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A Thief 2 Fan Mission
by Nick Dablin (nicked)

Title : Ravensreach
Author : Nick Dablin (nicked)
Game : Thief 2
Contact info : nickdablin@gmail.com
Date of release : 01/01/2022
Version : 1.0

"The sanctuary violated; thorns o'erflowing,
Suffer not the living to pass.
The lifeless crawl to choke the light,
Dry pages flutter in the dark..."

Keepers... I can't seem to avoid them no matter how hard I try. It took all of my patience to get
some sense out of the man. It seems the Keepers' prophecies speak of another dangerous book, one
that they've tasked me to recover... for a price of course.

Some years ago, three brothers got their hands on the Book of Thorn, a volume of blood magic and one
of the sister tomes to the Book of Ash. Deep in their ancestral mountain fastness of Ravensreach,
the brothers argued and fought over who should get to use the Book's unholy powers.

Reaching a stalemate, they locked the Book away deep beneath their stronghold, and agreed that none
of them would act until the others were dead. There the brothers and their retinues remained, each
locked in his own part of the fortress, each plotting to outlive his fellows and secure the book,
while to the outside world, the fortress of Ravensreach became known as a haunted place, dared by

Recently, a party of heroic adventurers, led by the celebrated knight Sir Haldorn Redcloak, vowed to
rid the fortress of its evil presence. For the Keepers, whether they succeed or fail is of little
consequence; what matters is that the Book of Thorn doesn't come to light and begin spreading its
corrupting influence once more.

My task is to follow Sir Haldorn's trail and recover the Book of Thorn before it's unearthed by less
careful hands than mine...

Notes and Known Bugs

- This mission contains a lot of spiders and spider-related shenanigans. Arachnophobes be warned!
- This mission has been deliberately designed to be lo-fi in style. It is highly recommended to
disable all mods and texture packs so as not to clash with the intended experience.
- I have disabled texture filtering by default. If your eyes can't handle the crisp pixelly look,
you can disable this by opening fm.cfg and putting a ; in front of the line that says:
tex_filter_mode 0
- Requires New Dark version 1.27 or higher.
- New mantle should be turned ON. It should be set automatically by fm.cfg but if you get stuck
somewhere, it's worth checking this setting in your cam_ext.cfg.
- You can probably climb where you're not supposed to if you really try.
- Sometimes the AIs can get stuck here and there, particularly if they've been fighting each other.
- If you encounter any completely invisible (rather than partially visible and shimmery) enemies,
ensure that use_d3d_display and d3d_disp_enable_distortionfx are enabled in cam_ext.cfg

Play Information

File names : miss18.mis, crunch.gam
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert - no major objective changes, just loot and minor
differences in enemy placement and equipment availability.
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/Yes
New graphics : Yes (see resource list below)
New sounds : Yes (see resource list below)
Subtitles : No
New models : Yes (see resource list below)
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : Not yet - please message me if you are interested in translating.
Briefing : No


Base : Scratch
Build Time : Approx 1 year, on and off.


Many thanks to my beta testers for helping get this mission into the best possible shape:

- marbleman
- DirkBogan
- vfig
- [Snake]
- Psych0sis
- Mat99


Many textures from Thief Gold.
Additional textures from textures.com
Additional textures from davegh.com
Paintings all done by an AI (Wombo).
Mountain distant art modified from textures by Haplo.


AI skins - some by Purgator (modified by me)
- one made from edited parts of a texture from TDBonko
- most made from stock or Thief Gold textures by me


Custom objects all by me unless otherwise stated (using textures from stock, textures.com or

New Spider - R Soul
Heavy chain - Eshaktaar
Cobwebs - Vigil
Coffin - Team Rose Cottage
New Banner skins - modified from textures made by OttoJ55
Table & Chairs - Eshaktaar


- Custom sounds - many sounds from Thief Gold
- Additional sounds from System Shock 2
- Candle snuff sound from R Soul
- Several ambients by gigagooga

Additional sounds by Freesound Users:
- jvitorml
- vero.marengere
- egomassive
- christo13
- Metzik
- Bertsz
- Samulis

Most modified by me to some degree.


Additional Thanks to:

- The authors of all custom scripts, particularly Telliamed and NamelessVoice.
- Everyone on the TTLG Editor's Guild forum and the Dromed Discord channel, for helping me out over
the years.
- Shadowspawn for the Motion editing tools and documentation


• Uploaded 01.01.2022
• Size 78.53 Mb
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