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Title : Nostalgia
Filename : miss20.mis
Author : Random_Taffer (Rob Strain) and Drysils Chosen (Devin Reynolds)
Contact info : aluvian_drakes_bane@hotmail.com
Date of release : pending
Version : 1.0

Betatesters: nicked, Yandros, and Ottoj55


Description : This mission is Mission #1 of a series known as Memento Mori.

Talim. In the old toungue that means, "Where water meets sky."
This very spot was the first place that explorers from inland saw the ocean.
My parents brought me here when I was still very little.
So, I'm afraid I don't remember much before this town. I guess you could call this the poor
section. The docks. My father, Oliver, worked for First bank of Talim, savings and loan.
My mother, Lucy, worked as a bar maid at the local tavern
Unfortunately, the jobs didn't pay very well so my father was forced to take on odd
jobs from his boss, Arthur D. Whelch. The jobs paid quite well, and thanks to
Arthur we never really had any trouble making the rent on time. My life was
very routine then... Although my earlier memories of the place are quite fond, I dislike
remembering. For when my mind travels back it ends up inevitably on that fateful summer
morning, when my childhood was tainted.


Play Information

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Nostalgia
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : normal
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : No

New graphics : yes
New sounds : yes
New conversations : Yes
New models : yes
EAX Support : no
Multi language support : No
Briefing : Yes


It's another foggy summer morning. Run some errands for your father.


Base : DEDx base mission.
Build Time : Seven months.

Loading Information

Run from Garrettloader or Darkloader. DO NOT UNZIP.

Known bugs :

Thanks go to...
Vigil- Objects, textures Get them here- http://www.washboardabs.net/thief/news/
Nameless Voice- Objects
Sluggs- Objects
Syi- Objects
Targa- Objects, Meshes
Rob Hicks- DEDX
Yandros- Sound/Music Assistance, Textures
Tdbonko- Objects, Sound Assistance

If I've forgotten someone, please bonk me on the head.

Accoustic piece- Eric Clapton
Ostentatious Star- Naoki Sato

Voice acting cast

Darren- Random_Taffer
Father- Drysils Chosen
Mother- R_T's Wife, Mylinh
Merchant- Nicked
Arthur- Nicked
Hammerite- Dlw6
Bank teller- Random_Taffer
James- Bikerdude
Copyright Information

This level is ?2006 by Rob Strain and Devin Reynolds ,No part of it may be used without our
permission .

This level was not made by and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios
or Eidos Interactive.


• Uploaded 28.10.2006
• Size 29.36 Mb
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