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The WaterWay Tunnel Part 1 :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The WaterWay Tunnel Part 1

T h e W a t e r W a y T u n n e l
part 1

By Yohny C. Liar (Jan Hlad?k)
Contact: Yohny@seznam.cz
Home Site: http://sweb.cz/Czechthiefguilt
Competition Release 1.0
October 2004

Mission Brief:
Follow on -Old Bad Fellows-
Garrett Junior found in Monastery secret way from diving room. It is time to proceed to the other end of the tunnel. There is a second station of his way to his father - Mansion of Lord Ezechiel.

Further Notes
* Play Information *

Game: Thief II : The Metal Age
Mission Title: The WaterWay Tunnel part 1
File name: fbt-thewaterwaytunnel1.zip / Miss41.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Yes / No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: No
Multi language support: Yes (books only English/Czech/later also German)
Briefing : Video (Logo), Ingame Diary
EAX Support : Yes

* Construction *
Nothing (From my mind)
Build Time : Over month (100 hours).

* Credits *
Mission Design: Yohny C. Liar
Story: Yohny C. Liar
Testers: Giraffe, Martin Disastrous-Flash
Others: John D. (charakter of Hammerit Priest from his mission Island of Iron:Confrontation), Schwaa (model of QillPen)

* Other Info *
This is the second mission from campaigne FOR BETTER TOMMOROW. I think, that it will have 9 or 10 missions. Do't panic. Tunnels are long, but there are hidden BreathPotions and on the strategic positions are big bubbles of air. You have try and find the shortest way trought labyrinth. It is possible. Good luck.

* Knowing Bugs *
I had a huge problems with rooming in this mission, so the escape objective is little modified, so If you reach end, don't let angry on me.

* Thanks *
Thanks to everybody, who make FM and everybody, who helped me at TTLG forum, Steven Hindley (belboz - for the best FMs I ever played), Vrony Puck (my girlfriend for her patience) and everybody from Looking Glass (for making the best game).

* Loading information *
Use Darkloader or Dromed
Do not Extract, only put into the mission directory

* Copyright *
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may include this level to a map pack only If include me in credits. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

* End of Text *

• Uploaded 22.10.2004
• Size 2.68 Mb
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