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Retaliation :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Title : Retaliation
Filename : Retaliation.zip
Author : Jeremy Catlin (HipBreaker)
Contact info : JerCat86@go.com
Homepage : http://www.geocities.com/jercat86/index.html?1078421499953
Date of release: 3/18/04
Version : 1.0

Description: "Not long ago an old accomplice of yours, Castor, came to you with a proposition to infiltrate
a mansion owned by the City Watch. In this mansion lies a gem with incredible value. It's
name was the 'Glorious Gem'. As it were, after you escaped with the gem, you felt a
sharp pain in the back of your head, only to be blackjacked by Castor. He is a thief, after all.
Your personal goal now is to find Castor, and kill him, or prove he stole the gem.
He has recently purchased a giant mansion formerly owned by a Mechanist lord, and now has it all to
himself, along with the previous owner's guards. Find Castor, get revenge, and get out. No one betrays
Garrett and gets away with it!"
Here is a full description of how it happened:

"So are you ready my friend?
Said Castor.

"Yes, but keep your feet light and your mind sharp... if this gem is as big as you say it is it must...."
Garret was inturpted.

Suddenly the sound of approaching footsteps caught Garrets ear. It was the gemstone gaurds.

In the slightest whisper, he said "Let's go." And Garret and Castor began to slowly creep down the narrow hall, at the end
was the door, the door that lead... to the Glorious Gem.

They stumbled along its key off of a gaurd more than 'willing' to cooperate, and hand them the key. So far they have been
undetected and have made their way through the grand palace. And then there they stood in front of the vault itself.

"I'll open the door, and hide behind it... you have your bow ready."
Said Castor.

Castor slowly turned the knob, and opened the door very cautiously.

"Edward? Cecil? Is that you? C'mon mate we can't be fooling around on duty, you know..."
The guard said, right before an arrow pierced his throat. He collapsed to the ground unable to yell for help, his last words
we're gasps for air.

"Quick nows' our chance!"
Said Castor.

They sprint across the room after the gem, and soon as the pick it up an alarm sounds! Garret swiftly straps the gem on
Castors back, and leads the way for their escape as they run though the sewage system of the palace.

"This gem is bloody heavy! My back is going to break!"
Said Castor.

"Quit your moaning, we're almost there... and stay quite before the dogs hear you."
Said Garret.

Garret pushes open the sewage grate with all his might, then helps Castor through quickly.

In the moonlight they rest for a few moments to catch their breath before heading into the wilderness. Castor was about to
pass out from exhaustion from carrying the stone, or so it seemed. Garret scouted the area to see if the coast was clear,
lots of torches and yells where coming... but in the faint distance.

"That seemed a little too easy... we truley are master thieves."
Said Garret.

Garret went back to the spot where he left Castor and saw harness there, with the gem still strapped on tight. Garret, in a
bit of confusion scratched his head and began to ponder what just happend? Why is the gem just lying there?

Before he took his hand out of his hair, a swift crack of a blackjack hit Garret right in the back of the skull. Garret was
immediatly knocked out, and suffered a nasty head wound that would take weeks to recover from.

He was betrayed, by that scoundrel Castor. When he awoke, slighty dehydrated and weak, he knew exactly what had happend.
Only one thing can justify this act of treason, garret knew what he must do... it it time for....


---Written by Elwin Kline


*Play information*

Game : Thief 2
Level names : Retaliation
File names : Miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment store : No
Map/automap : Yes/No
New graphics : No
New sounds : Yes
New Conversations : No
New models : Yes
Multi Language Support : No
Briefing : Yes
* Construction *
Base : no
Build time : About five months


* Loading Information *

The files in the zip folder are set up to be able to run the mission from the thief 2 new game menue.


*Special Thanks*

I would like to thank everyone on the forums for without you, I would not be able to create Thief missions.

Thank you to those of you who beta tested my mission. Comfortably numb, Ottoj55, Jabberwocky, and a huge special
thanks to Sluggs. Sluggs helped me so much with this mission and I have to give him proper thanks. Thank you sir.

Thanks to Lazarus for creating an awesome intro for my mission!

Thanks to Vortechtral for letting me use his wonderful song for my mission.

Also everyone I personally know for giving ideas and feedback throughout my level design process.

* Copyright *

This level is (c) by : Jeremy Catlin on the 18th day of March year of 2004

Music: "Industrial Future" by Vortechtral http://www.vortechtral.co.uk/

This Mission was made by me and and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 18.03.2004
• Size 8.62 Mb
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