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A Thief 2 Fan Mission
by Doug Brainard (Balboa)

Title : Matriarch
Author : Doug Brainard (Balboa)
Game : Thief 2
Contact info : DouglasCBrainard@gmail.com
Date of release : May 13, 2023
Version : 1.1

Changes in version 1.1
Minor bug fixes.
A few more clues.
And now available in Spanish.

The Story thus far…

A job offer from a prospective client brings you to High Towne tonight.
A lucrative area, in addition to the generous payout this job represents.
You are to meet at the Mercantile Assurance, #212, behind the Church of the Most Righteous Hammer.

Getting to the Eastern wards of High Towne won't be easy.
The only legitimate paths across the river are either the High Bridge,
or the Grand Canal around High Market, and all are locked down at night.
But an enterprising fellow might find another way.

You have a tip that the Downwinders have a route across the river for members of the guild.
Non-members will probably just be gutted.
You can find them at High Market #5.

This is not your first rodeo, and you know the drill. Don't kill anyone, and don't get caught.

La historia hasta ahora...

Una oferta de trabajo de un cliente en potencia te lleva a High Towne ésta noche.
Una zona muy lucrativa, más allá de la generosa paga del trabajo en sí.
Debes reunirte en Seguros Mercantiles #212, detrás de la Iglesia del Martillo Más Justo.

Llegar a los distritos del este de High Towne no será sencillo.
Los únicos caminos de verdad que cruzan el río son el Puente Alto,
o el Gran Canal alrededor que rodea a High Market, y todos están cerrados por la noche.
Pero un tipo emprendedor seguramente pueda encontrar otra manera.

Te llegó una pista de que los Downwinders tienen una ruta a través del río para aquellos que
son miembros del gremio.
Los no miembros probablemente sean destripados.
Puedes encontrarlos en High Market #5.

Ésta no es tu primera vez, y sabes cómo funciona. No mates a nadie, y que no te atrapen.

Die Handlung bisher:

Das Angebot eines vielversprechenden Kunden führt Dich heute Abend nach Hightowne.
Dich erwarten eine großzügige Belohnung und Arbeit in einer lohnenswerten Gegend.
Du sollst Dich an der Mercantile Assurance #212, hinterm Tempel des Allrechtschaffenden Hammers

Der Zugang in den östlichen Stadtteil Hightownes ist nicht einfach.
Legale Wege über den Fluß führen entweder über die Hauptbrücke oder über den großen Kanal um Hightowne
herum, und die sind nachts unpassierbar. Doch ein neugieriger Kerl sollte einen anderen Weg finden.

Man gab Dir den Tip, daß die Downwinders für ihre Mitglieder einen Zugang übers Gewässer hätten.
Außenstehende dagegen würden eher ausgenommen. Du findest sie bei High Market #5.

Dies ist nicht Dein erster Auftritt, und Du kennst die Regeln. Töte niemanden, und lasse Dich nicht

Playing Notes:

- You will want fog on for the beginning of the second mission.
- It is highly recommended to disable all mods and texture packs, but no issues with EP2 are known.
- Requires New Dark version 1.27 or higher.
- Plot-relevant conversations are subtitled.
- Some loot is available in both the first and the third missions. So, if you steal something in the
first mission, it won't be there in the third mission. Consequently the loot totals for mission
three will change, depending on what you took in the first mission. Got it?
- There is absolutely nothing to see west of the river in mission 3. If you manage to get over there
you will be bored, nothing to do. You have been warned.

Notas de juego:

- Querrás tener Niebla activada para el comienzo de la segunda misión.
- Altamente recomendado desactivar todos los mods y paquetes de texturas, pero no se conocen problemas con el EP2.
- Requiere New Dark versión 1.27 o superior.
- Las conversaciones relevantes para la trama están subtituladas.
- Algunos botines están disponibles tanto en la primera como en la tercera misión. Por lo tanto, si robas algo en la
primera misión, no estará disponible en la tercera. En consecuencia, el botín total de la misión
tres cambiará, dependiendo de lo que hayas tomado en la primera misión. ¿Entendido?
- No hay absolutamente nada que ver al oeste del río en la misión 3. Si consigues llegar hasta allí
te aburrirás, no hay nada. Estás avisado.

Anmerkungen zum Spielverlauf:

- Zu Anfang der zweiten Mission magst Du sicher den Nebel einschalten.
- Von allen Mods und Texturmodifikationen wird abgeraten, wenn auch mit EP2 keine Probleme bekannt
- NewDark 1.27 oder höher ist erforderlich.
- Handlungsrelevante Dialoge sind untertitelt.
- Sowohl in der ersten als auch der dritten Mission ist Beute vorhanden. Was Du in der ersten
Mission stiehlst, ist in der dritten dann nicht mehr vorhanden. Daher ist die Beutesumme für
Mission 3 variabel, je nachdem, wieviel Du in Mission 1 hast mitgehen lassen. Logo?
- Auf der Westseite von Mission 3 ist überhaupt nichts zu holen. Falls Du es hinüberschaffst,
langweile Dich nicht, Du weißt nun Bescheid.

Play Information

Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Hard & Expert require more loot and have a few extra AI.
Otherwise, they are virtually identical to Normal.
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/Yes
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
Subtitles : Yes
New models : Yes
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : Yes English, German, Spanish
Briefing : Video


Base : Scratch
Build Time : 3 years


Voice Acting

- Bikerdude as the Gate Thief
- Thor as Iago
- Sly Fox as Garrett (stolen from A Dire Return, by Intruder)


- Zappenduster (DE)
- Kubrick (ES)

Beta Testers

- vfig
- Mikko
- Bikerdude
- Pete (aka RippedPhreak)
- Mat99
- Myles (aka lordhern)


- Nameless Voice and Telliamed


- Arx, Komaokc, Nameless Voice, photorealistic, texturelib.com, Undying, Vigil, Yandros, HDRI Haven
Cubemap Pack

Objects & AI

- BlackThief
BT_Bed1, BT_Bed2, bt_sbed1
- Cardia
FintanaR1, lionadas, cadeirote1, meddoor2, Arpe, deskseca, larm, orb, oolight, ndoor3, ndoor10b,
ftop, WOODFRAM, linjbook, bafDsept, DOORFRAM
- Christine
cstepp01, cstepp11, cstepp14, cstepp19, cstepp20, cstepp25, csuhr1, csvase02, cspfla01, cspfla02,
cspfla03, cspfla04, cspfla08, cspfla08b, cspfla09, cspfla10, csgard4, csspieg, csspiegel2,
csvorh13a, csvorh15a, feathers, LBvorh13a, NHcurt1, NHcurt1G, NHcurt1O, NHcurt1R, lily, lily2
- Dale
DLPetal6, DL_Amul, DL_Back
- DarkShadow
bluchair, blkbok, blubok, goldbok, redbok, solobed, solobed3, solobed4, solobed5, solobed6
- DC Project
palmtree, Tieboat, chim1
- Dreaming Boy
- DromEd Deluxe (Rob Hicks)
actorm, actorw, AdeptF1, AdeptF2, AdeptM1, AdeptM2, amage, bug3, burricks, crayman, exppris2,
exppris3, expwo1, hambow, mage2, merchan6, merchan7, merchant, monkey2, necro, opguestm,
opguestw, thiefarr, thiefbow
- Elvis
BeermugE, BeermugF, BeermugH, stataphr, Wgnwheel
- Eshaktaar
rarmoire, rdresser, Easel, pyrlampc, pyrlampy, anchair, xplant
- FireMage
bookcase, openvial
nbed01, nbed02
- Greenhorn
ghrub, ghstrbA, Cabbage, Cabbages, ghblkiA, ghrkkiA
- Hammerite Imperium
txpillar1, txpillar3
- John Denison
- LarryG
WineBot07, WineBot08wo, PotLeaf1, AnArmBand1, AnRtlDagger, lgPaint062c06, lgPaint062d07,
lgPaint062e08, lgPaint062f09, lgPaint062l07, lgPaint068k28, lgPaint068o40, lgPaint068x41,
lgPaint069v22, lgPaint070a29, lgPaint070c30, lgPaint07a10, lgPaint07b10, lgPaint07c10,
lgPaint07d10, lgPaint07e10, lgPaint07f10, lgPaint07g10, lgPaint099a29, lgPaint099b30,
lgPaint099c31, lgPaint099e07, lgPaint099i11, lgPaint225a35, lgPaint225d38, lgPaint225e35,
lgPaint225f35, lgPaintLucA, lgPaintLucB, lgPaintLucC, lgPaintLucD, lgPaintLucE, lgPaintLucF,
lgPaintLucG, lgPaintLucH, lgPaintTap08, NamePlate, spaner
- Marcelo Rivera
- Nameless Voice
DecTable, Bottle2, TrBottle, labamp6b, matress, gong2, MMdoor, NVCandelabrum, NVCornerCabinet,
NVLamp01b, NVLamp01r, NVLanternW01, NVPocketWatch
- Nicked
troplant, domeint, wlectern, chand, vbench, rndbush
- Nielsen74
10boogry74, 10LCBoo74, 5LCBoo74, 10BooRed74, BarStool74, Fac74a, Fac74b, 10BooYel74, ThiefBag,
- OttoJ55
jofane, clocktower, house01, house02, house03, house04, house05, house06, locker03, rrustgate
- photorealistic
TudorA, TudorB
- R Soul
rugRS, banqChairRS, jugRS, bookpile, roofwin2RS, art_1002, bannerRS, banqChairLB, banqtableRS,
dhlightsglassRS, OrnateBox1RS
- Schwaa
s_Keg, tmplhng2, tmplwlmp
- Sluggs
gazlite, slgsign, firehole, rail1, build1, build2, balloon, balloon1, balloon2
- Soul Tear
Ballerina, BRS_Gargoyle, chairdes1, ST_Blackjack
- Targa
huntwin, nymphwin, column, column1
- TDBonko
PlqStGe, isis, magstat2, skely, scul
- Team Calendra
WalCndle, chalice1
- Team CoSaS
TF-Chair4, jcg-3chair01, jcg-cushchr6, jcg-cushcoj02, jcg-cushcoj03, jcg-cushcoj07, jcg-cushcoj10,
jcg-cushcou6, jcg-cushj02, jcg-cushj03, jcg-cushj04, jcg-cushj06, jcg-cushott6, jcg-fancouch2,
jcg-sofchr4a, jcg-vformch1, jcg-vicobl02, jcg-vicobl04, jcg-vicwch03, jcg-vicwch05, jcg-vicwch06,
TF-LCouch1, TF-LCouch2, cscab1, dghdeskmd, dghdesksm, dghdressersm, dgpcabtable, dgpdesklg,
dgpdesksm, dgrdesksm, dgrdressersm, ir3-cscab1, openchst1, openchst2, dectab5, dectab7, dectab8,
dghtable, dgptable, jtg-bedsit04, jtg-bedsit06, jtg-coftab16, jtg-coftab18, jtg-plantst6,
jcg-Kduds01, jcg-Kduds02, jcg-Kduds08, cosF1, cosF3, cosF4, cosF6, cosPot, longpot, cglb01,
gldlite3, OPLIGHT, crown1, jdrg-cdrap06
- Team Rose Cottage
rcrrug1, rcrrug2, bed1, bed2, rcbath, rcbc1, rcbc2, sheet, crowbar, rcfern, rcblamp, schand1,
schand4, walligh2, NHbed1, NHbed2, NHbed3, NHbed4, obint, rcpai10, rcpcjar, ropecl
- Team T2x
paint33, paint39, paint39a, paint40, paint41, paint42, paint43, paint44, paint46, paint49,
paint49a, paint50, paint51, paint69, paint70, paint71, paint73, paint73a, paint77, smugdeskW,
smugdrwrW, txstool, gearnew1
- The Watcher
hangbrse, smallgas
- Undying Textures
Door_A01, Door_A02, DOOR_B03, Door_M01
- vfig
adchandel (Art Deco hanging lamp)
- Vigil
book_br, book_ham, book_pgn, book_01, book_02, book_03, bookbeam, mandrake, redbeam, yellbeam,
cobweb1, cobweb2, cobweb3, cobweb4, openbk, openbk01, openbook
- Von.Eins
flasa, bonesaw
- Yandros
prsnt03, below, igate04, res_cube, res_pnth, res_poster
- Ymochel


- George Frideric Handel - Sarabande
- Procol Harum - In Held 'Twas In I
- Hammerite Imperium - Cold


Includes sound effects made by Gigagooga.
Includes sound effects made by Sephy.
Includes sound effects made by Ryan Smith (aka Sibernethy, Blinn Audio).
Includes sound effects made by Looking Glass Studios (TG, T2, SS2).

This level is ©2023 by the author.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive and this file are kept intact.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.


• Uploaded 12.05.2023
• Size 141.25 Mb
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