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Lucrative Opportunity :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Lucrative Opportunity


Title : Lucrative Opportunity
Author : Aaron Pettett
Website : http://balder.prohosting.com/apettett
Email : apettett@freeuk.com

Description : This is a single player FM that I made for Thief 2.

Files :
Page000.pcx > Page006.pcx


You had stayed up late the night before, so you decided to hit the pillow early to be up before dawn.
It was very early in the morning, then you heard a tapping at the door, "Who the hell could that be?" you ask yourself, you blow out the candle beside your bed and grab your sword. You sneak to the door with your sword held in front of you. You reach for the door knob and then you see it turning, you quickly press yourself against the wall and hold your sword above your head, the door opens slightly, you see a pair of eyes peep through. Then the door opens halfway, and then a whisper, "Garret, is't thou here?". You then begin to realize who it is, it is a pagan sent by Viktoria. You then leap out in front of him and scare him half to death!. You invite him in and you get talking.
"Why are you here?", you ask, "Viktoria sent me here", he replies, then he hands you a piece of paper "Here", he says, you start to read the parchment it reads:

The mechanists are planning something vile, but I don't know what, all I know is that one of their artifacts that they have created is being shown at the local art gallery in Greenwood Town, and tonight is the last night of showing, tomorrow the mechanists will come for it and take it back to the newly formed Soulforge cathedral, and if that happens we will never know what it is.
I have a bad feeling about this but you are going to have to get it TONIGHT, if you fail we could be in serious trouble.


"Oh well", you think, "It would be a great time to catch up on some old friends" as you laugh. The pagan leaves the safety of your house and you start to get ready for the trip down to Greenwood Town. Unfortunately you forgot your sword in the rush of getting ready and also you lost you Square toothed lock pick somewhere the other night, "I think I should retire VERY soon", you think to yourself, you have traveled far to far to be going back to get your sword so you press on. You meet up with a few 'acquaintances' on the way and they give you some information that you have written down on a scroll, "that should help me out enough to get started", you say.
Every night the gates to each town are locked, so to get to Greenwood town from Dayport would require some acrobatic skills to get over the wall that separates the towns. You finally make it into Greenwood. "Now, where are the Rich nobles at", you laugh to yourself as you land on the ground...


Editor(s) used : DromEd 1.18, Paint Shop Pro 6
Build Time : Far too Long (6 months or so)

Bugs: When you first start the game the level textures are all messed up, to correct this problem look at the Scroll provided in your inventory, when returning to game mode it will be alright. If you look at the Map, Objectives or goto the ingame menu you will have to again look at the scroll (or any piece of paper) to correct this problem again.

How to play

Extract the zip file into your Thief 2 directory with directories enabled, or alternativley use Dark loader for ease of extracting and returning Thief 2 to its original missions.

Thanks to

· LGS for making such an original game and giving me the opportunity to get my lazyee ass into gear and do some more Level editing.
· All at TTLG forums for help on many a things.
· Mikal Hauser and Imposter for Beta Testing my FM for me.


Hope you enjoy it!...

• Uploaded 15.01.2001
• Size 3.59 Mb
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