
Version beta and final release too !
Author: guess who ??
Contact info: Thief 2 Fan Mission for the CRAP CONTEST
Homepage: ehmmm…. www.somethingidunnoremeberwell.ouch
Date of release: 4/12/06
Version: 0.99999999
Author: (removed for contest rules reasons)
Game: Thief 2
Difficulty settings: no – and don’t loose your time pushing on buttons, press START
Map / Automap: no
New graphics: hmmm… may be yes, may be not
New Objects: hmmm…. yes ….but i’m not sure.
Multi language support: what ??
the story:
It was a long day taffin’ around the city then you got a BIG BIG Headache,
After gulpin’ some Aspirin you just fall on the bed and……
Uhh, What you said ?..! No aspirin in the Middle Ages ? ….well….. who cares……
Important Notes:
There are a couple of .AVI that would be nice to see,
so to be sure before begin to play (since i experienced some troubles)
reinstall the INDEO CODEC that you can find in the thief2 original cd
(the 2nd cd), just click on the (seems like a) red box icon.
Be sure also to have Thief2 updated with the official Thief2Patch107-1182
I have a lot of fun creating these little missions, hope you will
like them…
Base : From a dangerous mind
Build Time : 7 full crazy days
to play this mission you don’t need scripts or whatever, play it and shutup… !
Difficulties differences:
there are no differences at all !
thanks to:
Sluggs that pulls me to join this contest (damn…)
Thanks to SlipTip for a couple of sounds effects and the wonderfull shaft.
Thanks to SlyFox for his actin’ role of Garrett that faces the death.
Thanks also to ME for all the actin’ voices you can find in the mission Garrett’s
most parts too.
A special thanks to Schwaa for the whole list of objects he made until now
for all of us and for the pinetree model that you could find inside this mission.
And Thanks to anyone else at TTLG forum, simple the best community of the world…
Copyright Information ~@~
This level was made by ??
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
Version beta and final release too !
Author: guess who ??
Contact info: Thief 2 Fan Mission for the CRAP CONTEST
Homepage: ehmmm…. www.somethingidunnoremeberwell.ouch
Date of release: 4/12/06
Version: 0.99999999
Author: (removed for contest rules reasons)
Game: Thief 2
Difficulty settings: no – and don’t loose your time pushing on buttons, press START
Map / Automap: no
New graphics: hmmm… may be yes, may be not
New Objects: hmmm…. yes ….but i’m not sure.
Multi language support: what ??
the story:
It was a long day taffin’ around the city then you got a BIG BIG Headache,
After gulpin’ some Aspirin you just fall on the bed and……
Uhh, What you said ?..! No aspirin in the Middle Ages ? ….well….. who cares……
Important Notes:
There are a couple of .AVI that would be nice to see,
so to be sure before begin to play (since i experienced some troubles)
reinstall the INDEO CODEC that you can find in the thief2 original cd
(the 2nd cd), just click on the (seems like a) red box icon.
Be sure also to have Thief2 updated with the official Thief2Patch107-1182
I have a lot of fun creating these little missions, hope you will
like them…
Base : From a dangerous mind
Build Time : 7 full crazy days
to play this mission you don’t need scripts or whatever, play it and shutup… !
Difficulties differences:
there are no differences at all !
thanks to:
Sluggs that pulls me to join this contest (damn…)
Thanks to SlipTip for a couple of sounds effects and the wonderfull shaft.
Thanks to SlyFox for his actin’ role of Garrett that faces the death.
Thanks also to ME for all the actin’ voices you can find in the mission Garrett’s
most parts too.
A special thanks to Schwaa for the whole list of objects he made until now
for all of us and for the pinetree model that you could find inside this mission.
And Thanks to anyone else at TTLG forum, simple the best community of the world…
Copyright Information ~@~
This level was made by ??
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 07.12.2006
• Size 7.22 Mb