Garrett's Nightmare

Author : Deadwrite
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Date of Release : November 4th 2002
Description : Garrett's Nightmare
~~~~Garrett's Nightmare~~~~
Deadwrite here, welcome fellow Taffers to my first, YES, my very first
attempt at creating an FM with DroMed.
Don't expect the usual mission here, this is anything but usual. The
idea for this mission was inspired by the Halloween season, and I was trying
my hardest to release it by then, but try as I may, I learned that even your
first basic mission is absolutely not something that your going to whip out in
a few days, more like about 315 DroMed hours!
For those of you who do not like Undead, don't fret, this mission is not just
undead. There are more human arachnid and beast AI than undead AI.
This is basically a kill or be killed "survival" mission simply due to the nature
of it's theme, a dream you must survive. (see the preface below), although many of
you do not like kill missions, this one fits the storyline. It would be very hard
to imagine a person in Garrett's line of work not having to deal with this scenario
in real life. Fact is, if you cannot overcome the feelings haunting you from time to
time, then they would surely over-take you in time causing you to retire or even
worse, commit suicide to escape the fear. So, in this case, and probably this case
only, a kill mission is necessary! Besides, say what you may, we all have a Darkside,
and occasionally playing this will help you satisfy it, and reduce stress. So, play
this when you get home from a bad day at work or school, it's good medicine!
I will not be making "other" kill missions, unless it's a part 2 (next dream), and that
is only if this is received well. I came up with this idea, and quickly realized that
this is the way it needed to be done!
All I ask is that you remember that this is my "first attempt" and I was not
trying to create a masterpiece, I was using it to help "learn the FM process". So
be kind to me. Praise what you like, tell me nicely what you did not, and make
helpful comments and suggestions, but please do not rake me over the coals in the
Forum. I think, just getting this far, and putting in this many hours to try to do
this, (for us all to enjoy), is more than enough to grant me that treatment.
The idea here is you, (Garrett), (after years of becoming the best dang thief in the world),
has had to do many many things that you wished you didn't have to in order to
survive and succeed in many of your missions. You have hurt many people, not just physically
but personally as well. Making them look bad, hurting their pride, stealing their most
prized possessions right out from under their noses. For this, you are not very well liked
by many with the exception of a very few friends, fellow thieves, and the ones who
pay you handsomely for acquiring their ill-gotten wares. Then of course there are those
who have been physically hurt, maimed, knocked silly, and even killed! Even the
creatures of the world, and those offering their services to your marks, have suffered
great folds from your work, and have grown quite baneful towards the name of Garrett.
Those are the prices you pay to be a good thief and you are the best, and you
have accepted that and can live with it just fine. Although, all those people, and
critters you have dealt with, unseen by others who know you, for you hide it well, are
still alive and tormenting your subconscious mind from time to time. That's where our tale
begins. You are asleep in your bedroom, but the memories of all those you have wronged are
reaching out to seek their revenge in your dream. You are about to have a Nightmare brought
on by them, in hopes of seeking their revenge. For they know that if you die in your
sleep, you will truly die and never again awaken. Your mission, is to try to regain control
of your dream world, and beat them at their own game. Your goal is to Survive The Dream!
This is Not a typical Thief mission in looks or play. It is intentionally made so, to
reflect the weird, and often non-sensible dream world where anything can happen, and
nothing is real or fully explainable.
A few major differences other than locales and textures etc. include the fact that there
is No Loot! No real furnishings in most areas, No particular objective to accomplish for oneself,
other than the simple need to SURVIVE the night! Therefore only one difficulty level as well.
This is done in keeping with the theme, and not a cop-out for DroMed styling. I believe that
I have included enough things into this mission to show that I will be very capable of handling
a normal mission, and this one is simply the way it is to fit the idea of the mission!
P.S. I did this all with T2, and No custom anything!, I have DEDx now, so expect more from me
in future missions!
-Deadwrite, Nov. 4th 2002
Credits: I first and foremost want to thank Komag! without Komags tutorial, I would
have never gotten this far even. Also I utillized my version of Komag's Trap
tutorial in the mission, thanks Komag.
Thanks To: (in no particular order) Hit Deity, YcatX, GayleSaver, GOB, Jake, OptimusPrime,
Lady Rowena, Rob Hicks, Madwolf, Telliamed, Kfort, Bumbleson, Mortal Monkey,
Shadowspawn, Charon, Danventry, Digital Nightfall, Raetsel, Eepcat, Yametha,
Alexius, Datoyminaytah, Gingerbread Man, Thumper, Dark Arrow, Uncadonego, Yandros,
Hex, Justice01, SatansBalogna, Jocke, Greg9001, William The Taffer, Daxim,
For either answering questions I poised in the forum directly or by being the author
of the answers I found in a search! Without you, I may still be a mindless
user playing Diablo or WarCraft :)
If I missed anyone, it wasn't intentional, so accept my apology.
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Garrett's Nightmare
File Name : miss20
Difficulty Settings : One
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes (blank)
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No
EAX Support : Yes
Briefing(s) : Just this text file :)
Length : short
Size : small
Difficulty Level Info : Easy (although it's not too easy :)
* Construction *
Base : All from my sick mind..
Build Time : about 315 hours (hey I was learning)
* Loading Information *
This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place in your missions folder.
Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, place the zip file into whatever
folder/directory you want on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to
this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.
* Copyright Information *
This level is ? by S.R. Pershin
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. You CAN edit this mission if you want.
This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Author : Deadwrite
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Date of Release : November 4th 2002
Description : Garrett's Nightmare
~~~~Garrett's Nightmare~~~~
Deadwrite here, welcome fellow Taffers to my first, YES, my very first
attempt at creating an FM with DroMed.
Don't expect the usual mission here, this is anything but usual. The
idea for this mission was inspired by the Halloween season, and I was trying
my hardest to release it by then, but try as I may, I learned that even your
first basic mission is absolutely not something that your going to whip out in
a few days, more like about 315 DroMed hours!
For those of you who do not like Undead, don't fret, this mission is not just
undead. There are more human arachnid and beast AI than undead AI.
This is basically a kill or be killed "survival" mission simply due to the nature
of it's theme, a dream you must survive. (see the preface below), although many of
you do not like kill missions, this one fits the storyline. It would be very hard
to imagine a person in Garrett's line of work not having to deal with this scenario
in real life. Fact is, if you cannot overcome the feelings haunting you from time to
time, then they would surely over-take you in time causing you to retire or even
worse, commit suicide to escape the fear. So, in this case, and probably this case
only, a kill mission is necessary! Besides, say what you may, we all have a Darkside,
and occasionally playing this will help you satisfy it, and reduce stress. So, play
this when you get home from a bad day at work or school, it's good medicine!
I will not be making "other" kill missions, unless it's a part 2 (next dream), and that
is only if this is received well. I came up with this idea, and quickly realized that
this is the way it needed to be done!
All I ask is that you remember that this is my "first attempt" and I was not
trying to create a masterpiece, I was using it to help "learn the FM process". So
be kind to me. Praise what you like, tell me nicely what you did not, and make
helpful comments and suggestions, but please do not rake me over the coals in the
Forum. I think, just getting this far, and putting in this many hours to try to do
this, (for us all to enjoy), is more than enough to grant me that treatment.
The idea here is you, (Garrett), (after years of becoming the best dang thief in the world),
has had to do many many things that you wished you didn't have to in order to
survive and succeed in many of your missions. You have hurt many people, not just physically
but personally as well. Making them look bad, hurting their pride, stealing their most
prized possessions right out from under their noses. For this, you are not very well liked
by many with the exception of a very few friends, fellow thieves, and the ones who
pay you handsomely for acquiring their ill-gotten wares. Then of course there are those
who have been physically hurt, maimed, knocked silly, and even killed! Even the
creatures of the world, and those offering their services to your marks, have suffered
great folds from your work, and have grown quite baneful towards the name of Garrett.
Those are the prices you pay to be a good thief and you are the best, and you
have accepted that and can live with it just fine. Although, all those people, and
critters you have dealt with, unseen by others who know you, for you hide it well, are
still alive and tormenting your subconscious mind from time to time. That's where our tale
begins. You are asleep in your bedroom, but the memories of all those you have wronged are
reaching out to seek their revenge in your dream. You are about to have a Nightmare brought
on by them, in hopes of seeking their revenge. For they know that if you die in your
sleep, you will truly die and never again awaken. Your mission, is to try to regain control
of your dream world, and beat them at their own game. Your goal is to Survive The Dream!
This is Not a typical Thief mission in looks or play. It is intentionally made so, to
reflect the weird, and often non-sensible dream world where anything can happen, and
nothing is real or fully explainable.
A few major differences other than locales and textures etc. include the fact that there
is No Loot! No real furnishings in most areas, No particular objective to accomplish for oneself,
other than the simple need to SURVIVE the night! Therefore only one difficulty level as well.
This is done in keeping with the theme, and not a cop-out for DroMed styling. I believe that
I have included enough things into this mission to show that I will be very capable of handling
a normal mission, and this one is simply the way it is to fit the idea of the mission!
P.S. I did this all with T2, and No custom anything!, I have DEDx now, so expect more from me
in future missions!
-Deadwrite, Nov. 4th 2002
Credits: I first and foremost want to thank Komag! without Komags tutorial, I would
have never gotten this far even. Also I utillized my version of Komag's Trap
tutorial in the mission, thanks Komag.
Thanks To: (in no particular order) Hit Deity, YcatX, GayleSaver, GOB, Jake, OptimusPrime,
Lady Rowena, Rob Hicks, Madwolf, Telliamed, Kfort, Bumbleson, Mortal Monkey,
Shadowspawn, Charon, Danventry, Digital Nightfall, Raetsel, Eepcat, Yametha,
Alexius, Datoyminaytah, Gingerbread Man, Thumper, Dark Arrow, Uncadonego, Yandros,
Hex, Justice01, SatansBalogna, Jocke, Greg9001, William The Taffer, Daxim,
For either answering questions I poised in the forum directly or by being the author
of the answers I found in a search! Without you, I may still be a mindless
user playing Diablo or WarCraft :)
If I missed anyone, it wasn't intentional, so accept my apology.
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Garrett's Nightmare
File Name : miss20
Difficulty Settings : One
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes (blank)
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No
EAX Support : Yes
Briefing(s) : Just this text file :)
Length : short
Size : small
Difficulty Level Info : Easy (although it's not too easy :)
* Construction *
Base : All from my sick mind..
Build Time : about 315 hours (hey I was learning)
* Loading Information *
This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place in your missions folder.
Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, place the zip file into whatever
folder/directory you want on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to
this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.
* Copyright Information *
This level is ? by S.R. Pershin
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. You CAN edit this mission if you want.
This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
• Uploaded 04.11.2002
• Size 956.52 Kb