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Relics :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Autor : Paul D Rotter (eepcat)
Contact Info : eepcat@ptd.net
Homepage :
Date of Release : September 11, 2006

Title : Relics

Description : Thief 2 Fan Mission

Story: You've been commissioned by the Dayport Historic Museum to descend beneath
an old Hammer church to recover some lost Relics before the church is demolished.

Bugs & ************************************************
Tips : ****** IF YOU ARE RUNNING ON wINDOWS XP *******
I, and many others, have had difficulty getting briefing
movies to work in XP. If you downloaded Relics with the
briefing video, you may need to do the following:

Click the Windows "Start" button
Click "Run..."
Type the following:
regsvr32 c:\Progra~1\Thief\LGVID.AX
Click "OK"
Hopefully, you will see a message box indicating success.
If it still doesn't play, sorry, but you can still read
the briefing in the "Mission Briefing" book in your

Briefing(s) : Briefing movie and
"Mission Briefing" book in your inventory
Cutscene : No

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Relics
File Name : Miss 20
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes (placeholder)
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : Yes (DEDX)
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : English
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : Yes
Length : 1 Minute :: 50 seconds
Size : 14.5 MBytes

Difficulty Level Info : Garrett Jr. - Steal Rosary of Internal Order
Steal Hilt of the Fire Sword
Steal Brother Aaron's Hammer
Steal 1000 loot
Return to insertion point

Garrett - Steal Rosary of Internal Order
Steal Hilt of the Fire Sword
Steal Brother Aaron's Hammer
Steal ALL loot in mission (1875)
Return to insertion point

* Construction *

Base : From Scratch
Build Time : Lost count after my 1000th headache from this !@#% mission.


* Loading Information *


* Thanks To *

Many thanks to all of the tutorial authors and all of those who lend their expertise
in the editor forums.

** Danke sehr to Vogelfrei for her voice acting as Curator in the briefing movie.

** Thanks to epithumia and Thief the Circle for hosting this mission, along
with my other missions Best Defense, Iron Man, Mylokh's Tower, and The Hole.

** This mission is also available for download at my website:

** In Memorium: In memory of my close friend and collegue Richard "Rich" Rice who died
at the prime of his life August 23, 2006. I can't believe you're gone.

* Final Note:
For all of you that are new to DromEd, I wish I could download my experience with this
mission to you before starting your first mission. It will be a testament to the need
to PLAN AHEAD!!!! You'd think that after five DromEd missions I wouldn't have been
foolish enough to design from my head instead of paper. HUGE MISTAKE! This mission
got so bad that I "retired" from building. I easily lost about 50 hours of time just
trying to fix all the horrible Coplanar errors and Pathfinding errors because I didn't
plan ahead. My next mission, The Morgandy Parr, will be planned out to the last thread
on the last carpet!!! PLAN AHEAD!!!!!
- eep!


* Copyright Information *

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. Feel free to include this mission in FM collection disks as
long as they are not intended to generate profit.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

• Uploaded 09.09.2006
• Size 16.27 Mb
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