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Memoirs of a Dead God :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Memoirs of a Dead God

Memoirs of a Dead God by Nick Dablin (nicked)
Author : Nick Dablin
Contact Info : nickdablin@googlemail.com - this is my new e-mail address. If you tried contacting me from the readme files for my older missions, I won't be able to get the e-mail!
Homepage : n/a
Date of Release : 11/26/2008

Title : Memoirs of a Dead God

Story :

This mission is set just after the events of Thief 1. Lord Morego is one of the more reclusive of the city's nobility. He's rich, but he's never had any one item valuable enough to be worth the risk of robbing him. This is all about to change, because word on the underground tells me he'll shortly be receiving a mysterious book from sources abroad. There are wild rumours it's a pagan magic book bound in human skin, but I've not heard anything concrete. The item must be phenomenally valuable though, because it's being transported with an escort of armed guards. I'm no highwayman, so my best chance will be after the book has arrived. This may also pose a problem, because the paranoid Lord Morego is having a brand new vault constructed underneath his house, using new Mechanist technology. It seems some inside information couldn't hurt, so I'll be casing the joint before the vault is finished, to try and get some tips on how to break in. Once I've figured out the best way to get in, I'll make my plans for the night Lord Morego is throwing a party for the city's nobility...

Additional Info :

QUICKSAVE WARNING! There may occasionally be times in mission one where the ghosting objective fails suddenly. This is usually due to a guard hearing you even though you didn't make much noise. For this reason, please check to make sure you have no failed objectives before quicksaving, as there's nothing more frustrating than having a save just before the Mission Failed screen!

This is a 2-part mission. I know some people will be put off by the ghost objective and find secrets objective. For this reason, the ghost objective is optional on Normal and Hard and you only have to find one secret on Normal, so play on normal if you don't like this type of gameplay much! Stick with it though - the restrictions don't apply to mission 2!

Please download and install the Object Enhancement Pack (http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118999) for the optimal experience! (not required)

Please note that the Armory is deliberately inaccessible in mission one - there is nothing mission critical in there so don't waste time trying to find the key!

Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2
Mission Title : Memoirs of a Dead God
File Name : Miss23.mis, Miss24.mis, miss23.gam
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : Not yet, but as always, if anyone wants to volunteer...
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : No
Length : 0
Size : 0

Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, Expert. You have less equipment, more guards and harder objectives on higher difficulty levels, but the story remains unchanged.

Known bugs:

It should be fixed, but in the first mission, one of the guards occasionally messes up his patrol route. He ends up circling endlessly in the room west of the pool room. If this happens, find a spot to quicksave, and then reload. After reloading, he should sort himself out.

Sometimes, doors decide to fly away of their own accord. I thought I'd got them all, but it's like playing whack-a-mole - you fix one, another one pops up.

* Construction *

Base : From Scratch
Build Time : Too long!
* Loading Information *

This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place the zip file in your
missions folder.
* Credits *

Beta Testers:

Special thanks to Brethren for hosting the beta versions on www.southquarter.com

Special thanks to Tannar for putting together the loot list/object locations - see the xls file in the zip.

Plus big thanks to Dussander for the testing forum! It was a massive help, and my betatesters and I all found it very useful! I urge any mission authors who are betatesting to get a forum for discussing it - you won't regret it!

Alpha Testers for Mission 23:
Undead Gamer
Winter Cat


marshall banana - New book and hand models (evilbk.bin, evilbk1.gif, evilbk2.gif, evilbk3.gif, svhand.bin, svhand.gif) and scanner pad (scanpad.bin, fingpad.gif, scanside.gif, swback.gif)
Unknown? - New Barrel skins (barr_cap.gif, barrel2.gif)
Dark Arrow - New Chandelier (8cchandelier.bin,
Dhin - The teddy bear (theo.bin, theo.e, tb_body.gif)
Eshaktaar - the swirling Vortex (vortex01.bin, vortex01.tga)
Jason Otto - Body parts (mechead.bin, mecleg1.bin, disarmr.bin, soldier.gif, soldierarm.gif, soldierleg.gif (modified textures)), New Bottles (jobotts.bin, jobottt.bin, bronz123.gif, jo5nut.jpg, jogrgls.gif, jordgls.gif, metal01a.gif), New blood splats (dsplat11.bin, dsplat2.bin, dsplat5.bin, dsplat7.bin, duffysplat.bin, splat15.bin, splat16.bin, dsplat11.tga, dsplat2.tga, dsplat5.tga, dsplat7.tga, duffysplat.tga, splat15.tga, splat16.tga), bloody table (bloodtab.bin, bloodywood.gif, wdplnks1.gif)
Nameless Voice - New food (NVCabbage.bin, NVcabbage01.bin, NVCheese.bin, NVsausage.bin, NVSausages.bin, cabbage1.gif, cabbage2.gif, cheese1.gif, sausage.gif)
Nielson74 - Shields (shield1.bin, shield21.bin, shield24.bin, gold1.gif, bronce.gif, shield01.gif, shield21.gif, shield24.gif), firewood (firewood74.bin, bark1.gif, woodend1.gif, woodside1.gif, woodside2.gif), pirate hook (PirateHook.bin, cush3.gif, DEWAL03B.gif), bollard (bollard74.bin, newmetal.gif)
Pinkdot - Rows of Books - (rzadxx.bins, ksiazxx.gifs)
raetsel - The pumpkin (pumpkin.bin, pumpy.gif, pumpstem.gif)
R Soul - The Ham sandwich (hamsandwRS.bin, bread1.gif, brdcrust.gif)
Schwaa - Garlic (GarlicClove.bin, GarlicCloves.bin, Garlic.gif), lute (sch_lute.bin, gold.gif, luteback.gif, lutefrnt.gif)
Sluggs - The creepy burrick (swingbur.bin), the planets (mars.bin, planeta.bin, planetb.bin, clouds.gif, surface.gif, mars.gif)
Targa - New Wooden Door (RSVdoor6.bin, RSVdr6.gif, RSVdr6s.gif), steak (steak.bin, steak1.pcx)
Vigil - New old crate (crateold.bin, crateold.gif), new light shafts (shaftbl.bin, dshaftbl.bin, shaft_bl.tga) - check out Vigil's site at http://www.washboardabs.net/thief/ for loads of great new models, textures and more
von Eins - Flask (flasa.bin, kork.gif, ton.gif)


Vigil - most of the custom textures including the new clouds and the new cityscape background - http://www.washboardabs.net/thief/
David Guerra - a couple of textures
Sock - a few textures
Some I made from textures found here: http://www.mayang.com/texures/
I made some from a Filter Forge 30-day trial (www.filterforge.com)
I made some from www.cgtextures.com images
A few were taken from System Shock 2 and Thief 1.

Some object textures customised using flesh images from the OpenFrag Slayer project, available from www.sourceforge.net.


darthsLair - the great new vocals in mission 2!
Many ambient sounds downloaded from http://freesound.iua.upf.edu:
thanvannispen - Sitar ambients, sewer ambients
ERH - slow atmospheric ambients, courtyard/streets ambient
DJ Chronos - Sub Basement ambient
Acclivity - pub crowd sounds
Leady - choral sound effect
Sleep - broken piano key sounds
Nine Inch Nails - 3 tracks from Ghosts - download the album free at www.nin.com

Custom scripts:

There are a few extra bits in the zip which I didn't use, including some pagan cave paintings I made to replace the unit number objects from shipping and receiving. They're in the obj/txt16 folder if anyone wants to use them.

Also: an apology to NamelessVoice! :p He knocked up an awesome demo mission for me with new scripts that allowed me to do something really cool (which I won't reveal because I fully intend to use it in another mission! :D) and during the design phase it became clear that the gameplay just wasn't working in this level. Mission 2 got totally rebuilt and the awesome idea had to be shelved. :( But a big thanks to NamelessVoice for his help with it nonetheless!

* Copyright Information *

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept
intact. Feel free to include this mission in FM collection disks as long as they
are not intended to generate profit. By the act of making money out of this level, you automatically forfeit your soul, and all rights to it, to me for all time, and must bring me tasty medium rare steaks and wine for dinner every night for the rest of my life.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

• Uploaded 26.11.2008
• Size 33.42 Mb
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