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Half-Assed Marriage :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Half-Assed Marriage

Thief 2 Mission: Half-Assed Marriage
By --------


Today is Basso's wedding. What a day! What a waste! And I'm forced to attend since Basso has repaired my Lockpicks after a bad adventure in a Mechanist silver storage... And because bad news never comes in small doses, Basso chose me as his Best Man! And now I'm forced to stand there, holding the rings to the end of the ceremony... among their family members and friends who I've never even seen before! But as much as I'd like to be doing what I want to do, Basso is a useful guy when I need his help, I just can't screw the event up... I just have to stay alone in a dark corner and wait for the beginning and end of the wedding, hoping no one comes to speak to me and makes the day worse than it will be already...
New things:

Objects: Yes
Meshes &/or Skins: Yes
Maps: Yes (The room location device works!!)
Motions: Yes
Cutscene: Yes and no, it's a camvator.
Sounds: Yes
Voices: Yes


Copyright/Credits & Special Thanks:

Mission made by --------... (Not yet you fool!)

Thanks to MasterThief3 for the drunk priest voice.

Thanks to Random_Taffer for Basso voice.

Thanks to Ceamonks980 for the Chieftain Strag voice.

Thanks to Phantasmagore for the Female Strag voice.

Thanks to Fr?re Staven for Garrett voice.

Thanks to myself for the Male Strag voice. :P (Yes, I'm a bit megalomaniac XD)

Thanks to this awesome music maker Susato for his famous music, La Mourisque. May he forgive me for modifying his music to make it funnier...

Thanks to Activision and Return to the Castle Wolfenstein for textures. May they forgive me for modifying their textures to make them fit with the rainbow's world...

Thanks to FireMage to sent me his objects. May he forgive me for having changed some textures...

Thanks to DiMarzio for indirectly giving me the mission's name.

Thanks to Tannar for editing the texts.

Thanks to our honored Looking Glass Studio and Eidos for making Thief II.

**Thanks to Anti_Matter_16 for this great and funny challenge! B)**

• Uploaded 06.08.2013
• Size 75.50 Mb
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