Greyfeather Gems-Part 2: Rodamill

August 21st, 2005
Author: Maria Str?m-Bestor (Morrgan)
Contact info:
Date of release: August 21st, 2005
Notes: This is the 2nd part of a 3 mission series. I recommend that you play the
1st part called "The Shipment" before this one.
Please make sure you have fog turned on for this mission.
Some years ago, the mining town of Rodamill was devastated by an earthquake. Little is
known about the event as the town has been cut off ever since - but it is believed the entire
population perished, and that the wealthy estate of Greyfeather Hall lies buried with its Lord,
the owner of the lucrative Greyfeather Mines.
His brother inherited the mines following this tragedy and has now sold them to the Mechanists,
who plan to excavate the town, mines and estate and to claim any salvage they find there.
But, the new Lord Greyfeather wishes some heirlooms to remain within the family, things too
valuable and too sensitive to barter with the Mechanists over.
Hence, he has hired Garrett to recover these items with as little commotion as possible.
In the first part of the series, Garrett hitched a ride with a Mechanist shipment to Rodamill.
The shipment, along with its unexpected cargo, has now arrived at the ruined mining town.
Now, Garrett must find the mines and a way into Greyfeather Hall beyond them.
"Mr. Garrett,
It comes to my humble ears that you are a man who gets things done, and done with
discretion. I hope this letter finds you in fine health and ample spare time, for I
have much coin with which to buy it.
Permit me a certain amount of exposition, before I introduce my purpose. I am Lord
Greyfeather II, a name of which no doubt you are familiar. One of my family's
richest assets were the Greyfeather mines of Rodamill, which were buried in an
earthquake some years back. The quake also buried our family manor: and with it, my
brother and some of his most interesting and valuable collections.
The Order of the Gear are purchasing the deeds to the mines from me, and have
already begun excavating the town of Rodamill. Their excavations will uncover many
heirlooms which I would rather keep in the family, and which the Mechanists would be
- shall we say - reluctant to part with. To disclose the existence of such artifacts
to them by way of asking for their return would raise eyebrows and uncomfortable
Hence my discretion in hiring you, Mr. Garrett. To come to the point: I would pay
you well to follow the Mechanists to the excavation and retrieve my family's finest
collection, the Greyfeather gems, from under their very noses. You would be welcome
to anything else you find among my family's ample fortunes; along with whatever fee
you deem suitable for your services.
The task I present to you should prove little trouble to a capable man. I am eagerly
awaiting your reply, Mr. Garrett.
With Regard,
Jacob Greyfeather, Fifth Lord of Rodamill"
* Play information *
Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: The Greyfeather Gems - Part 2: Rodamill
File name: miss22.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Yes
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
EAX support: No, since I don't have support for it myself.
Multi language support: No
Briefing: No
Difficulty level info: Normal, Hard, Expert
* Construction *
Base: Can't remember anymore. Probably some silly idea of mine that wouldn't leave
me alone.
Build Time: Gah, YEARS. The first draft for the storyline was created at the end of 2000 and
the actual Dromed work started early in 2001.
Notes: I ran into just about every possible limit while making this FM, even after I'd
split it into a 3-mission campaign. As a result, the mission isn't as detailed
as I would like it to be. Curse my megalomaniac brain and its impossible ideas.
* Known Bugs and Issues *
If some of the textures look screwed up (as if the palette has been scrambled),
this is probably because you are a Dromeder of taste and discernment who has an
earlier version of Vigil's texture packs installed. This conflicts with the version
used in the FM. To fix this, move the adb_* directories out of your fam folder
before installing TGG2.
* Loading Information *
DarkLoader ready.
* Special Thanks To *
Mazur -- help with various technical problems
Rustibus -- input on the original idea that evolved to this series, alpha testing
Schatten/Voidshaper -- the cool new ambients
Schwaa -- his handy quill model
Vigil -- maps, models, textures & other artwork, proofreading and rewriting texts, help with
story writing, cool little details in the mission, alpha testing and actual Dromed
work in the final stages of the mission (you can find Vigil's lovely textures and objects
A big thankyou to the beta-testers for their comments and suggestions:
Some sound clips (crying) were found at the Absolute Sound Effects Archive -
Finally, I want to thank my husband for putting up with all my Dromeding at odd hours. ;)
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by Maria Str?m-Bestor, August 2005.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
August 21st, 2005
Author: Maria Str?m-Bestor (Morrgan)
Contact info:
Date of release: August 21st, 2005
Notes: This is the 2nd part of a 3 mission series. I recommend that you play the
1st part called "The Shipment" before this one.
Please make sure you have fog turned on for this mission.
Some years ago, the mining town of Rodamill was devastated by an earthquake. Little is
known about the event as the town has been cut off ever since - but it is believed the entire
population perished, and that the wealthy estate of Greyfeather Hall lies buried with its Lord,
the owner of the lucrative Greyfeather Mines.
His brother inherited the mines following this tragedy and has now sold them to the Mechanists,
who plan to excavate the town, mines and estate and to claim any salvage they find there.
But, the new Lord Greyfeather wishes some heirlooms to remain within the family, things too
valuable and too sensitive to barter with the Mechanists over.
Hence, he has hired Garrett to recover these items with as little commotion as possible.
In the first part of the series, Garrett hitched a ride with a Mechanist shipment to Rodamill.
The shipment, along with its unexpected cargo, has now arrived at the ruined mining town.
Now, Garrett must find the mines and a way into Greyfeather Hall beyond them.
"Mr. Garrett,
It comes to my humble ears that you are a man who gets things done, and done with
discretion. I hope this letter finds you in fine health and ample spare time, for I
have much coin with which to buy it.
Permit me a certain amount of exposition, before I introduce my purpose. I am Lord
Greyfeather II, a name of which no doubt you are familiar. One of my family's
richest assets were the Greyfeather mines of Rodamill, which were buried in an
earthquake some years back. The quake also buried our family manor: and with it, my
brother and some of his most interesting and valuable collections.
The Order of the Gear are purchasing the deeds to the mines from me, and have
already begun excavating the town of Rodamill. Their excavations will uncover many
heirlooms which I would rather keep in the family, and which the Mechanists would be
- shall we say - reluctant to part with. To disclose the existence of such artifacts
to them by way of asking for their return would raise eyebrows and uncomfortable
Hence my discretion in hiring you, Mr. Garrett. To come to the point: I would pay
you well to follow the Mechanists to the excavation and retrieve my family's finest
collection, the Greyfeather gems, from under their very noses. You would be welcome
to anything else you find among my family's ample fortunes; along with whatever fee
you deem suitable for your services.
The task I present to you should prove little trouble to a capable man. I am eagerly
awaiting your reply, Mr. Garrett.
With Regard,
Jacob Greyfeather, Fifth Lord of Rodamill"
* Play information *
Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: The Greyfeather Gems - Part 2: Rodamill
File name: miss22.mis
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Yes
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
EAX support: No, since I don't have support for it myself.
Multi language support: No
Briefing: No
Difficulty level info: Normal, Hard, Expert
* Construction *
Base: Can't remember anymore. Probably some silly idea of mine that wouldn't leave
me alone.
Build Time: Gah, YEARS. The first draft for the storyline was created at the end of 2000 and
the actual Dromed work started early in 2001.
Notes: I ran into just about every possible limit while making this FM, even after I'd
split it into a 3-mission campaign. As a result, the mission isn't as detailed
as I would like it to be. Curse my megalomaniac brain and its impossible ideas.
* Known Bugs and Issues *
If some of the textures look screwed up (as if the palette has been scrambled),
this is probably because you are a Dromeder of taste and discernment who has an
earlier version of Vigil's texture packs installed. This conflicts with the version
used in the FM. To fix this, move the adb_* directories out of your fam folder
before installing TGG2.
* Loading Information *
DarkLoader ready.
* Special Thanks To *
Mazur -- help with various technical problems
Rustibus -- input on the original idea that evolved to this series, alpha testing
Schatten/Voidshaper -- the cool new ambients
Schwaa -- his handy quill model
Vigil -- maps, models, textures & other artwork, proofreading and rewriting texts, help with
story writing, cool little details in the mission, alpha testing and actual Dromed
work in the final stages of the mission (you can find Vigil's lovely textures and objects
A big thankyou to the beta-testers for their comments and suggestions:
Some sound clips (crying) were found at the Absolute Sound Effects Archive -
Finally, I want to thank my husband for putting up with all my Dromeding at odd hours. ;)
* Copyright *
This level is (c) by Maria Str?m-Bestor, August 2005.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 20.08.2005
• Size 14.91 Mb