny C. Liar
Translation: Nightwalker
Testers: Aspirin
Special object: GORT
Other objects: NamelessVoice, Jonquilis, Schwaa
Mesh textures: Yohny C. Liar

* Other Info *
This is the other one mission from campaign FOR A BETTER TOMORROW. I think it will have 12 missions. Praise the Builder, we are in half... Thanks for playing my missions.
Please visit my homepage for more info www.sweb.cz/czechthiefguilt (hehe... it should be guild)
Please czech players visit czechoslovakian thief forum on www.thiefenemyterritory.sk
I am very sorry for leting you wait. This mission I made in very bussy time for me. Thanks for be patient.

* Knowing Bugs *
Ape's speech is not working and I do not know why! Maybe on your machine could work it!

* Thanks *
Thanks to everybody who made FMs and everybody who helped me at TTLG forum, Steven Hindley (belboz - for the best FMs I ever played), Vrony Puck (my girlfriend for her patience) and everybody from Looking Glass (for making the best game) an I want to thanks to people from my team, who ever helped me.

* Loading information *
Use Darkloader or Dromed
Do not Extract, only put into the mission directory

* Copyright *
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may include this level to a map pack only If include me in credits and let me know about it. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission (bullshits). This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
YohnY Thief Team (YTT) is not registered trade mark and logo is also not registerd anywhere...

* End of Text *

• Uploaded 30.10.2006
• Size 3.77 Mb
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