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Unfinished Business

Title: Unfinished Business
Author: SlyFoxx
Contact Info: murkman@hotmail.com
Homepage: Is a joke.
Date of Release: 3/10/05
Version: 1.0

Description: A Thief 2 Fan Mission...a sequal to "Fletcher's Final Mistake"


It hasn't been too long since my final encounter with Fletcher. I left him in a bloody heap on the floor of his flat and no
evidence to incriminate me. In my line of work it doesn't pay to leave enemies as ruthless as Fletcher alive or
clues for the Watchdogs.

I finally managed to fence the coin collection that started this whole mess and it brought me a tidy sum.
I laid low for a while but now it's time to take care of another matter. That matter goes by the name of
Cooper Barlett. I found proof that fateful night that he had ordered Fletcher to do me in.
However; Barlett hasn't been seen in town since then. He's hold up in a town called Dunshire a few
days travel south. Barlett's brother Durnhime is the Mayor and it's under his protection that Barlett lingers.

Playing assassin for the evening in dealing with Fletcher was one thing...but 'ol Cooper is worth quite a bit of money
and that..changes things. Seems I'm not the only one Barlett had honked off over the years. A sympathetic contact
in the Downwind Thieves Guild tells me that Barlett was responsible for fingering Ruben's nephew a short while before I got
mixed up in this whole business. Ruben wants payback, my contact wants recognition within The Guild and I....I just
want Barlett to suffer. It also can't hurt to have an ally in the Downwinders. So the plan is simple enough...kidnap Barlett
and hand him over to my contact. I'm sure Ruben and the rest of the Downwinders can handle things from there.

I arrived in Dunshire last night and have overheard a few things. Seems the mayor has just acquired an ancient artifact
of considerable value. And it seems that Cooper and his brother are spending the evening doing something that is illegal
in Dunshire...gambling. From what I can tell the game is held in some kind of basement or storage room so as to not attract
undue attention. Just my luck! My quary and room full of heavy purses.

I have some unfinished business and who knows what else I might stumble upon in this sleepy little town.
No sense in waiting...It's time to begin.

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : Unfinished Business
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : NO
Equipment Store : NO
Map/Automap : NO/NO
EAX Support : NO
Briefing : NO
New Graphics : YES...custom textures by Vigil & Nameless Voice
New Objects : NO
New Sounds/MP3 : YES (voices and ambients)
New Scripts : NO
Multi-Language Support : NO

Note from SlyFoxx:

This map was inspired by a location in my home town called "The Green." It's basicly the town's historic
center and dates back to before my country's war of independence in 1776. "The Golden Flece", a tavern
served as an unoffical headquarters to the Delaware Legislature from time to time. The end result bears little
resemblance to the real thing but hey...I had to start somewhere!

This map is also quite unique in that it allows Garrett to see a great distance especially from up high.
As a result poly counts are quite high in places...much higher than was ever intended by Looking Glass.
My machine (P4 1.6gig , 512 DDRAM, GeForce fx5500oc) runs it just fine albiet a little slow in places.
Suffice it to say you should SAVE OFTEN in case of a crash. The highest counts will occur when you are
up high at the far edges of the map looking back across the map.

Garrett will need to be extra quiet especially outside if he wishes to not have every guard alerted to his presence.
This map is a "room brush" nightmare so there are some minor sound issues and "paper thin" brick walls.
You will probably want to use more moss than you would think you would need. Some of the AI have been "pumped up"
a bit so don't be surprised if a few don't go down as easily as you think they should.

Detonation arrows are sort of like fire arrows...but with the destructive force of a "Big Bomb." If you use one make sure
Garrett is well away from the blast area. They are not stealthy but they are fun. They also hog your computer resources
as they explode so be forwarned. I experienced a crash the other day when I let one loose in a really high poly/object
situation. It's only happened once and I couldn't recreate it. Again...save often.

If you rush passed a few things you might miss out. Keep your ears and eyes open. Not everything is spelled out for
you. To complete ALL the objectives you're going to have to figure stuff out for yourself.

There are no rope arrows to be found in this mission! You start with 4...keep at least one with you or you might
not be able to finish the mission.

There are lots of rooftops and paths that can keep you off the ground. It might not be LOTP but this map is a bit

There is a loot list for this mission. To access it, unzip the mission and look in "Books\LOOT_LIST.str." Open with


Base: From scratch


1784 Terrain
1567 Objects
0 Light
254 Room
20 Flow
0 Area

Build Time: ~392 hours

Alpha testers: Peter Smith & Nightwalker

Beta testers: Peter Smith & Nightwalker, Shadowspawn, Yandros & frobber.

Special thanks to Peter for suggestions and opinions that really pushed me to make this mission better.

Special thanks to Vigil and Nameless Voice for custom textures. Check out Vigil's web site
www.washboardabs.net/thief/news and NV's site at www.geocities.com/nameless_voice/

Thanks to Vlad Midnight, Jabberwocky and Alastis for having answers on how to implement certain objectives.

Rob Hicks and everybody who worked to bring DEDX to life.

Epithumia: for mission hosting and BBS space.

Master Nightfall, Dennis Nixon & Komag: for mission hosting as well. (Long live "The Circle" & "The Keep.")

Voice acting: SlyFoxx...as Cooper Barlett, Durnhime Barlett, Professor Waldorf Hillard,
Percy (the dandy student), Mr. Kent, Wilber Norton & another AI who shall remain namless for now.

The Keeper Of Metal And Gold: for the tutorial to which I still refer from time to time.

Twisty: for keeping "DromEd Central" up and running.

All the taffers at The Editors Guild.

Ralph..the wonder llama.

Riff-Raff, Dottie & Jimi...my cats who did not once jump on my keyboard and mess something up.

My wife...to whom you should all be very grateful for putting up with me spending so much time
with DromEd related activites.

Moose's nose's wiped by sluggs. May he return to us soon.

All the good folks who keep the "TTLG" & "Eidos" boards up and running.

Anybody who worked at "Looking Glass Studios" & helped to create the best video game in the known universe.

If I've forgotten anybody, I'd like to thank you now...


* Loading Information *

Darkloader ready.
Do not unzip -- Place in your Fan Mission folder and install using Darkloader 4.1.
This mission has not been tested with any other version of Darkloader.


* Copyright Information *

Copyright (c) March 10, 2005 "SlyFoxx.".

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may include this level in any map pack as long as the
following copyright statement is distributed intact.

"This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

If somebody charged you for this .zip file you got ripped off!

• Uploaded 10.03.2005
• Size 15.99 Mb
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