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Lord Fishkill's Curse

July 30, 2003

Author : Shadowspawn (Randy Sybel)
Contact Info : rsybel@adelphia.net
Homepage : http://www.angelfire.com/games4/shadowspawn/
Date of Release : August 16, 2003
Version : Release 1.05
Description : Lord Fishkill's Curse.

Briefing : Yes


This mission takes place after Thief II. Now that Karras is gone, Lord
Fishkill has time to nurse his old wounds and decides to offer Garrett an
ultimatum; come work for him, or be cursed and die.

Camvator 1) - (Please turn up the sound here, so you can hear Garrett and Lord Fishkill
better. The synchronization of sound and action seems to vary from PC to PC, including
overlapping lines. If you have trouble understanding the conversation, there is a
text copy in Books/english/camvator.str)
- Garrett and Lord Fishkill meet on neutral ground, Fishkill offers Garrett
employment as his security chief, Garrett declines, Fishkill fires off a spell
at Garrett which leaves him writhing in pain on the ground and engages the

The Keepers reach Garrett and keep him safely stashed away in an apartment
they keep for these purposes. As long as Garrett never come into contact with
bright light, the curse doesn't activate. If he does, nightmarish creatures
are summoned, which then try very hard to kill him

After days of sitting around, waiting for something to do, Garrett is ready to
take his chances. Hanging around drinking every night until he can sleep
without dreaming is wearing thin.

Things you should know:

Frobbing an oil lamp puts it out. So will water arrows and KOGas.
Most pipes can be climbed.
Falling off of roofs can kill you.
Running is a perfectly acceptable defense.
There are two 'frobbable' AI in the mission. Think of them as 'Interactive'.
Frobbing them will get you information or hints.

Another note of caution - During testing it was found that saving conversations
(in the Dromed sense of the word) caused many weird and unmanageable problems. So,
I removed the 'feature'. What this means to you is try and avoid saving a game
while one of the AI is talking to you. It won't work right when you restore.

Also, don't try and break the camvator sequences. I didn't hide anything interesting
in the backdrops, and you'll wander around with nothing to do. Just sit back and
enjoy them, they're not that long.

My beta-testers slapped me around until I fixed all the bugs I could. There are
still one or two trouble spots, so save often;
1.) Starting a ruckus in the bar downstairs from where you start often crashes the
game for no apparent reason. Save before you leap into action.
2.) Events in the wizard's dining room seem to lead to crashes, it seems to be
somewhat hardware dependent (video cards in particular).
3.) Jumping onto the ladder in the wizard's kitchen can be difficult. Get a
running start.
For textures; David Guerra, schwaa, Saturnine, Asylum, and Sledge.
Also, thanks to Lady Rowena and Christine, for making it obvious that David Guerra's
texture were too good to pass up.
For AI; Anyone who contributed to Dedx
For Objects; Nameless_Voice, schwaa, Dedx team.
For AVI movies: Thorin Oakenshield
In General; anyone who ever wrote a tutorial or did a demo mission
Special Thanks to frobber - for the great rain sounds and lots of help with weather!

If I used something special from anyone, and I forgot to give
you credit, please send me a whack on the head and I'll include you here.

Special credit to the voice actors SlyFoxx and MsLedd;
MsLedd - Mother
SlyFoxx - Father, Jimmy, guards(2), wizards, Garrett (of course)
Shadowspawn - Message boy, Keeper Orlo, Lord Fishkill

I'd like to thank my beta-testers. If there are any bugs left in the mission,
it's not their fault. There's just some things I can't fix, or can't make happen
Nightwalker, frobber, SlyFoxx, kfort, MsLedd, Silent_Warrior, Peter Smith,
Albert Conklin, Jabberwocky, Yandros, epithumia, DashStatic.


I'd like to thank LGS (even though they are gone) for bringing Thief to
life, and giving us such a wonderful playground for our imaginations!

Special Thanks:
To Terry Pratchett - for giving me some great ideas for comic relief in my missions,
as well as writing wonderful fantasy / humor books. And for playing this mission.

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : Lord Fishkill's Curse
File Name : miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : Easy, Hard, Difficult
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : Yes
New Objects : Yes
New Creatures : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Motions : Yes (well, sort of))
EAX Settings : Yes
Multi-Language Support : Some

Briefing : Eventually
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, Expert

* Construction *

Base : Life of The Party
Build Time : 10 months


* Loading Information *

With Thiefloader(Darkloader):

Copy the LFCurse.zip into your thief2/missions folder. Run
Darkloader, and select Lord Fishkill's Curse from the list and press play.


* Copyright Information *

This level is ? by (Randy Sybel (Shadowspawn), August 16, 2003)

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express
permission. Mission designers: Please ask me before using the custom elements
of this mission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

(This text file was created with the Homemade Mission Text Wizard)

• Uploaded 21.08.2003
• Size 34.89 Mb
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