Worlds Collide

Title : Worlds Collide
Filename :
Author : Jabberwocky
Contact info :
Date of release : Aug 2003
Version : 1.0
Description : I was spotted during a job last week. Probably because the poor sod was lying face down in the gutter as I jumped from a second story window. I felt sorry for the poor guy. He was riddled with so many arrows, I felt we had something in common. I was about to put him out of my mind when I swear on a pile of gold THIS high, he called out Keeper. Not something you want being bellowed in the street. He earned a healing potion for that one, but it was not enough.
Seems our archery target was a guard in the employment of one Sir John. A knight of some feudal area 2 days ride outside the city. All the information I could dig up on him pointed to a kind, caring lord that was well liked and respected by his people. Until last month. Then very bad things started to happen. A few well placed questions among the Keepers revealed their knowledge of this sudden change. They sent one of their agents to gather information, Keeper Andrew's report is overdue.
They are financing this little scouting operation, with the following terms:
I find out what happened to thier agent.
I can keep anything that isn't nailed down. Or anything I can pry up.
I find Sir John, and get some info on his sudden change of heart.
I have to get a good map of the Keep. At least 3/4 of it. Information like this might be, usefull, if the Hammers have to be..... tipped off.
and most of these old castles and keeps have a back door, for emergencies. Much as I would like to see the Order of the Hammer throw themselves against the walls in an all out siege, a back door might be just the edge they would need.
***There are DEDx arrows in this FM, and they are not bound to a weapon key. To get to these arrows, you have to cycle through the weapon loadout. In my case this was Number pad + and - Your keys may vary.***
* Play Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Worlds Collide
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : No, unless you count having less shields.
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes / Yes
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : DEDx (see below)
New conversations : No
New models : DEDx (There has been some confusion during Beta testing about a few AI... I wish I could claim them as my own. But the fact is that somebody else did all the hard work with them. It is just that not many authors have used them.)
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No
Briefing : See above, thats it.
* Construction *
Base : Dromed Deluxe Basemiss.mis
Build Time : Counting the learning mission that is on the back burner? Since Mar 2003.
Build Info : This is my first attempt, hopefully it goes over well.
* Loading Information *
Runs from Dark Loader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, but put the whole "" file into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.
* Thanks To *
Everyone in the editors guild who helped answer my questions. And even more that answered questions I didn't have to ask, thx to the search button!
Purah, who said "Give me credit, and your good to go" This is refering to the outside textures of the buildings.
Anybody and everybody that contributed to DEDx.
My team of beta testers: Kfort, Preno, Yandros, Deadman, PoisonTheWell420, LJT and Moghedian
Piffany ( ? Aaron Williams ): For the design on the health shields. For a good giggle, check out [/plug]
* Copyright Information *
This level is ? Kris Kleinstick (aka Jabberwocky).
Distribution of this level is allowed, as long as no money changes hands. It is shareware. If you paid for this FM, please contact me.
However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it. Translations are welcome, although I'm afraid I didn't make it easy (sorry, I found out about the .str for object names too late.)
This level was not made by and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Any lawsuites inspired by this fan mission will be filed between the empty pizza box and the used coffee grounds, to be handled by a trained professional on the next trash collection day.
Title : Worlds Collide
Filename :
Author : Jabberwocky
Contact info :
Date of release : Aug 2003
Version : 1.0
Description : I was spotted during a job last week. Probably because the poor sod was lying face down in the gutter as I jumped from a second story window. I felt sorry for the poor guy. He was riddled with so many arrows, I felt we had something in common. I was about to put him out of my mind when I swear on a pile of gold THIS high, he called out Keeper. Not something you want being bellowed in the street. He earned a healing potion for that one, but it was not enough.
Seems our archery target was a guard in the employment of one Sir John. A knight of some feudal area 2 days ride outside the city. All the information I could dig up on him pointed to a kind, caring lord that was well liked and respected by his people. Until last month. Then very bad things started to happen. A few well placed questions among the Keepers revealed their knowledge of this sudden change. They sent one of their agents to gather information, Keeper Andrew's report is overdue.
They are financing this little scouting operation, with the following terms:
I find out what happened to thier agent.
I can keep anything that isn't nailed down. Or anything I can pry up.
I find Sir John, and get some info on his sudden change of heart.
I have to get a good map of the Keep. At least 3/4 of it. Information like this might be, usefull, if the Hammers have to be..... tipped off.
and most of these old castles and keeps have a back door, for emergencies. Much as I would like to see the Order of the Hammer throw themselves against the walls in an all out siege, a back door might be just the edge they would need.
***There are DEDx arrows in this FM, and they are not bound to a weapon key. To get to these arrows, you have to cycle through the weapon loadout. In my case this was Number pad + and - Your keys may vary.***
* Play Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Names : Worlds Collide
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : No, unless you count having less shields.
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes / Yes
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : DEDx (see below)
New conversations : No
New models : DEDx (There has been some confusion during Beta testing about a few AI... I wish I could claim them as my own. But the fact is that somebody else did all the hard work with them. It is just that not many authors have used them.)
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No
Briefing : See above, thats it.
* Construction *
Base : Dromed Deluxe Basemiss.mis
Build Time : Counting the learning mission that is on the back burner? Since Mar 2003.
Build Info : This is my first attempt, hopefully it goes over well.
* Loading Information *
Runs from Dark Loader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, but put the whole "" file into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.
* Thanks To *
Everyone in the editors guild who helped answer my questions. And even more that answered questions I didn't have to ask, thx to the search button!
Purah, who said "Give me credit, and your good to go" This is refering to the outside textures of the buildings.
Anybody and everybody that contributed to DEDx.
My team of beta testers: Kfort, Preno, Yandros, Deadman, PoisonTheWell420, LJT and Moghedian
Piffany ( ? Aaron Williams ): For the design on the health shields. For a good giggle, check out [/plug]
* Copyright Information *
This level is ? Kris Kleinstick (aka Jabberwocky).
Distribution of this level is allowed, as long as no money changes hands. It is shareware. If you paid for this FM, please contact me.
However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it. Translations are welcome, although I'm afraid I didn't make it easy (sorry, I found out about the .str for object names too late.)
This level was not made by and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Any lawsuites inspired by this fan mission will be filed between the empty pizza box and the used coffee grounds, to be handled by a trained professional on the next trash collection day.
• Uploaded 08.08.2003
• Size 4.63 Mb