Cataclysmic Revelations Campaign

11.17.2011 Revision-Final v1.2 -05/21/2013 -Revisionv1.3 5/28/2013 -Revision 1.4 11/23/2013 -Revision Campaign 4 parts. Sept.25,2014 -Revision Campaign 4 parts to version 1.2 Nov.3rd,2014
Title : Cataclysmic Revelations
Filename : CCR_Campaign_V1.2a Nov.3rd ,2014-Nov 8th,2014 NewDark V1.21
Author : DarthsLair
Contact info :
Date of release : Nov. 17, 2011 Revisions posted above. CCRCampaign September 19th,2014 V.1.1
Version Final v1.2 : Original Version with Intro Movie-Revised for update. Revision v1.2 Date:May 21st,2013-Revision v.1.3 May/28/2013
Campaign Release: September 25th 2014 Cataclysmic Revelations Part1, The Mission Part2, Salvation Part 3 Version,Shine on You Part 4 Campaign Version 1.2 -Nov.3rd,2014 Nov.8th2014 Version 1.2a
* Play Information *
Game : Thief 2 The Metal Age
Level Names : Cataclysmic Revelations
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes. Beginner, Adept, Master
Equipment store : No.
Map/Automap : Yes.
New graphics : Yes.
New sounds : Yes.
New conversations : Yes.
New models : Yes.
EAX Support : No.
Multi language support : No. English
Briefing : Yes. B20
* Construction *
Base: From Miss11mis The Haunted Cathedral -From Thief Gold Miss7mis -Thief Gold From Thief Gold "Maw"
Build Time: Many bottles of headache medicine, not including gallons of Jack Daniel's.( 1000 hours or 4 months work.) Many fits thrown, when Dromed turns into Dromzilla.
INCLUDED IN THIS ZIP: The Gen.osm has been renamed in all three missions. Is current for those who have an outdated one, or one
that is corrupt. The Convict.osm controls Victory Scripts that enable the objectives to be checked off.
Revision May 21st 2013: Version 1.18 T2, limited this mission for object id's, so New Dark enabled a hefty revision. Prior to the revision, object id space was used to the maximmum in V.1.18 Included in this revision is Well over 1000 objects added including more Ai, some secrets,and a new starting area. Final Revision Difficulty Adjustment. May 28th,2012 Rev1.3 Added some powerups in the other world. Lowered hitpoints on some ai, and added more secrets, and one more area for player. Made playing less tedious on Hard and Expert Levels. Campaign Editon September 2014. 3 parts. Another 500 hours for making "The Mission" and "Salvation" Made a modified cs20 cutscene .avi for miss20. New Ending.avi in "Salvation" Indeo codec version 5.0 or higher required to play .avi movies. (original for Thief) Revision CCR Campain to version 1.2-reason is to be sure that the kill objective of the all seeing eyes produces the eye key.(Salvation) Revision V1.2a to fix pixelated water in "The Mission" and in "Salvation"
1.STORY: The World has changed. The Earth and it's People are Crying out for answers. The Keepers usually unseen unless they choose to be seen have placed glyphs throughout
the lands. The Glyphs not unseen by Garrett, steal his curiosity. The Hammerites have increased their activities, and for some unknown reasons have established themselves once
again, in the "The Haunted Cathedral" Now Excorcised, the Hammers have gathered to do "Thy Builders Work" The Cathedral and it's Shrines, hold memory of Saint Yora, Saint Jenel,
Saint Tennor, and Saint Vale. The Victorious Saints who continually fight the evil in the World.
Meteor's and Comet's are frequenting the night skies. The Moon has turned red ,and rumbles of earthquakes stir great fear into the hearts of men. Last night at the
Taffer's Tavern, Fingers the Fingerman spoke a little too loudly, mentioning something about something "suspicious" at the old institution. Garrett's keen sense drives him further,
as he remembered the nightmare that once existed inside those walls. " Hammers moving back into that place?" Garrett sets out to find out why the Hammer's have moved back in,
and intends to discover also what the Keepers are doing, and possibly learn what they know. No time like the present, because there may not be much time left ! And, like always, the
rent must be paid.
******The Story continues now in "The Mission" and the epilogue "Salvation"******
2.Story: "The Mission"
The monastery has been destroyed, and all but a few Hammerites who were abducted by the Trickster's minions remain alive deep below the earth. All life on th surface of the earth has been wiped out except for 2 Keepers. The Sun has been layered in dust from the impact of the Asteroid on the earth's surface. Soon an ice age will occur, and the waters of the earth will freeze. The stars and soon the red moon will vanish from sight. The Inquisitor was slain, and the scrolls dids't vanish once again! The minions came up from the earth shortly after the impact of the asteroid to make sure human life was at it's end, and to place 7 guardians to keep the Scrolls of Virtue desolate forever. Soon more shockwaves will come, followed by a complete devastation of the earth"s surface. Nuclear winter will follow.
3.Story: "Salvation"
Deep below the earth, a parrell system of caverns was formed made after the Maw. Being difficult to traverse,the Trickster knew anyone still alive on earth would not be able to reach the abyss of purgatory. There in the pit of purgatory exists the only human life left on earth. Garrett must make his way to the bowels of the earth to save a handful of the Builder's Brethren.
4.Story. "Shine on You" A tribute to the Game and to the Players in the World of Thief.
Warning: Disable EP ( simply rename the epbak.crf, then remove the .bak extension afterwards before playing another fm) Precautions have been made but to be sure!
Playing Info:Some objectives are optional, as the mission is split into 2 separate worlds. Instead of having to give up because of incomplete objectives, because of it's enormous size, I thought
it best this way. The feeling of lonliness is intentional,without alot of material comfort in Version 1.18, but due to some reports, some players thought it wasn't full enough for exploration. So, with about 100 hours of rework, I believe it is improved for experience and game play.
Revision Campaign V1.2 includes:
"The Mission" improved game mechanics, now the player won't have to read the Keeper scroll before the main objective starts. Added a few more readables. Some overall improvements in some objects.
5 videos made with xvid codec 4. Added 1 more mission that lasts only around 1 minute. Resized textures in "Salvation" added one more secret, and enhanced the area. Improved game play, now a little more of a challenge. Fixed Thief gold ambients, so they should all work now.
Videos: You will need Xvid codec to play the videos. Get them here:
Without the xvid codec, not being able to view the movies in the game sequence will make the story difficult to understand.
* Loading Information *
Get the latest version of Darkloader and run it. Tested with Fm-Selector. Fm Selector Recommended DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!
May not run with Windows Vista and Garrettloader.
* Copyright Information *
DarthsLair November, 2011 Dec.20,2011 Revised edtion copyright May 21, 2013. Campaign Edition (The Mission Part 2, and Salvation Part 3) copyright Sept,2014,Copyright Nov.2nd,2014
* Special Thanks * To the great beta testers who have made this possible: Nickie, Tannar, bob_doe_nz, PrJames, Gloria Creep,ffox,Pedro(Cardia1),kittykat,Ravenhook
* Special Thanks* To the great beta testers who have once again made this possible. The DarkOne93, PrJames,Gloria Creep,Ravenhook,[Kurhhan-(Tested Miss20.mis)],Tannar (Campaign Version)
* Special Thanks * To Nickie, and PrJames, and Tannar for editing the readables. Thanks for the beta testing forums: Dussander, Tannar-Shalebridge Cradel Forums.
Special Thanks to model makers: Yandros, Zontik, Raetsel, Hrothgar, Nielsen74, OttoJ55, Eshaktaar, Targa, R Soul, Christine, Nameless Voice, Dark Arrow, Sluggs.
Special Thanks to Aithena for making the "Still Alive" video shown at the end of "Salvation". A credits was added to the ending of this video.
Christine, Redface,LarryG,Cosas,and the team. Von Eins,Althalus,Omer "G'len" Golan,Rob Hicks and J.Knez(Schwaa),Alun Bestor, DarkMax,Bronze Griffin, Metal Dawn,
L.C.Nottaasen,Magnera,Tdbonko,FireMage,Purgator, Elvis.
Special Thanks to:Shadow Sneaker, Sephy, "A. Tolonen- Unguarded Reliquary". "Zil (organ music) fromThe Hammerite Imperium", Dario D.,Ozzy O. (a short clip) Sound Myst,
Eric Brosius , (the angels by Olivier Messiaen,Trinity Church Boston), Digital Nightfall, Taonside, Dussander,NathanShadow-Horror Ambient 001-FreeSoundOrg,Timbre-"VannWestfold secundotempore 1stbit remix5 -FreeSoundOrg,Martian-Angelic distorted arc-FreeSoundOrg.Sam Ulis Thunder long1-FreeSoundOrg. 104447__dkmedic__explode-FreeSoundOrg. 77248__jobro__celestial-temple-FreeSoundOrg.104037__rutgermuller__scream-aeh-1-FreeSoundOrg.45137__dj-chronos__dark-church-bell-FreeSoundOrg. 84615__daf024__devil9-FreeSoundOrg. 174877__sclolex__a-bad-day-at-the-crypt-FreeSoundOrg. All of these great composers made up the Ambient Music.Gigagooga for g_amb. Darkness Within by SenguMuramasa (Main Ambient Music "The Mission"
Special Thanks to:, South Quarter, Taffer's Paradise and TTLG for their wonderful sites.
Special Thanks to the Voice Actors:SlyFoxx as Garrett. Yandros, Pedro, Don Adams, Edudrekib ,DLW6 MasterThief3, These fine actors are the stars of the show.
Special Thanks for this Campaign editon for voice acting: SlyFoxx as Garrett, MasterThief 3 as the Builder.
Technical Information: Script used: NvScript.osm First version has 3 custom made videos: Introduction, Success, and Death. Ending.avi in "Salvation" All .avi movies are made with Divx codec in the Revised edition
V1.2, the past editions, are made with Indeo codec 5.0 or higher.
Known Issues: Framerate may be low in some areas, but a modern machine should handle it with no problems. Has not been tested on Windows98, or Windows2000.
In part of the second half of the mission the player will have to cycle through the weapons, as some of them cannot be assigned keys or numbers.
This mission is at it's limits, but the pal count is only 151.(Old 1.18) It is equivalent to 2 Original Missions placed in 1 mission file. It is huge ! Have fun, as it was made for fun only !
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or
Eidos Interactive. You are free to distribute, but do not change any mission
data for redistribution without my written consent. Enjoy!!! This mission
was intended to be for fun only. The author does not assume any liability
in misuse. Ha! Ha! Enjoy, Taffer!
11.17.2011 Revision-Final v1.2 -05/21/2013 -Revisionv1.3 5/28/2013 -Revision 1.4 11/23/2013 -Revision Campaign 4 parts. Sept.25,2014 -Revision Campaign 4 parts to version 1.2 Nov.3rd,2014
Title : Cataclysmic Revelations
Filename : CCR_Campaign_V1.2a Nov.3rd ,2014-Nov 8th,2014 NewDark V1.21
Author : DarthsLair
Contact info :
Date of release : Nov. 17, 2011 Revisions posted above. CCRCampaign September 19th,2014 V.1.1
Version Final v1.2 : Original Version with Intro Movie-Revised for update. Revision v1.2 Date:May 21st,2013-Revision v.1.3 May/28/2013
Campaign Release: September 25th 2014 Cataclysmic Revelations Part1, The Mission Part2, Salvation Part 3 Version,Shine on You Part 4 Campaign Version 1.2 -Nov.3rd,2014 Nov.8th2014 Version 1.2a
* Play Information *
Game : Thief 2 The Metal Age
Level Names : Cataclysmic Revelations
File names : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes. Beginner, Adept, Master
Equipment store : No.
Map/Automap : Yes.
New graphics : Yes.
New sounds : Yes.
New conversations : Yes.
New models : Yes.
EAX Support : No.
Multi language support : No. English
Briefing : Yes. B20
* Construction *
Base: From Miss11mis The Haunted Cathedral -From Thief Gold Miss7mis -Thief Gold From Thief Gold "Maw"
Build Time: Many bottles of headache medicine, not including gallons of Jack Daniel's.( 1000 hours or 4 months work.) Many fits thrown, when Dromed turns into Dromzilla.
INCLUDED IN THIS ZIP: The Gen.osm has been renamed in all three missions. Is current for those who have an outdated one, or one
that is corrupt. The Convict.osm controls Victory Scripts that enable the objectives to be checked off.
Revision May 21st 2013: Version 1.18 T2, limited this mission for object id's, so New Dark enabled a hefty revision. Prior to the revision, object id space was used to the maximmum in V.1.18 Included in this revision is Well over 1000 objects added including more Ai, some secrets,and a new starting area. Final Revision Difficulty Adjustment. May 28th,2012 Rev1.3 Added some powerups in the other world. Lowered hitpoints on some ai, and added more secrets, and one more area for player. Made playing less tedious on Hard and Expert Levels. Campaign Editon September 2014. 3 parts. Another 500 hours for making "The Mission" and "Salvation" Made a modified cs20 cutscene .avi for miss20. New Ending.avi in "Salvation" Indeo codec version 5.0 or higher required to play .avi movies. (original for Thief) Revision CCR Campain to version 1.2-reason is to be sure that the kill objective of the all seeing eyes produces the eye key.(Salvation) Revision V1.2a to fix pixelated water in "The Mission" and in "Salvation"
1.STORY: The World has changed. The Earth and it's People are Crying out for answers. The Keepers usually unseen unless they choose to be seen have placed glyphs throughout
the lands. The Glyphs not unseen by Garrett, steal his curiosity. The Hammerites have increased their activities, and for some unknown reasons have established themselves once
again, in the "The Haunted Cathedral" Now Excorcised, the Hammers have gathered to do "Thy Builders Work" The Cathedral and it's Shrines, hold memory of Saint Yora, Saint Jenel,
Saint Tennor, and Saint Vale. The Victorious Saints who continually fight the evil in the World.
Meteor's and Comet's are frequenting the night skies. The Moon has turned red ,and rumbles of earthquakes stir great fear into the hearts of men. Last night at the
Taffer's Tavern, Fingers the Fingerman spoke a little too loudly, mentioning something about something "suspicious" at the old institution. Garrett's keen sense drives him further,
as he remembered the nightmare that once existed inside those walls. " Hammers moving back into that place?" Garrett sets out to find out why the Hammer's have moved back in,
and intends to discover also what the Keepers are doing, and possibly learn what they know. No time like the present, because there may not be much time left ! And, like always, the
rent must be paid.
******The Story continues now in "The Mission" and the epilogue "Salvation"******
2.Story: "The Mission"
The monastery has been destroyed, and all but a few Hammerites who were abducted by the Trickster's minions remain alive deep below the earth. All life on th surface of the earth has been wiped out except for 2 Keepers. The Sun has been layered in dust from the impact of the Asteroid on the earth's surface. Soon an ice age will occur, and the waters of the earth will freeze. The stars and soon the red moon will vanish from sight. The Inquisitor was slain, and the scrolls dids't vanish once again! The minions came up from the earth shortly after the impact of the asteroid to make sure human life was at it's end, and to place 7 guardians to keep the Scrolls of Virtue desolate forever. Soon more shockwaves will come, followed by a complete devastation of the earth"s surface. Nuclear winter will follow.
3.Story: "Salvation"
Deep below the earth, a parrell system of caverns was formed made after the Maw. Being difficult to traverse,the Trickster knew anyone still alive on earth would not be able to reach the abyss of purgatory. There in the pit of purgatory exists the only human life left on earth. Garrett must make his way to the bowels of the earth to save a handful of the Builder's Brethren.
4.Story. "Shine on You" A tribute to the Game and to the Players in the World of Thief.
Warning: Disable EP ( simply rename the epbak.crf, then remove the .bak extension afterwards before playing another fm) Precautions have been made but to be sure!
Playing Info:Some objectives are optional, as the mission is split into 2 separate worlds. Instead of having to give up because of incomplete objectives, because of it's enormous size, I thought
it best this way. The feeling of lonliness is intentional,without alot of material comfort in Version 1.18, but due to some reports, some players thought it wasn't full enough for exploration. So, with about 100 hours of rework, I believe it is improved for experience and game play.
Revision Campaign V1.2 includes:
"The Mission" improved game mechanics, now the player won't have to read the Keeper scroll before the main objective starts. Added a few more readables. Some overall improvements in some objects.
5 videos made with xvid codec 4. Added 1 more mission that lasts only around 1 minute. Resized textures in "Salvation" added one more secret, and enhanced the area. Improved game play, now a little more of a challenge. Fixed Thief gold ambients, so they should all work now.
Videos: You will need Xvid codec to play the videos. Get them here:
Without the xvid codec, not being able to view the movies in the game sequence will make the story difficult to understand.
* Loading Information *
Get the latest version of Darkloader and run it. Tested with Fm-Selector. Fm Selector Recommended DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!!
May not run with Windows Vista and Garrettloader.
* Copyright Information *
DarthsLair November, 2011 Dec.20,2011 Revised edtion copyright May 21, 2013. Campaign Edition (The Mission Part 2, and Salvation Part 3) copyright Sept,2014,Copyright Nov.2nd,2014
* Special Thanks * To the great beta testers who have made this possible: Nickie, Tannar, bob_doe_nz, PrJames, Gloria Creep,ffox,Pedro(Cardia1),kittykat,Ravenhook
* Special Thanks* To the great beta testers who have once again made this possible. The DarkOne93, PrJames,Gloria Creep,Ravenhook,[Kurhhan-(Tested Miss20.mis)],Tannar (Campaign Version)
* Special Thanks * To Nickie, and PrJames, and Tannar for editing the readables. Thanks for the beta testing forums: Dussander, Tannar-Shalebridge Cradel Forums.
Special Thanks to model makers: Yandros, Zontik, Raetsel, Hrothgar, Nielsen74, OttoJ55, Eshaktaar, Targa, R Soul, Christine, Nameless Voice, Dark Arrow, Sluggs.
Special Thanks to Aithena for making the "Still Alive" video shown at the end of "Salvation". A credits was added to the ending of this video.
Christine, Redface,LarryG,Cosas,and the team. Von Eins,Althalus,Omer "G'len" Golan,Rob Hicks and J.Knez(Schwaa),Alun Bestor, DarkMax,Bronze Griffin, Metal Dawn,
L.C.Nottaasen,Magnera,Tdbonko,FireMage,Purgator, Elvis.
Special Thanks to:Shadow Sneaker, Sephy, "A. Tolonen- Unguarded Reliquary". "Zil (organ music) fromThe Hammerite Imperium", Dario D.,Ozzy O. (a short clip) Sound Myst,
Eric Brosius , (the angels by Olivier Messiaen,Trinity Church Boston), Digital Nightfall, Taonside, Dussander,NathanShadow-Horror Ambient 001-FreeSoundOrg,Timbre-"VannWestfold secundotempore 1stbit remix5 -FreeSoundOrg,Martian-Angelic distorted arc-FreeSoundOrg.Sam Ulis Thunder long1-FreeSoundOrg. 104447__dkmedic__explode-FreeSoundOrg. 77248__jobro__celestial-temple-FreeSoundOrg.104037__rutgermuller__scream-aeh-1-FreeSoundOrg.45137__dj-chronos__dark-church-bell-FreeSoundOrg. 84615__daf024__devil9-FreeSoundOrg. 174877__sclolex__a-bad-day-at-the-crypt-FreeSoundOrg. All of these great composers made up the Ambient Music.Gigagooga for g_amb. Darkness Within by SenguMuramasa (Main Ambient Music "The Mission"
Special Thanks to:, South Quarter, Taffer's Paradise and TTLG for their wonderful sites.
Special Thanks to the Voice Actors:SlyFoxx as Garrett. Yandros, Pedro, Don Adams, Edudrekib ,DLW6 MasterThief3, These fine actors are the stars of the show.
Special Thanks for this Campaign editon for voice acting: SlyFoxx as Garrett, MasterThief 3 as the Builder.
Technical Information: Script used: NvScript.osm First version has 3 custom made videos: Introduction, Success, and Death. Ending.avi in "Salvation" All .avi movies are made with Divx codec in the Revised edition
V1.2, the past editions, are made with Indeo codec 5.0 or higher.
Known Issues: Framerate may be low in some areas, but a modern machine should handle it with no problems. Has not been tested on Windows98, or Windows2000.
In part of the second half of the mission the player will have to cycle through the weapons, as some of them cannot be assigned keys or numbers.
This mission is at it's limits, but the pal count is only 151.(Old 1.18) It is equivalent to 2 Original Missions placed in 1 mission file. It is huge ! Have fun, as it was made for fun only !
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or
Eidos Interactive. You are free to distribute, but do not change any mission
data for redistribution without my written consent. Enjoy!!! This mission
was intended to be for fun only. The author does not assume any liability
in misuse. Ha! Ha! Enjoy, Taffer!
• Uploaded 08.11.2014
• Size 530.25 Mb