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Lord Bafford's Secret


Title : Lord Bafford's Secret
Filename : Lord_Baff_Secret
Author : DarthsLair
Contact info : darthslair@rocketmail.com
Date of release : January 6th 2013
Version : Release Version


* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2 The Metal Age
Level Names : Lord Bafford's Secret
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes. Baffed, Taffer, Taffed
Map/Automap : No.
New graphics : Yes.
New sounds : Yes.
New conversations : No.
New models : Yes.
EAX Support : No.
Multi language support : Yes. English,German
Briefing : No
Equipment store : No.

* Construction *
Base: From Miss2.mis Thief Gold Some multibrushes from other sources, including from Redface. Made originally for the Thief Reloaded Contest 3
Known Bugs: Sometimes the ai will get stuck in the lower Bafford Towers. Reload fixes it. This mission is ghostable, as long as an objective is optional.
This mission will never be revised by me. Failing eyesight has forced me to quit using computers forever. I am now just a Taffer, Tapping around.
Some of my local friends are assisting me when needed. I have purchased Dragon Speak version 11, which when learned I will use it when I can.

Story:Lord Bafford inherits a gift-a mechanist servant. A few months later, the town is stirred with rumors of Lord Bafford's extreme wealth, and more importantly, Where did he get it?
A violent gang of thieves and thugs abducted Lord Bafford's Servant, and girlf friend with extorsion in mind. They will stop at nothing to extort Bafford's secret to wealth. Lord Bafford has beefed up security, as he plans on keeping his tremendous fortune. Maybe his throne room will be of actual use to him someday ? His eventual plan is to buy the city, and then the surrounding territories. With wealth comes problems, and of course corruption. With great wealth comes the burden of keeping it. I have no problem with helping him to lose it.

A city watchman caught me pinching a key, and I was thrown in jail. No problem, I will just escape and find out what secrets Lord Bafford is keeping. Sometimes rumors can be valuable.
Lord Bafford usually keeps journals, and probably has a book of secrets somewhere. Hopefully I can find it before the local thieves do. Maybe in his bedroom, or perhaps in one of his many counting rooms ? Time to get going, as even rich men like Lord Bafford can lose all that he holds dear to him in just one night.

The idea behind the story: This being based on the first mission in the Dark Project, was also my first love. At the end of all things since "Return to Bafford Manor" TG, I close my fm hobby.
As soon as I can say, I am blind, but can see, I will return to this hobby someday, or maybe not. Long Live Thief ! My plan just a few months ago was to revise all 16 of my fms using New Dark, but the dream has been lost. I sincerely thank everyone in TTLG, and Shalebridge Cradle, and Thiefmissions, and Brethren at SouthQuarter for their devotion to a game I have loved for years. Now you see me, now you dont would have made a great story, but the later has come. Good bye everyone !

* Loading Information *
Get the latest version of Darkloader and run it. Should run in fm selector for v.1.19 , but may not on some machines DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!
May not run with Windows Vista and Garrettloader, but was tested in Darkloader v4.1, and GarrettLoader.

* Copyright Information *
DarthsLair January 6th 2013
* Special Thanks:To all of the Beta Testers: Nickie, Tannar,dbrilliant,itllrun10s,Brethren,Ravenhook,Undead Gamer, Zappen
* Special Thanks to Nickie, for editing readables, and to Zappen for the German Translation.
* Special Thanks * To Rufus for her voice acting. "Bafford's Servant"
* Special Thanks * Special Thanks to model makers: Yandros, Zontik, Raetsel, Hrothgar, Nielsen74, OttoJ55, Eshaktaar, Targa, R Soul, Christine, Nameless Voice, Dark Arrow, Sluggs.
Christine, Redface,LarryG,Cosas,and the team. Von Eins,Althalus,Omer "G'len" Golan,Rob Hicks and J.Knez(Schwaa),Alun Bestor,Purgator,Gort.Ar-Zimrathon,Greenhorn,DarkMax,
Pdackel, Syi,Eshaktaar, Master_edd,Phantom,ShadowSpawn,The Watcher,The house of Dhin,Sensut,Vigil,Paweuek,And,mkadlec,epithumia,Timon,caffeinatedzombeh,Willie,Winter Cat,
Bronze Griffin, Digital Nightfall, Metal Dawn,taffer9,AntiMatter_16,redface,threeviltritone,Willie,Gregorious,Haplo,Purgator,Independant Theif,
Special Thanks to all model makers, my fellow dromeders for their help, and to all the Taffers who can stand my mediocre work, and sorry to say my last fan mission due to a vision problem.
. Special Thanks to: Thiefmissions.com, and Ttlg and SouthQuarter and to all of the thiefy wonderful sites in the thiefy universerse.
Special Thanks to Zappen for conversion to German Language, and for his great beta testing by email.
Special Thanks to Chachi Jones : "Brown" on the first mission from the album "Claustrophilia" and "Not this nothing" from the album "Dymaxon Daydream" To Pedro for providing this originally in Melancholy in Porto. This music Rocks !

Technical Information: Script used: NvScript.osm-included in the zip. Has been made using New Dark engine for Thief 2. Some problems will eventually be repaired, but not by me.
UnKnown Issues: Has not been tested on Windows98, or Windows2000. Some reported problems: sometimes the player will get stuck on an object, but usually there is a way to unstuck
yourself. Sometimes sound doesn't work. I have kept the nostalgiac feel to this classic original, as this was my first love of thief the dark project. The story has been changed, and some texture changes to suit me. It may not suit everyone, but they are free to edit their own, as this is the original concept of fan missions. Make it the way you want it, and then share it !
The original Bear Conversation and Basement Conversation have been preserved. Some additonal buildings have been made, along with more ai in the mission to complete the new story.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or
Eidos Interactive. You are free to distribute, but do not change any mission
data for redistribution without my written consent. Enjoy!!! This mission
was intended to be for fun only. The author does not assume any liability
in misuse. Ha! Ha! Enjoy, Taffer!


Lord Baffords Geheimnis

Januar 2013

Spiel: Thief 2 1.19 - Das Metallzeitalter
Datei: Lord_Baff_Secret.zip
Schwierigkeitsgrade: Normal, Hart, Experte
Ausrüstungsladen: Nein
Karte: Ja
Neue Grafik: Ja
Neue Geräusche: Ja
Neue Objekte: Ja
EAX: Nein
Mehrsprachig: DE, EN

Lord Bafford bekommt von den Mechanisten eine Dienerin zum Geschenk. Wenige Monate später kursieren Gerüchte über Baffords neuen, unermeßlichen Reichtum. Wie konnte er das erreichen?
Bald darauf hat eine Bande gewaltbereiter Verbrecher seine Dienerin entführt. Sie wollen Bafford erpressen seine Geheimnisse preiszugeben. Der stockt sein Wachpersonal auf, um weiter ungestört seinen Geschäften nachgehen zu können.
Mich hat man derweil aufgegriffen und in den Knast gesteckt. Daraus werde ich wieder verduften, um Baffords Geheimnisse ergründen zu können. Für gewöhnlich notiert er all seine Geheimnisse, doch wo? Im Schlafzimmer oder in einem seiner Geldzähl-Räume?

Diese FM wurde nicht von Looking Glass Studios oder Eidos Interactive hergestellt und wird auch nicht von diesen unterstützt.
Nutzt NvScript.osm und thn.script.
Nicht unter Windows98 oder Windows2000 getestet. Zwei bekannte Probleme sind:
Man kann den Fisch nicht ins Wasser fallenlassen und die Mission endet, sobald alle Aufgaben erfüllt sind und nicht erst am Startpunkt.
Die Mission basiert auf der aufgegebenen Mechanistenmission von ottoj55.
Viel Spaß damit!

Dank an ...
Beta Testers: Nickie, Tannar,dbrilliant,itllrun10s,Brethren,Ravenhook,Undead Gamer, Zappen
... Rufus voice acting Mechanist Servant. (Stimmen)
... Yandros, Zontik, Raetsel, Hrothgar, Nielsen74, OttoJ55, Eshaktaar, Targa, R Soul, Christine, Nameless Voice, Dark Arrow, Sluggs,RedFace for .vbr Baron's House.
Christine, Redface, LarryG, Cosas and the team, Von Eins, Althalus, Omer "G'len" Golan, Rob Hicks and J.Knez (Schwaa), Alun Bestor, Purgator, Gort. Ar-Zimrathon,Greenhorn,DarkMax, Pdackel, Syi, Eshaktaar, Master_edd, Phantom, ShadowSpawn, The Watcher, The house of Dhin, Sensut, Vigil, Paweuek, And, mkadlec, epithumia, Timon, caffeinatedzombeh, Willie, Winter Cat, Bronze Griffin, Digital Nightfall, Metal Dawn, taffer9, AntiMatter_16, redface, threeviltritone, Willie, Gregorious, Haplo Purgator, Independant Thief(Objekte)
(Ambient-Musik) Chachi Jones : "Brown" on the first mission from the album "Claustrophilia" and "Not this nothing" from the album "Dymaxon Daydream" To Pedro for providing this originally in Melancholy in Porto. This music Rocks !

... Thiefmissions.com, TTLG and SouthQuarter




• Uploaded 06.01.2013
• Size 137.42 Mb
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