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To Send a Message :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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To Send a Message


Title : To Send a Message
Filename : Message.zip
Author : Ali Pouladi (Haplo)
Contact info : Private message through TTLG forums
Date of Release : 08.10.2009
Version : 1.1


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : All the same
Equipment Store : No
Map : Blank
Automap : No
New Graphics : No
New Objects : No
New Sounds : No
EAX Support : No
Briefing : No

This FM is not meant to be ghosted. With so many missions coming out lately with emphasis on ghosting,
I wanted to make a mission about knocking out people. You cannot sneak past any of the guards. Don't tell
me I didn't warn you.
This mission may not look very pleasing aesthetically, but a lot of effort has been put into fine-tuning
the game play. All the lights, objects, guard locations and patrols etc. have all been placed carefully.
It is made of small self-contained sections. I recommend you to save before each section, be patient and
try to figure out the way to knock out the guard. Just like a puzzle, really. Ideally you should be able
to finish it without getting hurt.

Changes in v1.1:
- Gameplay tweaks
- Fixed a doorframe texture

* Construction *

Base : From Scratch
Size : Tiny
Build Time : Way longer than I thought (I built it while learning the basics of DromEd)


* Story *

Times are tough. Truart is expanding his iron grip over the city. The number of bluecoats is increasing
so fast that it seems like they come off an assembly line.

Last night during one of my "scouting" walks I found a drunk in a ditch. He turned out to be one of
Lord Eshaktaar's servants. Most of the stuff he said didn't make any sense, but I managed to understand
that Lord Eshaktaar has come into possession of a certain Ominous Bequest Gold. However in a couple of
days he will be sending it away to some triad that is broken. Whatever all these mean.

Lord Eshaktaar's mansion has a backdoor in Dromedhurst, an old and ugly neighbourhood which is full of
maze-like narrow alleys. What makes it worse is the fact that it is full of Truart's guards who will be
impossible to sneak by. And the word has it that Truart tends to use local people as guards so they'd do
a better job.

I have to act fast. Tonight I will kill two birds with one stone: I will relieve Lord Eshaktaar from
this golden ominous bequest before that broken triad get their hands on it, and I will knock out
every guard on my way to send Truart and his henchmen a message.


* Loading Information *

Darkloader ready. Do not unzip -- Place in fan mission folder and install using Darkloader 4.2 or later.


* Special Thanks *
- Marukpa for design ideas and her help with decorating the final room.
- Intruder for answering all my n00bz0rz DromEd questions.

Beta Testers
- Marukpa
- Intruder


* Copyright Information *

This Mission is (c) by Ali Pouladi (Haplo) 2009

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is
kept intact. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my expressed permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Eidos Interactive,
or Ion Storm. Even if it was, they wouldn't admit to it.

• Uploaded 07.10.2009
• Size 265.34 Kb
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