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Bathory The Campaign :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Bathory The Campaign

Báthory The Woman With Dark Desire Prologue I. Blood And Ice II. All Souls’ Day III. Menial Faithfulness IV. Pagan Fear V. Fallen Epilogue __________________________________________ Playing Information: Game : Thief II - The Metal Age 1.18 Title: BÁTHORY – The Campaign Language Support : English Version: 1.2a Contact: csabisensut@gmail.com Released : 08 31, 2010. Updated : 11 06, 2010. Requirements: - Thief II - The Metal Age 1.18; - DarkLoader 4.3, GarrettLoader 1.4 or above; This campaign is compatible with all latest Thief II patches on Aug. 2010 (NV’s EP1, COK’s Sound Pack and the latest DDFX and WideScreen patch). I highly recommend the use of these patches! Known bugs: general Thief 2 bugs only. Custom scripts by: Telliamed (tnhScript, version; VKGaylesaver (script 1.2.0); LGS’ T2 Gen (version 27 March, 2000.). *The renamed modules are included and are installed automatically. For manual installation of these modules are details in „install_scripts” in the mission zip. Construction: Editor : Rob Hicks’ Dromed Deluxe 1.0 (DeDx) updated with DromEdToolkit 1.0 by Nameless Voice. Programs used: Corel PaintShop Pro X (graphics); Anim8tor 0.95 (objects); HDD FreeHexEditor 3 (objects); Sony Sound Forge 7 (sounds); Sony Vegas Movie Studio 6 (movies). Build Time : I don’t know. 3 years and a few hours J. __________________________________________ Thanks…! … for the help to: Nightwalker and Bernie (texts, beta test) Nickie (texts , beta test) Mabsy (texts, beta test) Gloria Creep (beta test) Bob_doe_nz (beta test) Chiron (beta test) Ravenhook (beta test) Kittykat (beta test) Undead Gamer (beta test) Sneaksie Raven (beta test) Garrett’s Shadow (beta test) Hotlyx (beta test) Bikerdude (beta test) … for the collaboration to: HgL (design) Attila (design) Emilia (voices) Lilith (voices) Special thanks to Teri Tordai for Elizabeth’s two hungarian comments in „Fallen”. … for the objects by: Greenhorn , Pinkdot, COSAS Team by Digital Nightfall ,Yametha and Redleaf; Targa, TDBonko, Jason Otto, Nielsen74, Nameless Voice, Schwaa, Sluggs, R Soul, Christine, The Watcher, Eshaktaar, Gort, Ar-Zimrathon, Hrothgar, Vigil, Dark Arrow, Timon, Flecha das Sombras, Alun Bestor, Syi, Ugly Ed, Raetsel, Troutpack, Zontic, Elvis and Don Willadsen. NOTE: I’ve reskinned some custom objects only for self usage, to reduce the palette counts and the size of the archive. … for the textures by : Pinkdot, Vigil and Purah; Quake III and other fan projects for the mighty iD Software’s game series; Remedy Entertainment; Dreamworks Interactive; David Gurrea - http://www.davegh.com/blade/davegh.htm ; Dark Fate site by Clearing - http://darkfate.ru/?show=files/editors/dromed/textures/textures ; CG Textures http://www.cgtextures.com ; Thief Gotcha. Menu designs by Annika Von Holdt - http://www.annikavonholdt.com . Special thanks to Jiansonz for the lootlists included in the package! Also thanks to Nameless Voice and the Authors of Thief Enhancemet Pack 1; and to the Authors for Dromed Deluxe. Game ambients by Lustmord, Jan Dusek and Shadow Sneaker. On victrolas Ennio Morricone and Randy Edelman. Movie themes by The Gathering. __________________________________________ This FM is © by Sensut. Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 06.11.2010
• Size 257.78 Mb
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