The Game

Title :The Game
Author :Thorin Oakenshield (M S Eyre)
Contact info
Homepage : (The Taffers Tavern)
Date of Release :December 2001 for Komag's FM competition
Version 1.0
Description : Your friend Basso told you about a card game at the castle and how legendry these games were for big winnings and losses. You decided to pay this game a visit whilst disguised as one of the captain's men. What should have been easy pickings for you, turned out rather different. You got cleaned out!, Not liking it one little bit you decide to go back to the castle after sundown to get your money back, and to examine the cards to see if they're marked. Also a good oppertunity to get 2,500 extra loot and steal the captains prized masks afterall, He robbed you... Didn't he?
* Play Information *
Game :Thief2
Level Name :The Game
Filename :miss20.mis
Difficulty :No
Map :No
EAX support :Yes
Briefing :No
* Construction *
Map Size :80x80x40
Build Time :2 Week
Loading Info :Place into your fm's folder and leave zipped, Run through Darkloader.
* Thanks to all that helped at the ttlg forum
• Uploaded 01.12.2001
• Size 1.43 Mb