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The violent End of Duncan Malvein :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The violent End of Duncan Malvein


A Thief 2 Fan Mission

Filename : miss19.mis, 20thT2.gam
Author : Nick Dablin (nicked)
Game : Thief 2
Contact info : nickdablin@gmail.com
Date of release : 18/05/2020
Version : 1.1

* Briefing *

I had been planning to break into the manor of Lord Duncan Malveine for some time, since the old
goat was in possession of the world's largest diamond, the "Star of S?raphine". A score like that
would set me up for a long time. I thought I had all the time in the world to carefully gather
maps and information before I made my move. Unfortunately, someone decided to kill Lord Malveine,
and there's no telling whether or not the diamond will still be in his vault once the will has
been read.

I was all ready to give it up as a missed opportunity when my fence put me in touch with a
mysterious stranger who claims to have been a close friend of Duncan Malveine. This fellow kept
his face hidden and his voice low; I guess it wouldn't do for members of the aristocracy to be
seen associating with ruffians like me. However, what he had to say intrigued me, and the bag of
gold he gave me intrigued me even further.

He believes that Duncan was murdered by someone in the household - one of his family, or maybe a
servant or regular guest of the house. He wants me to break in and see if I can find out who
among them committed the murder. Apparently he's due to visit the household tomorrow for the
funeral. Once I find out who the killer is, I'm to leave a sign by illuminating a painting of the
guilty party in the mansion's portrait gallery. My mysterious benefactor claims to have enough
influence over the family to ensure justice is done, and he's provided me with a detailed map of
the place.

Whoever he is, he seems hell-bent on revenge and has nothing but disdain for the rest of
Malveine's family. He couldn't care less if I steal the Star of S?raphine, as long as I can tell
him who killed his friend. Still, this job could bring a lot of heat my way, so I'll see if I can
frame someone else for the theft while I'm there.

This'll be a challenging job, but with the diamond and the money I'm getting for revealing the
murderer, it'll be worth the risk...

* v1.1 Changelist

- Adjusted the timing on a scripted sequence that was finishing before some players could see it.
- Blocked a couple of doors that were allowing players to frob items behind them when they
- Made a system to check off an objective more reliable as it was occasionally breaking for some
- Added a failsafe switch to reset all portrait lights to off. If your "accuse someone of the
murder" objective seems to be broken, try pressing this button to reset everything.
- Included a couple of corrections to the French translation.
- Fixed a clue that was not working properly in one of the murder scenarios.

* Notes and Known Bugs *

- The idea of this mission is to get you to think like a detective. One of your main goals is to
determine who committed the murder. You will not fail the mission for getting this wrong - your
objective is simply to accuse one person. However, the ending will change depending on whether
you got it right or not. There are clues spread throughout the mansion; it's worth interacting
with everything, even things that look like useless objects - they might be a vital piece of
the puzzle! You also have two Notes pages to help keep track of motives, alibis and other such
useful information. Read everything carefully, keep notes and you might just solve the crime.
Or feel free to ignore the whole thing, accuse whoever you like, and just enjoy robbing the
place. It's up to you!
- This mission makes extensive use of RANDOM elements. Some parts of the mission are randomised
upon starting the mission, including the identity of the murderer. If you replay, you might find
a whole new set of clues waiting for you.
- All the exterior windows will change from lit to unlit if all the lights are off in the room
- Guards will always try to turn lights back on. Sometimes the clunky AI gets confused and they
fail, but mostly this works.
- Guards will swap weapons. If you are nearby, they'll come at you with a sword. If you run far
enough away, they'll switch to a bow. It looks a little weird sometimes.
- This was originally going to be my entry for the Thief 2: The Metal Age 20th Anniversary
Contest. It quickly got out of hand, and so has been released separately.
- There may still be some bugs with cameras getting stuck or turning back on after they've been
turned off.
- I have attempted to stay within the spirit of the contest as much as possible. There are a
smattering of custom objects, either for narrative purposes, or to lower the cell count of the
mission by using less bsp. However, the vast majority of the mission has been deliberately made
with no custom resources, and it is best experienced without any custom texture/object packs.
- Installs and runs through FMSel and Angelloader. Other loaders have not been tested and are used
at your own risk. Do not use Darkloader, it is outdated and unsupported.
- Requires New Dark version 1.27b or higher.
- New mantle should be turned ON. It should be set by fm.cfg but if you get stuck somewhere, it's
worth checking this setting in your cam_ext.cfg.

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2
File names : miss19.mis, 20tht2.gam
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert - Harder difficulties have more guards, higher loot
requirements, and less security cameras can be turned off, but no story
elements are difficulty-dependent.
Equipment store : Yes
Map/Automap : Yes/Yes
New graphics : Very few, mostly modified original textures.
New sounds : A smattering. Mostly from Thief 1, or modified original sounds.
New models : Very few.
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : Yes (French and German)
Briefing : No

* Construction *

Base : Scratch
Build Time : Approx 1 year.

* Many thanks to my beta testers for helping get this mission into the best possible shape. *

Peter Smith

* Thanks to the translators for non-English versions and additional bug fixes *

German: Zappenduster
French: Apiai/Athalle

* Additional Thanks to *

- Yandros and skacky for hosting the contest that originally inspired this mission.
- The authors of all custom scripts, particularly Telliamed and NamelessVoice.
- Jax64 for a specific script to fix an audio problem.
- Everyone on the TTLG Editor's Guild forum for helping me out over the years.
- Brethren and Tannar for the very useful Southquarter testing forum.
- fortuni and Athalle for setting me up with the great resource of the Shadowbox translation forum.

* Copyright Information *

This level is ? 2020 by the author.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive and this file are kept intact.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.


Custom Objects:

Mechanist Angel Lamp - made by the author (stock textures)
Chimneys - made by the author (stock textures)
Roofs - made by the author (stock textures)
Roof Details - made by the author (stock textures)
Snooker balls - made by the author
Knight helmets - made by Troutpack
Modified Sofa/Bench - made by the author (from stock resources)
Texture Replaceable painting - made by the author (stock textures)
Bloody handkerchief - made by the author (from stock resources)
Playing cards - made by the author (stock texture + playing card textures by
Byron Knoll (http://code.google.com/p/vector-playing-cards/),
edited by me)
Playing card suit books and keys - made by the author (from stock resources)
Chalk Outline - made by the author
Golden Arrow - made by the author (from stock resources)
Idol & metal face - made by the author (from stock resources)
Treasure sword - made by the author (from stock resources)

Custom Meshes:

Knight/suit of armour - made by Troutpack (evil_knight.bin/.cal, evil_knight.gif)
Tudor Woman 2 - made by Purgator/OttoJ55 (TudorW02.bin, TudorW02.png)
Kid skin - made by Purgator - Boy01.png
Noble Woman 1 - made by Purgator (BNoblW01.bin, BNoblW01.cal, BNoblW01.png)
Uniformed Man - made by Purgator (UniForm1.bin, UniForm1.cal, UniForm1.png)
Foppish Man - made by Purgator (fop.bin, fop.cal, dvdrossi_7.png, dvdrossi_8.png)
Fat Bafford - made by Purgator (FatBafford.bin, FatBafford.cal, FBafford.png)
New Noble - made by Purgator (Noble08.png)
Thief 1 Hammer Priest - from Thief 1
Idol - made by the author, from stock mesh with modified stock textures.
New guard models - made by the author, from stock objects - Textures modified from Purgator's
guard skins


20th family - made by the author, mostly from screenshots/stock resources
Some textures - from Thief Gold


Some audio - from Thief 1
Music Box sound - made by gumballworld (Freesound.org)

• Uploaded 17.05.2020
• Size 80.30 Mb
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