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Rowena's Curse

ITALIAN TAFFERS!- Istruzioni per voi in fondo al documento.
Title : Rowena's Curse
Filename : RowenaV3.zip
Author : Lady Rowena (A.M.I)
Contact info : xladyrowena@yahoo.it
Date of release : June 2003 - 2nd version: July 2003 - 3rd version: February 2008
Version : 3.0

Changes in version 3

Changed some textures, added some textures by Vigil and several objects from the Thief Enhancement Pack by Nameless Voice.
Made some other little improvementes here and there. There are no changes in the gameplay though.

Description : The story takes place during the events in T2, before the death of Sheriff Truart. Garrett receives an unespected letter from Lord Carlysle.

Mister Garrett,
I never would have thought that I would need your services, but sometimes life has a few surprises in store for you.
Perhaps you've already heard of me making my daughter Isabella marry Lord Bafford's son, Cedric.
They went to live in the country, in the old mansion that belonged to Lord Bafford's great grandfather.
However strange things have been happening in the last few months.
Sheriff Truart's men were already there because of the mysterious disappearance of two of the maids; Isabella vanished a few days ago as well.
I recently received a strange message from Barker, the caretaker.
He is certain that Isabella is still alive, and he urges me to do something about it without even giving me any proof or explanations.
Mister Garrett, I want you to go there and find out what happened to my daughter. You will be well paid for your services, but if you manage to bring me back Isabella alive, you will receive such a reward that you will be able to retire for good.
Start out by discovering what Barker knows, then find out what happened.
I'm warning you now, I have no intention of letting Sheriff Truart know that I don't trust him and his men at all.
He will not be pleased if he knew I recruited a thief to finish the job him and his men cannot do.
Therefore, if you are caught I will not help you in any way and I will deny any involvement.
Good luck,

Lord Carlysle

P.S: Isabella used to keep a diary... if you are able to find it there should be some interesting information in it."

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Rowena's Curse
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Two or three. I just remixed a few existing ones and some from T1.
New models : Yes
EAX Support : Yes, I hope so. If you have any problem turn them off.
Multi language support : English, Italian
Briefing : No.

* Construction *

Base : From scratch
Map Size : Medium/Large
Build Time : An enormous amount of time, about a year.

* Changes in the 2nd version *

Added a map, fixed the porticullis bug, the sticking arrows bug and a some minor glitches.

* Known bugs *

Some items that look like loot can't be picked up. It's not really a bug, because it is intentional. The betatesters warned me that it would have been disappointing for the player, but I didn't change it because I didn't want the player to take away some objects.
None of these are counted in the loot total.

* Loading Information *

Get the latest version of Darkloader and run it. DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!

* Credits *

David Gurrea Hernandez --- Textures
Bukary and Ernie --------- Spider webs
Schwaa ------------------- Lit candles and Lantern
Schwaa and Rob Hicks ----- Trickster model
von.Eins ----------------- Basket
Caffeinatedzombeh -------- Open book and a custom secret door model
Targa -------------------- The Blade

Also thanks to Purah who allowed me to use two of the beautiful textures from Calendra's Legacy.

Additional textures from the game The Wheel of Time.
Additional sounds from the games MOHAA and Requiem (italian version)
Excerpts from 'The song of myself' by Walt Whitman.

* Thanks To *

Betatesters: Doaal, Silent_Warrior, Caradavin, Preno and theBlackman.

Additional betatesters for version 2: Nightwalker and Peter Smith.

Doaal, Lord Alan and Thorin Oakenshield who personally helped me with great patience.

theBlackman and Doaal who corrected my books.

Thanks to all the wonderful people at the TTLG Forums. It will never be enough, without their help I would never have been able to build this mission.

Special thanks to Hit Deity who helped me every time I was in trouble.

Additional thanks to Doaal for his assistance and encouragement.

Also thanks to Jason Tibbits for hosting this mission.

Looking Glass Studios for making Thief

* Copyright Information *

This level was made by Lady Rowena (A.M.I)

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.



Purtroppo come gi? sapete non esiste una versione italiana del nostro amato gioco, perci? ci dovremo arrangiare.
In questa missione la lettura dei testi ? MOLTO importante (spero che non vi risulti noioso) ai fini del raggiungimento degli obiettivi, perci?. a meno che non capiate l'inglese alla perfezione, vi consiglio caldamente di seguire le seguenti istruzioni.

Se usate Darkloader versione 4.3, non dovete far altro the selezionare "Italiano" nel men? prima di installare la missione.
Se usate una versione precedente di Darkloader (oppure Garrettloader) seguite invece le seguenti istruzioni.

Dopo aver scaricato la missione e averla sistemata nella cartella che usate normalmente aprite Darkloader e selezionate "INSTALL ONLY".
A questo punto chiudete Darkloader e andate nella cartella dove avete installato Thief 2.
Trovate la cartella "Books" e apritela: all'interno troverete due cartelle: "English" e "Italian". Rinominate la cartella "English" non importa come. "XEnglish" andr? benissimo.
Quindi rinominate la cartella "Italian" facendola diventare "English". Chiudete la cartella "Books".

Se desiderate poter leggere anche gli obiettivi in italiano ? un po' pi? complicato: aprite la cartella Intrface\Miss20\Italian, prendete il file "goals.str" e sostituitelo al corrispettivo che troverete nella cartella Intface\Miss20\English.
E' consigliabile fare una copia dei file prima di eseguire queste operazioni.

Chiudete tutto e ritornate a Darkloader. Buon divertimento!

• Uploaded 22.02.2008
• Size 18.70 Mb
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