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A Short Night's Work


Title : A Short Night's Work
Author : Bryan Gleason (alias BBB)
Contact Info :
Homepage : n/a
Date Finished : December 25, 2017

Briefing :I had the strangest encounter of my successful thieving career the other night. While sipping a draft beer at the McHenry?s Pub, I was approached by 3 local nobles. My first reaction was this must be a setup. I was a little uncomfortable as I had robbed one of them of a special gold chalice a while back, but since I am so stealthy, he never knew who the perpetrator was. In any case, they told me they had a job for me and they were willing to pay handsomely for my service. I was intrigued. Evidently, they were completely fed up with the Mayor of the town and his shenanigans. It was well known the Mayor had been shaking down local nobles and merchants for years under the guise that he was providing security and protection for their businesses. He had collected a significant amount of what appears to be bribe payments to keep him off their backs. Working with the city council proved no help for the locals. They went on to explain they wanted me to break into his house, crack the safe and rob him blind. I was to deliver the loot to one of the noble?s castles in 3 nights. They would provide transportation. Sounded like a reasonable job for a pretty tidy fee. I tried to appear aloof and disinterested, but when they put 50 gold on the table as a down payment for services to be rendered and paid my bar bill, I could not say no. I guess it is time to go to work.


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Title : A Short Night's Work
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
Multi-Language Support : No

Briefing : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, and Expert

* Construction *

Base : No base, built from scratch
Build Time : Seems like forever. It has been years part time. Never enough time for Dromed.


* Loading Information *

DarkLoader ready. Runs from Darkloader. Leave the file ZIPPED - DO NOT UNZIP this file, but put the whole thing into whatever folder/directory you want to on your hard drive, then in Darkloader setup, point to this folder/directory, and the mission should show up in the Darkloader main screen.


* Copyright Information *

This mission is ? 2017 by BBB.

Thanks to KOMAG for getting me started with his famous tutorial.
Thanks to voice actors ? BBB, Lord Matt, Lady Amalia, Random_Taffer and Mallory DuPuy
Thanks to terrific testers who made this mission much, much better (they always do)- Nightwalker, Freddy Fox and Peter Smith.
Thanks to everyone at the TTLG forums for their help! Best community on the planet. It is truly extraordinary.
Thanks to all the players. Unless we all keep playing fan missions, the community and Thief will die.
Finally, thanks to Looking Glass Studios who has provided me with years of incredible enjoyment. I have been mesmerized ever since I blacked Benny by the well in Lord Bafford and it has never changed. Absolute genius work!

Distribution of this level is allowed in any way, shape or manner you wish.
However, you must leave the mission intact and give me credit for it. Have fun!

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

• Uploaded 25.12.2017 • Size 13.97 Mb
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