Keeper Investigations City Map

Thursday, 07.08.2008
Title : Keeper Investigations
Filename : Keeper
Author : Steffen Lehnert (intruder)
Contact info :
Homepage :
Date of Release : 07.08.2008
Version : 1.0
Description : City style mission
* Playing Information *
This FM was created while using the following packages:
1. NTEX texture pack version 1.3 for Thief 2 (by thief_gotcha)
2. Thief I + II Sound effects enhancement pack (by Child Of Karras)
3. Thief Enhancement Pack
I didn't test it on an unaltered Thief 2 installation!
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Name : Keeper Investigations
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map/Automap : Yes / No
New Graphics : Wille's Distant Art Textures
New Objects : No
New Sounds : No
EAX Support : No
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No
Known bugs : No
* Construction *
Base : From Scratch
Map Size : Small / Medium
Build Time : 7 Months
* Story *
The City changes very fast. After the defeat of the Trickster, a group of Hammerite separatist's who call themself "Mechanists" grows in number and influence
in the city. The Hammerites are weakened and unable to stop the fluctuation in their ranks. These new fanatics are especially interested in engineers, chemists and inventors and a lot of them have already joined them. But it is not clear what their plan is and how it will affect the City.
Artemus is concerned about this developement and decided to share his knowledge with Garrett. He is convinced that Garrett would be able to gather some information and reveal some of the mysteries surrounding those new Mechanists. But one thing was mentioned many times in the Keeper books:
The Metal Age and that time is short...
* Loading Information *
Darkloader ready. Do not unzip -- Place in fan mission folder and install using
Darkloader 4.2 or later.
* Special Thanks *
Distant Art Textures:
* Wille
Beta Testers:
* Gloria Creep
* Haplo
* Marupka
* Pavlovscat
* SneakyJack
Additional Translation:
* Daniela Eichfeld
...and all people who helped me out in the Editor's Guild on TTLG, especialy Komag for his tutorial!
* Copyright Information *
This Fanmission is (c) by Steffen Lehnert 2008
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is
kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Eidos Interactive,
or Ion Storm.
(This info file was created using Tom's Quick Fan-Mission Maker.)
Thursday, 07.08.2008
Title : Keeper Investigations
Filename : Keeper
Author : Steffen Lehnert (intruder)
Contact info :
Homepage :
Date of Release : 07.08.2008
Version : 1.0
Description : City style mission
* Playing Information *
This FM was created while using the following packages:
1. NTEX texture pack version 1.3 for Thief 2 (by thief_gotcha)
2. Thief I + II Sound effects enhancement pack (by Child Of Karras)
3. Thief Enhancement Pack
I didn't test it on an unaltered Thief 2 installation!
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Name : Keeper Investigations
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map/Automap : Yes / No
New Graphics : Wille's Distant Art Textures
New Objects : No
New Sounds : No
EAX Support : No
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No
Known bugs : No
* Construction *
Base : From Scratch
Map Size : Small / Medium
Build Time : 7 Months
* Story *
The City changes very fast. After the defeat of the Trickster, a group of Hammerite separatist's who call themself "Mechanists" grows in number and influence
in the city. The Hammerites are weakened and unable to stop the fluctuation in their ranks. These new fanatics are especially interested in engineers, chemists and inventors and a lot of them have already joined them. But it is not clear what their plan is and how it will affect the City.
Artemus is concerned about this developement and decided to share his knowledge with Garrett. He is convinced that Garrett would be able to gather some information and reveal some of the mysteries surrounding those new Mechanists. But one thing was mentioned many times in the Keeper books:
The Metal Age and that time is short...
* Loading Information *
Darkloader ready. Do not unzip -- Place in fan mission folder and install using
Darkloader 4.2 or later.
* Special Thanks *
Distant Art Textures:
* Wille
Beta Testers:
* Gloria Creep
* Haplo
* Marupka
* Pavlovscat
* SneakyJack
Additional Translation:
* Daniela Eichfeld
...and all people who helped me out in the Editor's Guild on TTLG, especialy Komag for his tutorial!
* Copyright Information *
This Fanmission is (c) by Steffen Lehnert 2008
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is
kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Eidos Interactive,
or Ion Storm.
(This info file was created using Tom's Quick Fan-Mission Maker.)
• Uploaded 05.08.2008
• Size 5.13 Mb