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A Night Visit to the Natural History Museum

French :

"Visite nocturne au Mus?um d'Histoire Naturelle"

Une fan-mission r?alis?e par Louve.
Traduction en anglais : Stefan key


Vous avez appris, en recoupant des informations, qu'il existe sans doute un moyen de rejoindre les r?serves du Mus?e des Beaux Arts en passant par celles du Mus?um d'Histoire Naturelle. Les r?serves du mus?e d'art contiennent quantit? d'oeuvres d'art qui ne sont pas expos?es en ce moment. Cela devrait vous permettre de prendre des vacances pendant un certain temps, une fois revendues.
Le Mus?um d'Histoire Naturelle est tr?s peu gard?, il n'y a rien ? voler dedans, vous devriez pouvoir vous y introduire facilement. En revanche, le mus?e d'art et ses r?serves sont sous haute surveillance, il faudra ?tre discret, et ressortir en passant par le m?me chemin.

Note :
Cette FM a ?t? sp?cialement construite pour l'anniversaire de Lady Jo.

English :

"A Night Visit to the Natural History Museum"

A fan-mission made by Louve.
English translation : Stefan Key


You've gathered information that leads you to believe that there might be a way to get inside the collection storeroom of the Musee des Beaux-Arts by entering through those of the Natural History Museum. The Musee des Beaux-Arts has plenty of art items which are not on exhibit at the present time... items which could finance a nice long holiday.
The Natural History Museum has little security as there is nothing of much value inside. It should be easy to sneak in. The Musee des Beaux-Arts on the other hand is heavily guarded. You will have to be very stealthy while inside, and leave the same way you entered.
Note :
This FM was specially made in honour of Lady Jo's birthday.

Playing Information :

Date : 06/2004
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : Visit to the Museum (Visite au museum)
File Name : miss 20
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes (some surprises, thanks to Gaetane and Lynx for participation)
New Sounds : Yes (Birthday)
Multi-Language Support : Yes (English and French)
EAX: : No
Briefing : No

Base : no base
Build Time : 3 months (Beginning of April - End of June) 2004
Many thanks :
Lynx, Gaetane, Lady Jo, Stefan Key...
Beta-test :
Lady Jo, Stefan Key
Translation French-English : Stefan Key
English proofreading : Nightwalker and Bernie. :)
Copyright Information

Distribution of these levels is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
No one may edit and re-distribute these missions without our express permission.

These levels were not made and are not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

• Uploaded 21.08.2004 • Size 4.80 Mb
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