Bad Blood

Bad Blood II
Ricebug (Terry DeLaney)
New Dark 1.21
20 May 2014
Version 2.5
Garrett has come to the little town of Ottoville to look up an old acquaintance. Since Ottoville is famous for its brewery, he also wants to try some of the local beer. Unbeknownst to the infamous thief, however, he is being setup for something that happened over a decade earlier.
Missions 1 and 2 are based on an abandoned mission by Jason Otto. Mission 3 was built around a demo train yard by LarryG.
Known Issues
1. The locomotive in mission 3 may exhibit bizarre behavior if you toss any dead bodies on the tracks.
2. The tracks will, at times, not play the correct sound metaprop. Jumping will correct it. This is a compromise to allow the guards and other AI to correctly walk on them without getting stuck.
Movie Voice Acting : SlyFoxx
Beta Team: Azaran, Gloria Creep, itllrun10s, prjames, Silent Warrior, Undead Gamer, Yandros, Zappen, Zaya_Ayame
French: Azaran, Apiai
German: Zappen
Russian: Soldi
Custom Scripts:
GayleSaver, Nameless Voice, Telliamed, Twisty
Custom Objects:
Christine: Clocks, wall maps, drapes, luggage, flowers, furniture, moneybox, desk globe, mirror, office supplies (stamps, pad, etc), table doily, crystal ball, bookends
Digital Nightfall (COSAS): Bar objects, bathroom fixtures, lights, furniture, books
Greenhorn: Near mountains (textures replaced), model trains, dead trees, digging tools
Jason Otto: Rusty grates & bars, dirty windows, fences, beams & girders, houses, shacks, water towers, clock towers, ropes & chains, ladders, commercial signs, furniture, spider webs, tavern stuff, firewood, Gypsy wagon, industrial vents, lights, electric gizmos, tool boards, bathroom fixtures
LarryG: Locomotive, train cars, RR tracks & switches, train car hulk, train wheels, semaphore, rat model, logs, paintings in mission 3.
Nameless Voice: Flames
Nielson74: Burning barrel, wood stove, factory buildings, firewood
Pinkdot: Bookcases
R Soul: Wheelbarrow, lights, hooked ladder, electrical gizmos, furniture, fireplace, smoke stains, doors
Ricebug: Lattice fencing, 2D trees, wire fencing, signs, telephone poles, train paintings (taffed from the Internet), rusty barrel, stain decals, stair banister & spindles, grass edge model
Sluggs: Crates, light shaft, guard tower, buildings
Schwaa: Bathroom fixtures, pot belly stove, trash can with lid
Custom Textures:
C-BEAM: Carpets and runners
Croteam’s, Serious Sam, the Second Encounter
CG Textures: Stain decals
Necrobob: Bricks
Skybox: Emil Persson, aka Humus. (; night version is the same skybox but with one of Turbo Squid’s star boxes grafted over the sky.
Zappen: Window texture
Custom AI:
Greenhorn: Female sailor
Jason Otto: Replacement AI skins
LarryG: Yardman
Schwaa: Thief archer
Voice files taken from Thief Gold, Thief 2, and Thief 3
LarryG: Train sounds
Lazy Day (heard in bar in mission one) composed with Acid loops by Ricebug.
Eugenia by Scott Joplin. Performed by Ricebug
Yandros: Bartender motions, guards’ arrest scene in mission one, general spit & polish
Xorak: Troubleshooter and general fixer-upper
R Soul: Dark Engine Object Converter
Nameless Voice: Sunlight Calculator
All the folks at the TTLG editing forum for putting up with me.
Very special thanks to Tannar and Dussander for the Shalebridge testing forum.
Copyright Information
Copyright (c) Terry DeLaney, which means you can't take the credit for creating it. If you want to use parts of it for your own mission, be my guest. The train, tracks, and signals are copyrighted creations by LarryG, who allowed me to use them in this campaign. Other graphics, objects, etc, are copyrighted by the respective artists.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.
• Uploaded 03.06.2014
• Size 138.32 Mb