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The Tower of Karras :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The Tower of Karras

Oct. 13 2001

Author : stikboy
Contact Info : stikboy@stikboy.org
Homepage : http://www.stikboy.org/vault
Date of Release : Oct. 13, 2001

Description : My first mission. A demo for a grappling hook. This is also the first mission in the series - The Star of Aklam.

Story : I have heard of a tower that Karras had built to hide his most precious treasure, The Star of Aklam. Since Karras'
departure, this tower has been abandoned, except for a couple of guards who are paid to keep the vandals out. The building has fallen
to ruin since Karras' departure. I hope there is an easy way in.

The Star of Aklam is a huge diamond that could pay for the retirement of anyone lucky enough to come across it. I think
the diamond may still be in the tower, as Karras had the only key to the safe. The safe should be located in the basement.

Also, it is also rumored that the Star brings bad luck to anyone who possesses it. It's a good thing I don't believe in luck.

Briefing : No


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2
Mission Title : The Tower of Karras (beta)
File Name : miss26.mis
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment Store : No
Map : Yes
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : No
New Objects : Yes - A grappling hook - 3D model by schwaa - http://schwaa.the3dstudio.com/Baddcog/Baddcog.html
Multi-Language Support : No

Briefing : No
Length : N/A
Size : N/A

Difficulty Level Info : Normal

* Construction *

Base : None
Build Time : After numerous rebuilds and design changes, 6 months

Bugs : The only known bug at this time, is for some reason the grappling hook will start to stick to anything. You will notice this when
it deploys 2 ropes. I don't know why this happens, and if you restart the game it starts working properly again.

* Acknowledgements *
So many, I don't know where to begin:) clayman for wanting a grppling hook for so long, ricknmel for kickstarting the design of the grappling hook,
Lord Downey (Master Assassin) for not letting the idea die, schwaa for the 3D grappling hook, Sledge for his wonderful S&R tutorial, Totality for his
3D importing tutorial, and numerous others ot both EIDOS and TTLG for ideas that helped make this work.

But most of all, my family. For not complaining too much when I was locked in Dromed hell and wouldn't come out;)


* Loading Information *

Use DarkLoader.


* Copyright Information *

Copyright (c) October 2001 by Stikboy

Permission is granted to freely play and distribute this level provided it
remains whole and intact.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 12.10.2001
• Size 819.48 Kb
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