The Box

The gen.osm file included in this zip archive is a version that
should make The Box work properly. The Box doesn?t work properly with some
versions of gen.osm (one of the objectives refuses to work and you can?t finish
the mission). Moreover, sometimes DarkLoader fails to replace the original
gen.osm with the file from this archive during the installation of the mission.
Because of that, I recommend to manually replace the gen.osm file from the Thief
main folder with this one to play The Box
(remember to make a back-up copy beforehand!)
Ghost In The Shell
gen.osm - Thief 2 original scripts made by Looking Glass Studios
This FM might not work properly under Windows Vista.
Note: This mission takes place after the events of Thief: The Metal Age
Events taking place in The Box are a beginning of a longer arc,
not a stand-alone story.
An informer brought me a message that someone required my services.
I agreed to have a meeting in one of the City?s crowded taverns. You can never
be too cautious, and it?s easy to use the inn?s ?atmosphere? to remain unseen,
while judging whether the waiting client is not just a bait from the Watch,
for example...
It was a woman. Her face hidden in the shadow of a gray traveling cloak?s hood.
I did not sense any trap.
The job turned out to be a little more suspicious than the employer...
I was to get into a small merchant quarter and steal a grey, wooden box from
one Archibald?s store. The woman said nothing of the box?s content. When asked
if she wasn?t afraid that I would find out on my own, she said it was
impossible. According to her words, the box has no visible lock ? and this is
how I would recognize it. She claimed there was no way I could make it open.
Well, I will see for myself when I find it...
Two things seemed suspicious in this case...
First ? the rush. The woman will pay for the mission only if I return with
the box this night, before dawn. There is no time for reconnaissance, studying
maps or planning. I?ll have to rely solely on my thief?s instincts.
Second ? the payment. 10 000 gold pieces! For burgling a humble store, looting
which would have never come to my mind ? much too much.
Experience teaches not to trust those, who promise too attractive rewards...
However, I have accepted the offer. I?m going to keep my eyes and ears open,
though. Even if there?s more to this case than I?ve been told, I hope that my
cleverness and experience will get me out from any tight corners...
Custom Scripts Info & Credits:
This zip file includes custom scripts by Nameless Voice and
Important notes and hints:
This is the first FM which I?ve managed to get to a release-ready state,
so expect the worst ;)
Have good fun.
Play information:
Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: The Box
File name: miss20.mis, 2m_17.gam
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Empty page / No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
EAX support: No
Multi language support: No
Briefing: No
Base: From scratch
Build Time: 7 months
Known Bugs: AI sometimes get stuck on the stairway in the courtyard.
When using some staircases, the sound of Garret's footsteps
might be missing.
The bunch of keys on guard's belt often gets covered by his body
when he is stunned or killed, making "Auto-search bodies" fail
to put the keys into your inventory. You can still pick the item
up manually (try doing that when the guard's body is not
Loading Information:
Mission is DarkLoader ready. Do not unzip this mission, unless you enjoy
deleting files from your Thief 2 folder manually or you know what you are doing.
Voice Credits
SlyFoxx as Garret?s voice
English translation:
Music Credits:
Fragments of the following songs have been used:
"Exile" by Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
"Time to die" by Yoko Kano
Custom Objects and Textures Credits:
Alun Bestor - objects, textures, custom cloud deck and distant art
Nameless Voice - objects
Yandros - objects
Beta Test Credits:
Beta Testers - Beta No. 1:
Krush The Second
Winter Cat
Beta Testers - Beta No. 2:
Winter Cat
Undead Gamer
Special thanks to Feanor who betatested version 0.x of this
Special thanks to:
My best friend Feanor - your patience is priceless.
The TTLG's Editors' Guild Community (, thanks to whom I?ve managed
to bring this mission to life and thanks to whom Thief II is still alive.
Looking Glass Studios for creating an ingenious game.
This level is (c) by Ghost In The Shell - Krzysztof ?erko, August 2007.
Permission is granted to distribute this level providing it remains whole and
intact and the parties involved make no profit from this action. Should you
distribute this FM by any means, please let me know by sending an email to
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios
or Eidos Interactive.
The Box v1.0
The gen.osm file included in this zip archive is a version that
should make The Box work properly. The Box doesn?t work properly with some
versions of gen.osm (one of the objectives refuses to work and you can?t finish
the mission). Moreover, sometimes DarkLoader fails to replace the original
gen.osm with the file from this archive during the installation of the mission.
Because of that, I recommend to manually replace the gen.osm file from the Thief
main folder with this one to play The Box
(remember to make a back-up copy beforehand!)
Ghost In The Shell
gen.osm - Thief 2 original scripts made by Looking Glass Studios
This FM might not work properly under Windows Vista.
Note: This mission takes place after the events of Thief: The Metal Age
Events taking place in The Box are a beginning of a longer arc,
not a stand-alone story.
An informer brought me a message that someone required my services.
I agreed to have a meeting in one of the City?s crowded taverns. You can never
be too cautious, and it?s easy to use the inn?s ?atmosphere? to remain unseen,
while judging whether the waiting client is not just a bait from the Watch,
for example...
It was a woman. Her face hidden in the shadow of a gray traveling cloak?s hood.
I did not sense any trap.
The job turned out to be a little more suspicious than the employer...
I was to get into a small merchant quarter and steal a grey, wooden box from
one Archibald?s store. The woman said nothing of the box?s content. When asked
if she wasn?t afraid that I would find out on my own, she said it was
impossible. According to her words, the box has no visible lock ? and this is
how I would recognize it. She claimed there was no way I could make it open.
Well, I will see for myself when I find it...
Two things seemed suspicious in this case...
First ? the rush. The woman will pay for the mission only if I return with
the box this night, before dawn. There is no time for reconnaissance, studying
maps or planning. I?ll have to rely solely on my thief?s instincts.
Second ? the payment. 10 000 gold pieces! For burgling a humble store, looting
which would have never come to my mind ? much too much.
Experience teaches not to trust those, who promise too attractive rewards...
However, I have accepted the offer. I?m going to keep my eyes and ears open,
though. Even if there?s more to this case than I?ve been told, I hope that my
cleverness and experience will get me out from any tight corners...
Custom Scripts Info & Credits:
This zip file includes custom scripts by Nameless Voice and
Important notes and hints:
This is the first FM which I?ve managed to get to a release-ready state,
so expect the worst ;)
Have good fun.
Play information:
Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: The Box
File name: miss20.mis, 2m_17.gam
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Empty page / No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: Yes
EAX support: No
Multi language support: No
Briefing: No
Base: From scratch
Build Time: 7 months
Known Bugs: AI sometimes get stuck on the stairway in the courtyard.
When using some staircases, the sound of Garret's footsteps
might be missing.
The bunch of keys on guard's belt often gets covered by his body
when he is stunned or killed, making "Auto-search bodies" fail
to put the keys into your inventory. You can still pick the item
up manually (try doing that when the guard's body is not
Loading Information:
Mission is DarkLoader ready. Do not unzip this mission, unless you enjoy
deleting files from your Thief 2 folder manually or you know what you are doing.
Voice Credits
SlyFoxx as Garret?s voice
English translation:
Music Credits:
Fragments of the following songs have been used:
"Exile" by Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke
"Time to die" by Yoko Kano
Custom Objects and Textures Credits:
Alun Bestor - objects, textures, custom cloud deck and distant art
Nameless Voice - objects
Yandros - objects
Beta Test Credits:
Beta Testers - Beta No. 1:
Krush The Second
Winter Cat
Beta Testers - Beta No. 2:
Winter Cat
Undead Gamer
Special thanks to Feanor who betatested version 0.x of this
Special thanks to:
My best friend Feanor - your patience is priceless.
The TTLG's Editors' Guild Community (, thanks to whom I?ve managed
to bring this mission to life and thanks to whom Thief II is still alive.
Looking Glass Studios for creating an ingenious game.
This level is (c) by Ghost In The Shell - Krzysztof ?erko, August 2007.
Permission is granted to distribute this level providing it remains whole and
intact and the parties involved make no profit from this action. Should you
distribute this FM by any means, please let me know by sending an email to
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios
or Eidos Interactive.
The Box v1.0
• Uploaded 21.11.2007
• Size 4.69 Mb