Horns of Canzo Part 1: A Long Way Up

???????---Horns Of Canzo v 1.03b (final version, last update - b)---???????
Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: Horns of Canzo - A long way up
Files name: MISS21.MIS
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store: no - A FULL PERMANENT SHOP IN GAME.
Map / automap: yes / no
New graphics: yes
New sounds: yes
EAX support: no
Multi language support: no
Briefing: no
This is not a professional quality mission like Cosas, Calendra's Legacy, etc... but a self homemade mission by a single (insane) fan of The game Thief.
VERY IMPORTANT: VERY IMPORTANT: to see the two clips of this mission (prologue & credits) you should run the VP3 codec that you will find inside this mission .zip pack.
(You don't need to restart after the installing)
please note: if you don't feel sure to click on that .exe file, you must go to the original site of the VP3 codec and download it. www.vp3.com
same thing for the Gaylesaver's scripts.
This mission doesn't seem to work well with a low-end computer configuration.
Minimum System Requirements are higher than for T2, Calendra's Legacy, Cosas etc.
Probably around a CPU1200Mhz w/ 256 MB RAM and 32 MB
Anyone who has an Ercules videocard cannot play it. (This is a joke).
- Special feature: you can play this mission BOTH with fog and night sky.
for fog: set the SKY DETAILS to -LOW- and FOG -ON-
- All the extra music contained* in this mission are made by Sterlino except mygodesvinyl made by A.Riva with remix by Sterlino.
It?s a quiet, mid-September afternoon and you, Garrett, Master of thieves, find yourself slowly remembering the adventures of the past in front of the fireplace.
In your hand is a goblet of a fabulous wine taken from Lord Bafford?s cellar.
In the midst of this restful interlude, you hear a whistle from the window followed by a thud...... an arrow is quivering in the frame with a message attached.
?We know about your recent success at Bafford?s manor. We have captured your friend Basso to hold for ransom.
To free him, you must steal for us an artifact of an ancient and unknown nature.
This precious thing is owned by a powerful Lord, who lives alone in a little fortress situated in a distant land named Italy.
From the Map at the end of the text you will see what our problem is.
The artifact?s name is ?the Dragon?s Claw?, the exact location in Italy is the mountain of ?the Horns of Canzo?, and the Lord mentioned is named Lord Kanfass.
We are giving you 2 months to complete this mission. Remember that the fate of your good friend, Basso is in our hands.
The sooner you bring us the Claw, the better it will be for Basso.
Signed: the Brotherhood of Fire.
It?s a long time to wait to pay back the Brotherhood of Fire but you don?t want to go into their nest without the artifact, so you begin the journey to Italy.
Then, after two weeks of difficult travel, you finally arrive and start planning the job.
Canzo is a little village down on the lower part of the mountain with the curious name ?Horns?.
After a good night's sleep at ?the Wild Boar? you look around you and see a strange thing! The people here seem to be more like you than those in your homeland.
You then start to follow the main path to the nearest point beside the Horns... they are two particularly enormous rocks on the top edge of the mountain, which resemble a pair of animal horns.
You, as always, check the map and see that the route shown will lead you to an infamous Inn, where you can find some information about Lord Kanfass.
In the process, you can also find a way to fill up your, by now empty, pockets.
HoC?S STORY BY Sterlino
Mission One: A Long way up - time location: just before thief 3
Architecture: Sterlino
Objectives: Sterlino
Conversations: Some faked by Sterlino & Riva A.
Build Time: 16 months (see the Extra Notes)
Mission Two:
work in progress
Mission Three:
work in progress
***KNOWN BUGS-------------------
- 4 complanair case errors yet never solved, but they seems not to cause problems in game.
- the warning message on ghost level sometimes don't works.
- this last version 1.03b fix a problem with a key.
A VERY VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO GOB !! Without the wonderful textures he made, this mission would never have become a reality.
Special Thanks to:
? Lord Alan, for his support, for the works on the site (wonderful), some advice and moral support.
? Alessandro Riva for friendship, voice on some conversations.
? Nightwalker and Bernie for various editing of the texts.
- Thanks to team Calendra for some minor books that I have used in the library.
? A very special thanks to Paweleck for his idea of the carabinieri skins (that I have modified a little bit)
? I would use more than two and only (at this time) objects made by Targa the magnifico - Thanks to him.
? Komag, with his basic tutorial escorts me to the dark side of thief - the dromed.
? All at the Forum for the support of knowledge, without that I would never complete this mission pack.
? Looking Glass for The game - THE one and only good 1st person game available in the world.
- Epithumia for the host space at http://www.thiefmissions.com.
- Alexius from The Hammerites Empire's project.
- GayleSaver for the scripts.
- A very special thanks to:
Sluggs, for sympathy;
Eshaktaar, for two beautiful shiny green eyes....
And R Soul for his constant presence in the TTLG Forum as major help.
- A final mention for Bumbleson - a hidden sage of dromed's scripts and settings.
for the version 1.0:
- thanks to Nameless voice for his idea of TriggeronLoad.
- Anyone who contributes to solve the problem of the Lag increase.
- Spiderkat, Melissa, Maloo and any persons who contributes with an unconscious pre-beta testing. (hehe)
* Extra Notes *
The original idea of the Distant Art is a terragen picture created by Barbara Xerraire then completely rebuilt for dromed settings by myself. You can find other of her beautiful works at www.xerraire.com.
The first mission (a long way up) did not turn out as perfectly as I would have liked..... anyway, the intention of creating a good atmosphere for the mission was a success. Keep one eye closed for the rest and you will be happy to play it.
Difficulty levels: Normal, Hard, Expert
extra notes: every level of difficulty have very different setting,
in any different level you can see something and cannot see some others.....
* Construction *
Base: from scratch (see some of it inside the zip file)
Build Time: over 16 months, with a lot of difficulty to overcome, mostly the limits of buildable architecture with Dromed.
1 month to build 5 semi/professional movies.
3 months for the project of a functional and easy to build shop in game. (i've rebuilt all the shop mechanism 4 times).
1 whole month to create some good sounds and music.
6 months about to understand how to make something rather that other things.
2 months to design a possible architecture
and various deadly months to rebuild all the whole mission 5 times.
* Loading information *
ThiefLoader and DarkLoader ready.
* Copyright *
All the songs in the folder HOC1 are created by Sterlino,
except 'Mygodesvinyl' created by Alessandro Riva and remixed by Sterlino.
Extra music & sounds (not simple sfx):
complix (remix of the original sample of TLG)
Copyright (c) May 2004 by Sterlino
Distribution of this level is allowed so long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my knowledge and express permission.
• Uploaded 28.05.2004
• Size 87.08 Mb