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A Servant's Revenge

Title: A Servant's Revenge
Author: SlyFoxx
Contact Info:
Homepage: n/a
Date of Release: 12/04
Version: 1.0

Description: A Thief 2 Fan Mission


You are Gilbert, an endentured servant. Your Master, Lord Rothburg has been cruel and most unkind. Though your home and surroundings are comfortable
you have no freedom to call your own...but on this cold winter night you finally have a plan. Your brother Stephen has escaped his own servitude and has gotten
word to you that a ship awaits bound for a distant land and the chance for freedom. Gripping the note in your hand you resolve to meet him this night. You
have no money to call your own but that will soon change. The main house is full of treasures and is just across the way. Trouble is, you are not allowed to
roam the grounds or main house freely at night or even look out your windows!!. If anybody sees you, you're in BIG trouble.

No sense in waiting...It's time to begin.



* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : A Servant's Revenge
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : NO...however "Ghost" style is recommended.
Equipment Store : NO...very few tools avaliable.
Map/Automap : NO/NO...impossible to get lost!
EAX Support : NO
Briefing : NO
New Graphics : Yes...custom textures by Vigil.
New Objects : NO
New Sounds/MP3 : NO
New Scripts : NO
Multi-Language Support : NO

Note from Sly...This is just a small mission....a holiday present if you will.

There is weather in this mission so make sure you have it turned on. That said...If your machine
is "really chugging" outside, turn it off and just pretend that it has stopped snowing.

For more of a challenge try to ghost. It's possible to "Perfect Thief."

If you manage to get outside the estate's fence and don't have the main gate key you might not
be able to get back. You'll have to be trying to "break" the mission in order to do this. Just a warning.

Poly counts can get upwards of 550 in some places. Moghedian has reported crashes outside
that a fresh boot has corrected. That said...Most of the hard game play will occur inside
the main house and close to it where poly count should be of no concern.

There are only two "weapons" to be found...none of the special "thief" variety. No arrows, crystals
grenades don't bother trying to find any.

-Enjoy Taffer-


Testers: Vlad Midnight, Nightwalker, moghedian, John D. & Yandros

Vigil...for more custom textures. The starting point "cottage" and the main house kitchen
use them extensivlely. Check out his web site
He has some new objects that look really cool too...though you won't find them in this mission.

Rob Hicks and everybody who worked to bring DEDX to life.

Epithumia: for mission hosting and BBS space.

Master Nightfall, Dennis Nixon & Komag: for mission hosting as well. (Long live "The Circle" & "The Keep.")

Vlad Midnight: for breaking the mission many times so I could keep going "grrrr" and then fix it. :--)

The Keeper Of Metal And Gold: for the tutorial to which I still refer from time to time.

Twisty: for keeping "DromEd Central" up and running.

All the taffers at The Editors Guild.

Ralph..the wonder llama.

My whom you should all be very grateful for putting up with me spending so much time
with DromEd related activites.

Moose's nose's wiped by sluggs. May he return to us soon. :-(

All the good folks who keep the "TTLG" "Eidos" & "Thief Underground" boards up and running.

Anybody who worked at "Looking Glass Studios" & helped to create the best video game in the known universe.

If I've forgotten anybody, I'd like to thank you now...

====== CONSTRUCTION =========================================================================

Base: DEDX basic "start room"
Build Time: ~50 hours


* Loading Information *

Darkloader ready.
Do not unzip -- Place in your Fan Mission folder and install using Darkloader 4.1.
This mission has not been tested with any other version of Darkloader.


* Copyright Information *

Copyright (c) 12/04 "SlyFoxx.".

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may include this level in any map pack as long as this
copyright statement is distributed intact.


This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive or Ion Storm or anybody else for that matter.

( This text file was created by stealing the one from "Bafford's Bone Collection" which was stolen from "Fletcher's
Final Mistake" which was stolen from "Amnesia." )

• Uploaded 15.12.2004 • Size 5.95 Mb
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