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Timoteus :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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25 January 2003
Title : Timoteus
Filename : Tym.zip
Author : Timon
Contact info : Tomeksz@poczta.fm
Version : 1.1
English translation by : Jericho Barimen
Translator's Contact : jericho_barimen@yahoo.com
Proofreading & help : Long Finger
Proofreader's Contact : VanBaalenTon@netscape.net

The author wishes to thank the translators (Jericho Barimen and Long Finger) for their work and efforts with the English translation of Timoteus FM.

Mission Briefing :
These days, you can only be safe if you are dead. The almighty hand of the Capitula will reach everyone, everywhere, even the smallest and the best hidden.
In fact, a huge part of the city starts begging in the streets as a way to survive. They are not considered citizens, but they live with us and they let us realize how rich and happy we are. Yet sometimes their existance does not suit to the city's image and its might. The meeting held by the Capitula was finally decisive. It was decided that the beggars will be shown the place where they belong - the dungeons and the worst parts of the city.
They hit with great precision, today Timoteus was captured, a friend since the early years, today the King of the beggars. He was charged with the murder of the wealthy merchant from the fish market, called Bazil. Everything was stinking, Timoteus was accused of murder by Sheriff Norbert, the Capitula's favorite. Yet, not everything is lost, the chance to save Timoteus is to provide a good alibi. A full purse can do miracles, a well respected and and what's more important, a wealthy weaponsmith Michael will make an announcement tomorrow. He will claim that at the day of the murder Timoteus stayed in his small dungeon, caught when trying to steal his chicken. Two days later he escaped and demolished two barrels and some minor equipment on his way. Sounds hilarious, but only this kind of alibi and this kind of person can save Timoteus' head. Provide Timoteus who was arrested with the alibi, so tomorrow he can tell the judges during the trial what happened on this feral day. It's better that he is punished for stealing chicken, rather than for murder. Besides, the weaponsmith Michael will demand that the court lets him decide what the punishment will be and according to the local law he has the right for such a demand......
Playing the mission:

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission File : miss22.mis
Gamesys File : tym24.gam (required)
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store : no
Map : no
Automap : no
New graphics : yes
New sounds : no
EAX Support : ???
Briefing : no
Multi language : yes
Known bugs :

Playing : Install using Darkloader, don't unzip the file

Building Info

Base : from scratch
Map Size : big

Build Time : from 01.05.2002 till XX.09.2002

Special thanks to:

Paweuek - for Polish flies, big thing,
Schwaa - objects,
Nameless Voice - objects,
Edward Vaillancourt - textures,
Bukary,Vk,Radek - beta-testers,
Bukary i PiotrS - for TFCD,
Ania - for patience and understanding !!!!!!!!!!
authors of all the online tutorials and information,

This mission was created as the result of various attempts, but I hope that the players will enjoy it at least a little bit. I had a lot of fun during mission-building. Please send any of your comments to my email provided above in my Contact info.
(translator's comment - since the author is non English-speaking, you might want to send an email to me, I will translate and forward -- Jericho Barimen)


This level was not made by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos, nor is it supported by them. All of
their copyrights and responsibilities go with this FM as they decree, which isn't much. I give what permission I can to allow it to be freely distributed intact as long as credit is given to them and me.

• Uploaded 25.01.2003
• Size 5.15 Mb
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