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Captain of the Guard

Title : Captain of the Guard
Filename : miss20.mis
Author : Random_Taffer
Contact info :
Date of release : pending
Version : 4.0

Betatesters: Yandros, daniel, bob_doe_nz, PotatoGuy, Undead Gamer



Description :

This is not a normal Thief mission. You'll find no city or mansion to explore, no guards to sneak past, and no mystical artifact to steal. This is essentially an expanded version (built from scratch) of The Fall of Talim (Which was abandoned by Drysil and I some time ago.)
It's really just a minigame based off the generic "Tower" mods that can be found in many RTS games such as Warcraft III.

There has been a recent outbreak of undead in the city. Talim is overrun.
In an effort to contain the contagion, all exits to the city have been sealed off.
Only one remains.
You, a seasoned captain of the Talim City Guard, have been sent to the last exit to defend it while it's being closed off.

Play Information

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Captain of the Guard
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Normal, Hard, Nightmare
Equipment store : Kinda
Map/Automap : No

New graphics : yes
New sounds : yes
New conversations : Yes
New models : yes
EAX Support : no
Multi language support : No
Briefing : No


Normal (20 minute game)
Hard (30 minute game, more enemies)
Nightmare (40 minute game, EVEN MORE enemies)

1. Hold off the undead until repairs are complete.
2. The repairman must survive.
3. Don't let any undead escape the city.


Base : Scratch
Build Time : 1.5 Months.

Loading Information

Run from Garrettloader or Darkloader. DO NOT UNZIP.

Tips :

- You can buy more allies and equipment at the mage shop in the gatehouse. (To your immediate left when you start the mission)

- Loot can be used to buy allies and equipment. You can get more by picking up the loot that destroyed undead leave behind.

- AI will face whichever direction you are facing when you drop/throw them- unless you are too close to a wall or edge. (See known bugs below)

- It's a good idea to have both Ranged and Melee allies ON the wall. If your archers are undefended upon the wall, the coming hordes will cut through them like grass.

- All AI have been reworked with special stats. Melee fighters have considerably more hit points than in Thief 2, and have also been sped up.

- If an AI dies, he will 'catch' the plague and turn into a zombie.

- It's a good idea to always keep a spare melee fighter in your inventory to use in an emergency. Sometimes the only thing between you and defeat is a cleverly thrown ally into the horde.
You almost assuredly have sent him to his death, but he may be able to buy you some time to restock supplies.

- WATCH OUT FOR RUNNERS! Sometimes Fireshadows will run down the gauntlet, completely ignoring your allies, in an effort to escape. This is not a bug. It's a good idea to keep a mine placed by the city exit, just in case one slips through.

- It is recommended that most players play on Normal the first time. Don't attempt Hard or Nightmare until you get the idea of how everything works. (or else you'll just get angry/frustrated at the difficulty)

- Nightmare mode is difficult.

- Last of all, don't be afraid to try out new strategies. The point of this mission is to just have fun, so remember- you can always try again. I'm curious to see the strategies folks use to beat this- post yours at TTLG! :)

- There are 3 ambient loops that I use in this mission. If at any time you grow tired of one, feel free to visit the mage shop and push one of the buttons behind the mage counter to shut off it's respective ambient. Warning: Once you shut one off, you can't turn it back on.

Known bugs :

- To use the sword immediately after you buy it, you have to put it away first- then take it out. I'm not sure why this happens.

- If placed too close to a wall or edge, AI will face south when idle. Please be careful.

- Rarely, a skull will appear as a weapon in your inventory. It will fire like an arrow but does 0 damage, so just put it away or select a new weapon if this happens.

- Sometimes a skull will shoot out of the end of your sword when you perform an overhead slash. It doesn't do anything, but it's kind of neat.

- If you rapid click on loot, you will 'break' the loot counting system and just wind up confused when you can't buy something even though it says you have enough. Just take it easy; 2-3 frobs a second is more than enough to collect loot quicky.

- Mines placed on the bottom level may "sync" with each other and go off simultaneously, even if they're far apart.

Thanks go to...

Yandros - Textures, sound assistance

OttoJ55 - Lightning Effects Tutorial

NV - Scripts, Textures, Objects, Tutorial

Vigil - Textures, objects

Wille - Textures

Purah and Team Calendra - Textures

Digital Nightfall - Objects

Targa - Objects

Special Thanks to:
Nameless Voice for his brilliant in-game shop tutorial

If I've forgotten someone, please let me know.


Lux Aeterna - Clint Mansell

Pure... The Suffering - Slaughter Natives

Beauty and Bleeding - Slaughter Natives

Anger Are You With Me - Slaughter Natives

Copyright Information

This level is ?2010 by Random_Taffer. Feel free to use any part of it at any time and for whatever you wish.

This level was not made by and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios
or Eidos Interactive.


• Uploaded 07.07.2010 • Size 21.14 Mb
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