
Released: Wednesday December 5, 2012
Title : Precious
Filename : Precious
Version : 1.1a
Author : Michael A. Cleveland (AntiMatter_16)
Contact info :
They say you're one of the best... and that you know how to be
discreet, which is exactly what I need right now. John Everett, a
corrupt politician and crime boss I've dedicated the last several years
of my life to putting out of business, has kidnapped my daughter, Ariel,
and is threatening her life unless I retire from public service, and
give up trying to expose him. I can't let let him win... and I can't
lose my only daughter! I need you to break into his house where he's
holding her, and rescue her unharmed. Please! I love my daughter more
than life itself, and I'll pay you as well as I can for her safe return.
I pray you do not fail...
Author's Comments:
AM16 here, I started work on this mission over a year ago, but
it's been on the shelf for most of that time. It's a small city mission
contained in a 64' cube. I dedicated a lot of time to efficiently using
all the space possible in the mission in interesting ways and creating
some interesting gameplay. I think ghosters will find it a pleasant
challenge. I hope you enjoy playing the mission as much as I did making
Thanks for playing!
Special Thanks to my testers, Jonescrusher, Nickie, and Nightwalker.
Additional Notes:
This mission requires Thief2 1.22. It also utilizes tnhScript.osm
which is included.
I recommend enabling newmantle in cam_ext.cfg. It's not mandatory, but
it will make a couple things a little easier.
Added Optional Ghosting Objective on Expert
Added Map/Automap
Added a number of Difficulty differences
Added Menu Graphic
Fixed placement and physics of a number of objects
Fixed tip cost description to reflect actual cost
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age 1.19 only
Level Name : Precious
File Name : Miss24.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/Yes
EAX Support : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No
Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, Expert
* Construction *
Base : File -> New
Map Size : Small
Build Time : Who knows, maybe 100 hours.
* Loading Information *
Darkloader and FMSel ready.
* Copyright Information *
This mission is copyright 2012 by Michael A. Cleveland
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and
the package is kept intact. You may not include this level in any map
pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this
mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass
Studios, Eidos Interactive, or Ion Storm.
Released: Wednesday December 5, 2012
Title : Precious
Filename : Precious
Version : 1.1a
Author : Michael A. Cleveland (AntiMatter_16)
Contact info :
They say you're one of the best... and that you know how to be
discreet, which is exactly what I need right now. John Everett, a
corrupt politician and crime boss I've dedicated the last several years
of my life to putting out of business, has kidnapped my daughter, Ariel,
and is threatening her life unless I retire from public service, and
give up trying to expose him. I can't let let him win... and I can't
lose my only daughter! I need you to break into his house where he's
holding her, and rescue her unharmed. Please! I love my daughter more
than life itself, and I'll pay you as well as I can for her safe return.
I pray you do not fail...
Author's Comments:
AM16 here, I started work on this mission over a year ago, but
it's been on the shelf for most of that time. It's a small city mission
contained in a 64' cube. I dedicated a lot of time to efficiently using
all the space possible in the mission in interesting ways and creating
some interesting gameplay. I think ghosters will find it a pleasant
challenge. I hope you enjoy playing the mission as much as I did making
Thanks for playing!
Special Thanks to my testers, Jonescrusher, Nickie, and Nightwalker.
Additional Notes:
This mission requires Thief2 1.22. It also utilizes tnhScript.osm
which is included.
I recommend enabling newmantle in cam_ext.cfg. It's not mandatory, but
it will make a couple things a little easier.
Added Optional Ghosting Objective on Expert
Added Map/Automap
Added a number of Difficulty differences
Added Menu Graphic
Fixed placement and physics of a number of objects
Fixed tip cost description to reflect actual cost
Lots of other stuff I've forgotten
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age 1.19 only
Level Name : Precious
File Name : Miss24.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/Yes
EAX Support : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No
Briefing : No
Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, Expert
* Construction *
Base : File -> New
Map Size : Small
Build Time : Who knows, maybe 100 hours.
* Loading Information *
Darkloader and FMSel ready.
* Copyright Information *
This mission is copyright 2012 by Michael A. Cleveland
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and
the package is kept intact. You may not include this level in any map
pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this
mission without my express permission.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass
Studios, Eidos Interactive, or Ion Storm.
• Uploaded 01.05.2015
• Size 6.15 Mb