Your Last Breath

Author : John D.
Contact Info :
Homepage : none
Date of Release : August 4, 2002
Title : Your Last Breath
Description : The second level by John D. Productions!
Story: My contact in the area thinks I've lost my mind! After raiding
a local Hammerite temple to grab some quick cash, I got out of town
and headed to the seaside village until things cooled off enough
for me to head back to the City. I was fairly familiar with the area,
the year before I had passed through while on a mission to the
haunted Island of Iron. My job then involved obtaining a artifact
called The Iron Hammer for Edward of Blackbrook,
a Warden who respected independents like myself
and was a bitter enemy of my old antagonist Ramirez.
After having a few shots of ale in a local pub,
I heard stories of lights and other strange activity
seen underwater not far offshore from the village. My instincts told me
it was related to the increase of Mechanist activity in the area.
Discussing this information with my contact, my suspicions were confirmed
when he told me about a recent incident.
A friend of my contact, a smuggler by trade, claims he saw an 'iron
boat' surface near the area in question. Filled with terror, the crew jettisoned
their cargo and fled. Hearing this and noting how the Keepers were leaving
glyphs in the area warning of trouble, I decided to have a look for myself...
Only to have my suspicions confirmed! From the raft I can see some sort of
facility below! Unfortunatley I couldnt take my bow with me, so I'll have
to make due with the inventory I have. When I enter the water, I hope I
wont be taking MY LAST BREATH...
Bugs &
Tips: 1. Dont jump on the table where the dead servant is, you might get stuck!
2. Dont waste your breath potion! You should have enough for the job but
use it wisely!
3. For some reason the AI patrolling outside acts funny at times, not sure why.
4. I had to use a dark texture for the night sky instead of the starry one,
because I kept seeing stars on the ocean floor. I guess some kind of limit
on dromed.
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Your Last Breath
File Name : Miss 20
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : no
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
Difficulty Level Info : Easy, Thief, Top Taffer
* Construction *
Base : From Scratch
Build Time : Around a month
* Loading Information *
This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place in your missions folder.
* Thanks To *
Everyone who wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote
the ones at, Komag, and the writers of the original Dromed documents.
And special thanks to the guys who run the TTLG forums! What a wonderful place for us
taffers to play! The Thievery UT team (wow it's just unbelievable what you have done!
ULTRA COOL!)-c'mon taffers we need more playas on the servers! and all of the awesome designers who make fan missions for all to enjoy!
Special thanks to AsyluM! who allowed me to use his Hidden Agenda skins in my mission!
(Hidden Agenda should be a mandatory FM for all taffers! An AWESOME Mech mission!)
Another big thank you goes to Hit Deity! I couldnt figure out how to get a light switch
to work right until I studied his posts in the editing forum at TTLG!
Also I want to thank those of you who sent me E-mails about my first mision
Quick Cash! I appreciate your support and hope you like this new FM even more!
* Copyright Information *
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission.(Komag can put it on his disks however!)
You CAN edit this mission if you want, just let everyone know who created the
This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
USE THIS LEVEL AT YOUR OWN RISK(Translation: if your computer melts please dont E-mail
me a frogbeast, hehe)
Author : John D.
Contact Info :
Homepage : none
Date of Release : August 4, 2002
Title : Your Last Breath
Description : The second level by John D. Productions!
Story: My contact in the area thinks I've lost my mind! After raiding
a local Hammerite temple to grab some quick cash, I got out of town
and headed to the seaside village until things cooled off enough
for me to head back to the City. I was fairly familiar with the area,
the year before I had passed through while on a mission to the
haunted Island of Iron. My job then involved obtaining a artifact
called The Iron Hammer for Edward of Blackbrook,
a Warden who respected independents like myself
and was a bitter enemy of my old antagonist Ramirez.
After having a few shots of ale in a local pub,
I heard stories of lights and other strange activity
seen underwater not far offshore from the village. My instincts told me
it was related to the increase of Mechanist activity in the area.
Discussing this information with my contact, my suspicions were confirmed
when he told me about a recent incident.
A friend of my contact, a smuggler by trade, claims he saw an 'iron
boat' surface near the area in question. Filled with terror, the crew jettisoned
their cargo and fled. Hearing this and noting how the Keepers were leaving
glyphs in the area warning of trouble, I decided to have a look for myself...
Only to have my suspicions confirmed! From the raft I can see some sort of
facility below! Unfortunatley I couldnt take my bow with me, so I'll have
to make due with the inventory I have. When I enter the water, I hope I
wont be taking MY LAST BREATH...
Bugs &
Tips: 1. Dont jump on the table where the dead servant is, you might get stuck!
2. Dont waste your breath potion! You should have enough for the job but
use it wisely!
3. For some reason the AI patrolling outside acts funny at times, not sure why.
4. I had to use a dark texture for the night sky instead of the starry one,
because I kept seeing stars on the ocean floor. I guess some kind of limit
on dromed.
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Your Last Breath
File Name : Miss 20
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : no
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
Difficulty Level Info : Easy, Thief, Top Taffer
* Construction *
Base : From Scratch
Build Time : Around a month
* Loading Information *
This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place in your missions folder.
* Thanks To *
Everyone who wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote
the ones at, Komag, and the writers of the original Dromed documents.
And special thanks to the guys who run the TTLG forums! What a wonderful place for us
taffers to play! The Thievery UT team (wow it's just unbelievable what you have done!
ULTRA COOL!)-c'mon taffers we need more playas on the servers! and all of the awesome designers who make fan missions for all to enjoy!
Special thanks to AsyluM! who allowed me to use his Hidden Agenda skins in my mission!
(Hidden Agenda should be a mandatory FM for all taffers! An AWESOME Mech mission!)
Another big thank you goes to Hit Deity! I couldnt figure out how to get a light switch
to work right until I studied his posts in the editing forum at TTLG!
Also I want to thank those of you who sent me E-mails about my first mision
Quick Cash! I appreciate your support and hope you like this new FM even more!
* Copyright Information *
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission.(Komag can put it on his disks however!)
You CAN edit this mission if you want, just let everyone know who created the
This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
USE THIS LEVEL AT YOUR OWN RISK(Translation: if your computer melts please dont E-mail
me a frogbeast, hehe)
• Uploaded 03.08.2002
• Size 959.36 Kb